NieR Automata YoRHa 2B (Kainé's Outfit) Automata, Yorha 2b, Nier

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NieRAutomata Game heroine 2B Blue Dress Custom Made Cosplay Costume

Revealing Outfit is a Key Item in NieR:Automata introduced in the 3C3C1D119440927 DLC pack. Contents 1 Description 2 Location 3 Use 4 Trivia 5 Gallery Description [Equipment] A highly revealing piece of clothing for 2B that includes bandages for some reason. Location Revealing Outfit is a Key Item in NieR: Automata. Revealing Outfit changes the appearance of 2B where she wears the same costume as Kaine. Key Items are a category of Items that players can find and encounter in the game throughout their playthrough. HOW TO GET 2B's REVEALING OUTFIT, HAIR COLOR CHANGE, & EMIL BULLETSNIER AUTOMATA DLC 3C3C1D119440927⭐Be sure to leave a like and subscribe!🐥Twitter: https:/. NieR: Automata - Revealing Outfit for 2B (DLC)Nier: Automata is an action role-playing video game developed by PlatinumGames and published by Square Enix for.

NieRAutomata 2B Revealing outfit / SFM by lemon100 Nier automata

5/1/2017 Publisher: SQUARE ENIX CO. LTD. This DLC pack adDS "Revealing Outfit" costume for 2B, "Young Man's Outfit" costume for 9S and "Destroyer's Outfit" costume for A2. AfteR completing new sub quests in this DLC, you CAn enJOy playing the game while wearing these costumes from NieR Replicant. A simple mod that replaces 2B's Revealing Outfit (DLC Kainé outfit) with Purple Dress from Final Fantasy 7 Remake worn by Tifa Lockhart. FOR THE OUTFIT TO APPEAR IN GAME YOU NEED TO UNLOCK AND EQUIP REVEALING DRESS FROM INVENTORY/KEY ITEMS The Flooded City arena will give you the Revealing Outfit for 2B, the Desert arena gives you the Replicant outfit for A2, and the Forest arena rewards you with the new outfit for 9S. Do. 2B - Revealing Outfit inspired by Kaine. 9S - Young Man's Outfit inspired by Nier. A2 - Destroyer Outfit inspired by Nier . In case you were wondering what the name of the DLC means, we'll give you a hint: 3 Costumes, 3 Colosseums, 1 Dream and Date 119440927. As for what this means exactly, we'll leave that up to you to figure out!

NieR Automata Revealing Outfit for 2B (DLC) YouTube

The costumes include the "Revealing Outfit" for 2B, "Young Man's" Outfit for 9S, and the "Destroyer Outfit" for A2.. You can also change the hair color for 2B and 9S via hairsprays. This DLC pack adDS "Revealing Outfit" costume for 2B, "Young Man's Outfit" costume for 9S and "Destroyer Outfit" costume for A2. AfteR completing new sub-quests in this DLC, you CAn enJOy playing the game while WearINg these costumes from NieR Replicant. Sub-quests take the form of tHRee different battle challenges at three. This DLC pack adDS "Revealing Outfit" costume for 2B, "Young Man's Outfit" costume for 9S and "Destroyer's Outfit" costume for A2. AfteR completing new sub quests in this DLC, you CAn enJOy playing the game while wearing these costumes from NieR Replicant. Sub quests take the form of three different battle challenges at three. A mod that adds a latex leotard suit and removes the underwear on the default and revealing outfits.Removes 2B's white underwear Removes the Revealing outfit.

Dlc Full Form In Gaming DLC Base

Released after the original launch of NieR:Automata, the 3C3C1D119440927 Expansion DLC is included in the Game of the YoRHa Edition. It adds a host of new content to the game, including new story, costumes and arena battles. Three new outfits - the Revealing Outfit for 2B, the Young Man's Outfit for 9S and the Destroyer Outfit for A2. "This DLC pack adDS "Revealing Outfit" costume for 2B, "Young Man's Outfit" costume for 9S and "Destroyer's Outfit" costume for A2. AfteR completing new sub quests in this DLC, you CAn enJOy playing the game while wearing these costumes from NieR Replicant. Sub quests take the form of three different battle challenges at three.