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Zaimki wskazujące (this, that, these, those) występują z rzeczownikami lub bez. Dzielimy je ze względu na bliskość i liczbę. Z rzeczownikami w liczbie pojedynczej używamy: this - ten, ta, to (tutaj) that - tamten, tamta, tamto (tam) W przypadku rzeczowników w liczbie mnogiej stosuje się: these - ci, te (tutaj) those - tamci, tamte (tam) autor: Mariola666. Klasa 4 Angielski Brainy IV possessive pronouns this that these those unit 3. this/that, these/those, describing appearance Losowe karty. autor: Teklan. Angielski appearance this that these those zaimki wskazujące. 4 this / that / these / those Połącz w pary. autor: Agnieszka170.

English Grammar This That These Those

This / that / these / those - 1 This / that / these / those - 2 This / that / these / those - pdf Worksheets pdf - print Grammar worksheets - handouts Grammar notes / lessons Demonstratives - grammar notes This / that / these / those THIS - THAT - THESE - THOSE materiał do podręcznika GRAMMAR RHYMES NAME: _____ ___ / 15 points Check your grammar: gap fill - this, that, these and those Complete the gaps with the best answer from the box. this / that / these / those general things physically near us that / those physically at a distance from us On the phone 1. We use _____ to explain what we are talking about. 2. We use 'this / these' for things which are _____.. I hope this set of three worksheets with printable PDF files helps you master this, that, these, and those. Remember, these four words can be demonstrative pronouns or adjectives. Demonstrative pronouns replace nouns, while demonstrative adjectives modify nouns. Use these three easy this, that, these, and those exercises to practice using them.


This, that, these, those We can use this and these to talk about things near us. We can use that and those to talk about things far away. 1. True or false? Read and circle true or false for these sentences. a. She is going to school. true false b. She's got her German books. true false c. That's her best friend. true false d. We use 'this' and 'these' to talk about people/things that are near us. I like this pen. I want these pens. We use 'that' and 'those' to talk about people/things that are far away. Do you like that. Grammar test - This, that, these, those Do the test then write down your score. 1. Choose the correct sentence! Read the sentences and underline the correct one. 1. a. This pencil case here is mine. b. These pencil case here is mine. c. That pencil case here is mine. _____ 2. a. Those pencil case there on the other table is yours. b. 1. Check your grammar: gap fill - this, that, these and those Complete the gaps with the best answer from the box. these / those general things physically near us that / those far away from us On the phone 1. We use 'this / that' for singular and uncountable nouns and _____ for plural nouns. 2.

moje pomysły jak Brainy 4 Units 13

☺☺☺ THESE i THOSE używamy w liczbie mnogiej (więcej niż jedna, jeden, jedno). THESE stosujemy wskazując kogoś lub coś blisko nas. These cars are old. Te samochody są stare. ----- THOSE używamy, gdy wskazujemy kogoś lub coś daleko. Those men are tall. Tamci mężczyźni są wysocy. Poza samymi ćwiczeniami przygotowałam dla Was jak zawsze klucz odpowiedzi w pdf. Zachęcam do pobierania ćwiczeń i samodzielnego rozwiązywania lub też do wykorzystywania ich na zajęciach z uczniami. Udanej nauki angielskiego od podstaw i do zobaczenia w kolejnym wpisie Zaimki-wskazujące-This-that-these-those-Ćwiczenia.pdf 2 Zad. 4 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi zaimkami wskazującymi: this, that, these, those oraz czasownikiem 'być' odmienionym dla liczby pojedynczej oraz mnogiej. 1) _____ cats. 2) _____ an envelope. Demonstratives: this, that, these, those - grammar exercises. Demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives exercises.

This That These Those Sentences For Class 4 Printable Templates Free

This - That - These - Those This - That - These - Those. Loading ad. Ahlam_11Rabghy Member for 3 years 3 months Age: 9-14. Level: Grade 4 & 5. Language: English (en) ID: 428931. 18/10/2020. Country code: SN. Country: Senegal. School subject: English language (1061957) Main content: Demonstrative pronouns (2010900). Download PDF Loading ad. Learners will be expected to put the correct demonstratives in the blanks based on. 23342 uses. glau. DEMONSTRATIVES. A simple exersise to use the demonstrative pronouns : THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE. 21190 uses. senseiakuma. This That These Those. A simple exerise on demonstrative.