Creatures of Mediah Guide BDO Companion

1 Anonymous 25-09-2017 22:59 -1 The habitat of the Stone Hole Spiders. Residents of Mediah know what it means when they see cocoons hanging up in the trees and avoid such places. Those unaware it means Stone Hole Spiders are near might find themselves in a cocoon of their own rather shortly. Fantasy Stone Hole Spider House is an item in Black Desert Online. You can learn about Stone Hole Spider House. Click here to add a strategy!

Stone Hole Spider House BDO Codex

Stone Hole Spider House Level: 50 HP: 3,631 Damage Reduction: 10 Evasion: 449 Accuracy: 574 EXP: 357,964 Karma: 80 Knowledge Drop Chance: 5% AP Caps: AP: 999 Applied: 3% AP: 999 Applied: 3% Resistances: Stun: 12.48% Knock Back: 12.48% Knock Down: 12.48% Bound: 12.48% - Description: The habitat of the Stone Hole Spiders. Monster Stone Hole Spider House - Description: The habitat of the Stone Hole Spiders. Residents of Mediah know what it means when they see cocoons hanging up in the trees and avoid such places. Those unaware it means Stone Hole Spiders are near might find themselves in a cocoon of their own rather shortly. - Monster Stats You can learn about Stone Hole Spider House. You can learn about Stone Hole Spider House. Current Time: 12:00AM Day in: <1 min Daily Reset: <1 min Trade Reset: <1 min Boardgame Reset: <1 min. Bdolytics Join Discord! Support the site <3. Database . Search. Database. Lifeskills . Gathering. Cooking. Alchemy. Processing. Adds acquired knowledge to the book. Current Time: 12:00AM Day in: <1 min Daily Reset: <1 min Trade Reset: <1 min Boardgame Reset: <1 min

Creatures of Mediah Guide BDO Companion

A giant spider with a rock-hard exoskeleton. Extremely violent, it sometimes attacks nearby villagers.. Back NPCs / Monster / Stone Hole Spider share. Stone Hole Spider. Level: 52; HP: 10,227; Damage Reduction: 50; Evasion: 451; Accuracy: 616;. House; bdolytics is a hobby project and is not affiliated with Pearl Abyss. Defeat Stone Hole Spiders and destroy their Holes. Current Time: 12:00AM Day in: <1 min Daily Reset: <1 min Trade Reset: <1 min Boardgame Reset: <1 min. Bdolytics. Stone Hole Spider House - Quest Rewards: 250 Contribution Experience. 35 Combat Experience. Accept Conditions: Have quest completed: Creatures of Mediah:00:13 - Stonetail Bison; Armadillo; Wasteland Iguana + General location.01:36 - Stone Rhino general location.02:00 - Baby Stone Rhino; St. Current Time. 12:00AM. Day in

Spider's Hole A spider has set up home in one of our old S… Flickr

Altar of Gaming is not affiliated with, or sponsored by Pearl Abyss. BDOD is a Database for the Black Desert Online MMORPG game. Generic filters. Monsters ; Stone Hole Spider; 32 Stone Hole Spiders and Stoneback Crabs inhabit there. Do not try to peek into the holes around this terrain. You never know what kind of grotesque bugs might come out. [1] Contents 1 Node Production 2 Connecting Nodes 3 References 4 Description 5 Strategy Node Production Forest - 3 CP White Cedar Timber White Cedar Sap Old Tree Bark Forest - 3 CP 0:00 / 11:41 Black Desert - Stone Spiders Atagi Kawa 672 subscribers Subscribe 1K views 6 years ago Black Desert Online is an open world action MMORPG with next-generation visuals and.

Creatures of Mediah Guide BDO Companion

Grinding those stone back crabs or whatever was awful. Didn't even show them on my map. Reply reply MasterToon • When you're an ecology junkie and you had the knowledge already >:D. Omg the stone hole worm and the stone spider house were the worst for me. Reply reply OsamaBinFuckin. Is there a way down there? I found the obvious entrance and can see enemies in a raised area. combed the map fairly well and haven't found a way down there. Missing 2 Kodama as well. Currently at the final shrine as I see the purple boss dot on the map. Edit: Found it! It's in the "residential" area. A hole out in the open with a corpse right near it. Easy to overlook.