PSA IMMO tool What is it, How to use, Car List, Review

PSA IMMO Tool is the newest PIN code calculator and IMMO emulator for Peugeot and Citroen from 2001 to 2018. With this tool, you will be able to extract the pin code from PSA engines in Peugeot and Citroen cars from 2001 to today! PSA IMMO tool is able to extract the pin code from PSA engines You can read the pin code from the ECU memory of all the engines Control Units, Sagem, Johnson controls and Valeo BSI units Car list: Peugeot and Citroen from 2001 to 2018 Function:

Pin code calculator PSA IMMO Tool for Peugeot and for Citroen from 2001

KIA HYUNDAI IMMO OFF STUDIO (new) PSA EDC17C60 TOOL (new) KIA-HYUNDAI EDC15C7 IMMO OFF MED17 EDC17 IMMO OFF TOOL PSA EDC17 MED17 VAG IMMO TOOL VAG PDC EEPROM TOOL BOSCH ECU Database MEDC17 EGPT PINOUT TOOL for PCMflash and KTM BENCH RadioCodeDatabase v2.0 Thanks given by: SAADI 007. Reply. rex89 Location Offline Junior Member PSA IMMO TOOL Mark Key Simulator PSA Pin code calculator for Peugeot Citroen from 2001 to 2018 - USD$129.99 - © 2005-2024 OBDTOOLS Copyright, All Rights Reserved. E-mail: [email protected] Yes, we all know immo off PSA (Citroën & Peugeot) BOSCH MEV17/EDC17 in EEPROM is possible Because of many requests we've added a simple tool to save your money and time. Calculation: 1 calculation = 1 token (never more, just simple as that!). Supported & Tested Bosch PSA ECU's: EDC17C10, EDC17C60, MEV17.4 and more. Currency = Euro 5 tokens = 24 ,95 Pin code calculator PSA IMMO Tool for Peugeot and for Citroen from 2001 to 2018 Newest PIN CALCULATOR and IMMO EMULATOR

PSA IMMO tool What is it, How to use, Car List, Review

With this PSA IMMO tool, you will be able to extract the pin code from PSA engines in Peugeot and Citroen cars from 2001 to 2018. The device has two main functions :one is pin code calculation via obd, it intercepts the signal from bsi to ecu, pin code from obd needs working key. Another function is the emulator programming this allows you to enter the pin code into the emu to run the car. With this PSA IMMO tool, you will be able to extract the pin code from PSA engines in Peugeot and Citroen cars from 2001 to 2018. The device has two main functions :one is pin code calculation via obd, it intercepts the signal from bsi to ecu, pin code from obd needs working key. Another function is the emulator programming this allows you to enter the pin code into the emu to run the car. supported system: abs, dpf, epb, sas, srs, tpms, psa, bsi, pin, key programming, immo off, ecu tool, avdi, read pin, ecu clone, diagbox, pp2000, lexia, actia, ktag With this PSA IMMO tool, you will be able to extract the pin code from PSA engines in Peugeot and Citroen cars from 2001 to 2018. The device has two main functions :one is pin code calculation via obd, it intercepts the signal from bsi to ecu, pin code from obd needs working key. Another function is the emulator programming this allows you to.

PSA Immo Tool Citroen Peugeot Kod Poufny PIN Klucz Świdnica Kup

Immo PIN Code Calculator v1.3.9 is a software that you can use it to calculate vehicle PIN code,and you don't need any interface for Immo PIN Code Calculator v1.3.9.But you need use other reader/programmer to get the immo dump file. Immo PIN Code Calculator v1.3.9 Installation Operation System: OS: Windows XP/7/8/10 Minimum Specifications: IMMO tool for PSA description With this PSA IMMO tool, you can use the PIN code of PSA engines in Peugeot and Citroen vehicles from 2001 to 2018. The device has two main functions: one is The PIN code calculation via OBD, it catches the signal from BSI to ecu, pin code from OBD needs working keys. Another function is the Emulator programming that allows you to enter the PIN code into the EMU. Hi interest to buy this PSA Immo tool How i can pass the payment pls Cheers Details sent in PM mate. KIA HYUNDAI IMMO OFF STUDIO (new) PSA EDC17C60 TOOL (new) KIA-HYUNDAI EDC15C7 IMMO OFF MED17 EDC17 IMMO OFF TOOL PSA EDC17 MED17 VAG IMMO TOOL VAG PDC EEPROM TOOL BOSCH ECU Database MEDC17 EGPT PINOUT TOOL for PCMflash and KTM BENCH. With this PSA IMMO tool, you will be able to extract the pin code from PSA engines in Peugeot and Citroen cars from 2001 to 2018. The device has two main functions :one is pin code calculation via obd, it intercepts the signal from bsi to ecu, pin code from obd needs working key. Another function is the emulator programming this allows you to.

PSA IMMO Tool OBD2 Key Simulator Support Vehicle from 2001 to 2018 Year

PSA IMMO Tool Mark Key Simulator for Peugeot Citroen from 2001 to 2018 Newest PIN Code Calculator and IMMO Emulator With this tool, you will be able to extract the pin code from PSA engines in Peugeot and Citroen cars from 2001 to today! The device has two main functions :one is pin code calculation via obd, it intercepts the signal from bsi to ecu, pin code from obd needs working key. PSA IMMO Tool is a hand-held PIN code calculator for PSA engines in Peugeot and Citroen cars from 2001 to 2018.PSA IMMO Tool allow you to calculate the PIN code by OBD,and you can use it work as emulator to programming:enter the pin code into emu to run the car without key. Solution: 1.Power on PSA IMMO Tool - wait until the LOCKED10.