Membuat Read More Automatis di Blogger

You can add a "read more" button to any position within in a blog post by using the "jump break" button in the post editing options: This means the full blog post is not shown on the homepage. People must click the "read more" button to access the full post. Today's tutorial is all about the "read more" jump link on Blogger. I'll go through how to add it to your blog, change the text, add the post title, add an image and customise the look of it. The default "read more" link doesn't really stand out and let people know that there's more to the post which is why most people like to change it.

Put Your Blogger Blog on Your Website

Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML > check on Expand Widget Templates find the following code Read More view raw readmorebutton1.html hosted with by GitHub Having a read-more option in your posts can highly encourage your readers' click-throughs and help you track your most popular entries. Adding read-more button is more than easy, read my tutorial here: How to Insert Read More Option on Blogger and WordPress? Default Blogger styling of a read-more button can look a bit boring and unnoticeable tho. 1. In your Blogger dashboard, go to Template > Edit HTML 2. Click inside of the editor text box and press CTRL+F (or CMD+F on Mac) to open the Find box in the top right corner. Inside the box, enter: