Premium Snowflake Clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris ORA Oceans

We consider the Snowflake Clownfish a true marvel of the marine aquarium community. Known scientifically as Amphiprion ocellaris, this variant of the common clownfish has won the hearts of aquarists with its unique and striking patterns. Premium Snowflake Ocellaris is a color variation of the regular Ocellaris Clownfish. Just like those super cooled droplets of water called snowflakes, no two of these unique fish look alike. The body color and general morphology of Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish is similar to the regular Ocellaris Clownfish, but the stripe pattern is very different.

ORA® CaptiveBred Black Snowflake Clownfish Fish and Coral Store

The Captive-Bred Premium Snowflake Clownfish is a popular variant of Amphiprion ocellaris that demonstrates an impressive amount of irregular white markings on the body. The edges of the white coloration will typically be jagged and angular. The Premium Snowflake Clownfish is an exquisite ocellaris variant. Its stunning white patterns and bright orange colors catch anyone's eyes with ease. Purchase size: 1.25″ - 1.5″ Feeding: Omnivore. Will eat nearly any marine fish food. Feed higher quality food or live food for a healthier, more vibrant fish. The Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris, features an orange body that has exaggerated white barring with unique pattern, the first and second bar merging on both sides to create a large white area.  The grading system evaluates the completion of patterns or bands on individual specimens. They are social and very peaceful with other species as well as other peaceful. The Captive-Bred Premium Black Snowflake Clownfish is an excellent choice for almost any saltwater aquarium hobbyist as captive-bred fish have unique advantages over wild-harvested species. Captive-bred fish are very hardy and more accustomed to conditions found in home aquariums.

Premium Snowflake Clownfish, CaptiveBred ORA® Aquarium

The premium snowflake clownfish, also known as the premium white-spotted angelfish is a saltwater fish that can be found in the Indo-Pacific. These fish are usually orange and blue with black stripes on their body but they sometimes have spots on them as well. They live at depths of 50 to 160 feet and like to hang out around coral reefs. ORA Premium Snowflakes are an especially striking form of A. ocellaris. They have an impressive amount of irregular white markings on the body. The edges of the white coloration will typically be jagged and angular. These elegant fish are carefully selected by our experienced graders and are available in extremely limited quantities. Saltwater Corals - 6 Fish - 1 Inverts - 1 Equipment and Supplies Light Fixtures - 1 Tanks - 2 The Premium Black Snowflake by ORA is an outstanding variant of the Black Ocellaris clownfish. The contrast between the black and strange white patterns gives the fish a majestic quality. Purchase size: 1.25″ - 1.5″ Feeding: Omnivore. Accepts most marine fish food. Feed higher quality food or live food for a healthier, more vibrant fish.

Premium Snowflake Clownfish 1 for Sale YouTube

Snowflake Clownfish Care Guide. Named for its unique white and black patterning, the snowflake clownfish is a relatively new species of reef fish. They are yellow-orange in color and have blue spots on their body, with the exception of white stripes on their head and tail fins. The genus name Amphiprion comes from two Greek words: amphi meaning. Premium Snowflake Ocellaris is a color variation of the regular Ocellaris Clownfish. Just like those super cooled droplets of water called snowflakes, no two of these unique fish look alike. The body color and general morphology of Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish is similar to the regular Ocellaris Clownfish, but the stripe pattern is very different. Premium Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish - Captive Bred - Small - 1" to 1.25" Sale price $59.99. In Stock; Shipping charges apply; Add to cart Quick view. Premium Picasso Percula Clownfish - Captive Bred - Small - 1" to 1.25" Sale price $59.99. Backordered; Shipping charges apply; Sold out Quick view. Common Name: Premium Snowflake Clownfish Scientific Name: A. Ocellaris Care Level: Easy Diet: Omnivore Temperament: Peaceful Reef Safe: Yes Max Size: 3-4 inches PH Range: 8.0-8.4 Temperature Range: 75-82 F Specific Gravity Range: 1.020-1.025 Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons Origin: Captive-bred in USA Manufacturer: ARS Clownfish


The Captive-Bred Premium Black Snowflake Clownfish is a new strain of clownfish. It was created by crossing Black Ice Snowflake Clownfish with Black Ocellaris Clownfish over multiple generations. The result is a spectacular new variety of Black Ocellaris that has unique patterning in each fish. This ORA® Captive-Bred Premium Snowflake Clownfish is an incredibly popular variation of Amphiprion Ocellaris, which displays the most impressive number of white marks that appear irregularly across the body. Edges of white coloring tend to be sharp. as the ORA Premium Snowflake Clownfish grows and ages, the edges of the white stripes will change to an attractive baby blue hue that is worthy.