Shani in The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone. Use your Witcher Senses to find something that can perk Shani's spirits up. You can do this one of three ways. Option one is to bring her a bottle. Shani Romance Guide - Hearts of Stone DLC advertisement During his quest in the Hearts of Stone expansion, Geralt can romance his old acquaintance Shani after attending a wedding feast..

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One of the most anticipated features of the Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone expansion is the potential for a unique romance with a fiery redhead named Shani. For this guide, we'll help you make all. Hearts of Stone Romance with Shani | The Witcher 3 By: Pavle Djordjevic Updated: Nov 25, 2015, 13:24 3 Comments Home » Witcher 3 » Hearts of Stone Romance with Shani | The Witcher 3 There is a new romance in The Witcher 3, added in the Hearts of Stone expansion. $59.99 IGN Store $49.99 IGN Store Fast-forward to better TV Skip the cable setup & start watching YouTube TV today - for free. Then save $22/month for 3 months. Dismiss Claim offer ** POSSIBLE. The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone - Love Scene: Shani ** POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD ** Geralt reignites the spark between him and his old flame Shani after a wedding feast during the Hearts of.

The Witcher 3 How To Romance Shani
Hearts of Stone introduces Shani, a surgeon who has ties to Geralt's past, into The Witcher 3. She serves as Geralt's steadfast companion for a large portion of the main narrative, planting. Want to discover art related to shani? Check out amazing shani artwork on DeviantArt. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. The Witcher 3 Mods Characters Stunning Shani Stunning Shani Endorsements 261 Unique DLs 4,622 Total DLs 5,844 Total views 76,427 Version 2.0 Download: Manual 5 items Last updated 20 March 2021 7:08PM Original upload 18 February 2021 8:52PM Created by Scaccu Uploaded by scaccu Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Tag this mod Description Files 1 Basic Information Born 1250 Status Deceased Hair color Dark red Eye color Hazel (canon) Green (games) Race Human Gender Female Nationality Personal Information Profession Medic Dean of the Department of Medicine (retired) Affiliation (s) Oxenfurt Academy Shani's Clinic Family

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Zero in and examine all three areas; and then bring your gift to Shani. Head over to the barn, and you'll notice a woman near the entrance. Shani is there. Hand her your gift as you approach her. A dialogue will begin, select "You've got me" to continue dialogue. CD Projekt Red's port of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to the Nintendo Switch back in 2019 not only gave fans the opportunity to play as Geralt of Rivia on the go, but, more importantly, to take.
Shani is the best girl. She's completely mortal and so if she were to fall in love with/really be with Geralt he would likely outlive her with ease (assuming he isn't killed at some point on the Path). No witcher ever died in his bed tho. And in the books Geralt already shows sign of aging. Geralt has two main romance options in The Witcher 3: Yennefer and Triss. Ultimately, only one of these sorceresses can be Geralt's partner by the time that you finish the game and its expansions.

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How to Romance Shani in The Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone Something's in the air. Ishmael Romero Dec 19, 2022 The Witcher 3's first major expansion, Hearts of Stone, just wouldn't be complete. Shani (secondary) Sylvia/Syanna (secondary) The Brothels (tertiary) Yennefer romance and ending Want to learn how to romance Yennefer in The Witcher 3 You're not alone. Fortunately, getting the raven-haired sorceress Yennefer to play with your lilac and gooseberries is pretty straightforward. Here are the steps for this particular mating ritual: