Funny Acronyms Pictures » Stupid

STUPID as well as SOLID are two acronyms, and have been covered quite a lot for a long time. However, these mnemonics are not always well-known, so it is worth spreading the word. In the following, I will introduce both STUPID and SOLID principles. Keep in mind that these are principles, not laws. Nov 18, 2022 1 SOLID is an acronym that stands for the five fundamental concepts in software design. Similarly STUPID is also an acronym that stands for 6 of the most common ways programmers.

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STUPID is an acronym that describes bad practices in Oriented Object Programming: S ingleton T ight Coupling U ntestability P remature Optimization I ndescriptive Naming D uplication SOLID is an acronym that stands for five basic principles of Object-Oriented Programming and design to fix STUPID code: S ingle Responsibility Principle SOLID is THE standard that comes to my mind when it comes to Guidelines of Software Design and Architecture. In March 2021, Dan North, a pioneered Software Consultant, wrote a blogpost about SOLID and it's downsides while critically analyzing it. I found this topic when listening to an episode of the .NET Rocks podcast. Why be STUPID, when you can be SOLID Singleton: Violation of Singleton basically decreases the flexibility and reusability of the existing code, which deals with the object creation mechanism. It is an anti-pattern, where we define a class and its object in the same script/file and export the object for reusability. Stupid vs Solid - What's the difference? stupid | solid | As an adjective stupid is lacking in intelligence or exhibiting the quality of having been done by someone lacking in intelligence. As an adverb stupid is (slang|dated) extremely. As a noun stupid is a stupid person; a fool. As an acronym solid is (programming|object-oriented). stupid

From STUPID to SOLID Code! William Durand

KISS is an acronym for the design principle "Keep it simple, Stupid!". SOLID: The principles when applied together intends to make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintain and extend over time. Share. Improve this answer. Follow Duplicated code is bad, so please Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY), and also Keep It Simple, Stupid. Be lazy the right way - write code only once! Now that I have explained what STUPID code is, you may think that your code is STUPID. It does not matter (yet). Don't feel bad, keep calm and be awesome by writing SOLID code instead! S.O.L.I.D. source Avoid STUPID Practices in Programming Use MVC, SOLID Principles, and Design Patterns in Java 4 hours Easy License Last updated on 2/18/22 Slides about SOLID principles. Contribute to alexcarpe/solid-vs-stupid development by creating an account on GitHub.

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Viscosity: When code changes are needed, developers will prefer the easier route even if they break existing design. Antipatterns and improper understanding of design principles can lead to STUPID code: Singleton, Tight Coupling, Untestability, Premature Optimization, Indescriptive Naming, and Duplication. SOLID can help developers stay clear. STUPID es un acrónimo que describe malas prácticas en la programación, por otro lado, SOLID son 5 principios de diseño de software que nos ayudan a escribir código mantenible y tolerante a cambios. Autor: Robert Huamán ( Ver todos sus post) SOLID POO Best Practices Design patterns Fecha de publicación: 2020-06-20 22:30:07 Don't be STUPID: GRASP SOLID! 27. December 2011 Ever heard of SOLID code? Probably: It is a term describing a collection of design principles for "good code" that was coined by Robert C. Martin (aka "uncle bob" ), our beloved evangelist of clean code. Programming is full of acronyms like this. Slides about SOLID principles. Contribute to alexcarpe/solid-vs-stupid development by creating an account on GitHub.

» stupid

In today's post, I will be discussing the article From STUPID to SOLID Code!" by William Durand. The article discusses good and bad principles used in object-oriented programming. Although these principles are not laws, the author states that they are guidelines that every programmer should follow. Reflection The SOLID principles were first introduced by the famous Computer Scientist Robert J. Martin (a.k.a Uncle Bob) in his paper in 2000. But the SOLID acronym was introduced later by Michael Feathers. Uncle Bob is also the author of bestselling books Clean Code and Clean Architecture, and is one of the participants of the "Agile Alliance".