Our Peer Helpers PLUS program is a comprehensive, prevention and support program that partners with schools to promote the mental health of our youth, and teach them to advocate for one another. Learn More Multi-Tiered Support System Peer Helpers is an evidence based program which improves school climate and culture, as well as meets the needs of individual students. Check out the case studies and articles from our sister organization, Thriveway, to learn more. Take a Look Peer Helper Portal
Implementing a Peer Helper Program in Middle Schools
Peer Helping (Peer Helper, Peer Leaders, Peer Mentors etc.) -- Core Curriculum: The role of the peer helper is to help students be successful in their middle or high school lives. Peer support programs include activities such as assistance in one-to-one and group settings, academic/educational help, new student aid and other diverse activities of an interpersonal helping nature. School counselors are aware that students often communicate more readily to peers than adults. A peer helper program is a set of services for support of students in elementary, middle, and high school, who receive such support from trained peers. To unlock this lesson you must be a. 58 Portwest Court. St. Charles, MO 63303. Phone/Fax 888-691-1088.
[email protected]. Youth Light Bookstore. To purchase Peer Helping materials, please visit the Youthlight Bookstore.
Peer Helpers / Program Overview
Evaluate Peer Support. Evaluating peer support is important for designing peer support programs (e.g., training outcomes of peer supporters), understanding what peer support looks like (e.g., delivery of peer support events), and demonstrating program impact (e.g., quality of life, health outcomes). Knowing "when, how, and what to evaluate. Peer-helping programs typically work as follows. Professionals—usually a school counselor or teacher—train and support a group of students who then help other students by listening, providing information, and referring the students to others with the necessary expertise. Peer Helpers are students who are trained to recognize when their peers may have a problem, listen to fellow students confidentially and assist them with emotional, societal, or academic struggles. What is PEERhelp? There is hope. There is help. Calls to the peer line are answered by Certified Peer Recovery Specialists who have experienced substance use issues and mental health challenges in their lives.
Fairhope Middle School Peer Helper Program Scrapbook for 2012
Peer Helpers are students who are trained to recognize when their peers may have a problem, listen to fellow students confidentially and assist them with emotional, societal, or academic struggles. A teacher or school counselor is trained in the certified National Association of Peer Program Professionals curriculum to be prepared to serve as a. The Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program is designed to help outside typical hours (late nights and weekends), and the confidential service can address a variety of issues, including academic concerns, substance use or abuse, sexual and gender identity, and adjusting to college life, or just provide an ear to listen.
Peer Helpers may be involved in peer tutoring, mentoring, and other activities as needed. Peer Helpers are chosen in April/May each year, and are trained in August/September. Peer Helpers meet weekly during the school year. Fairhope Middle School's Peer Helper Program is certified by NAPP and funded by the Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation. Peer Helpers learn to recognize their own limits as helpers, and can be the link that is needed between young people and professional help. If you have any questions about our program, please contact our peer helper sponsor Monique Martinez at (505)831-0400 ext 58034.
PPT Peer HelpER Program Step 1 Getting Started PowerPoint
The Peer Helpers Program builds knowledge, resiliency, and coping skills in all students, and empowers them to be emotionally, socially, behaviorally, and academically successful for a lifetime. Learn More View all Foundation Partners Vend caravane en état à retaper ou autre sans carte grise. Le châssis en bon état. Les vitres et velux casser par la grêle dont quelques impact sur la caravane. Un trou dans le plancher du fond.