Invincible (2003) 34 Read Invincible (2003) Issue 34 Page 5

#1 Hello, If we don't talk about past, what should be use? I thought you are a teacher. I thought you were a teacher. Were seems better to me, but some guys could think I'm talking about past. I thought you were a teacher some years ago. However, as already said I'm talking about Present Cheers! kfredson Senior Member Joined Dec 13, 2009 I believe you were. I think you were. I knew you were. I thought you sold. I said you were. I thought you knew. I thought you meant. I thought you hated. I assumed you were.

Quotes I Thought You Were The One. QuotesGram

I thought you were is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular! I thought you were 36,600,000 results on the web Some examples from the web: I thought you were worried about me going to the police. I thought you were a communications officer. I thought you were quite taken with her. Homie, I thought you were at that sports bar. English Mar 25, 2007 #3 Really, "I thought you are" doesn't make much sense. Even when you're talking about the present or future tense, when you are expressing a thought by saying "I thought.", you use the "were". You could say "I thought you were going to the store," even if you believe that the person will go to the store in the future. "You're not the person who/whom I thought (that) you were" could be said as: I thought (that) you were someone else. I thought (that) you were a different type of person. In these cases, even though the you is a subject pronoun (same as "he," "she," etc.), would it still count as being in the object position because "I thought about you (object. He used the present tense after the past tense "thought". Is it OK if we construct the sentence this way or should the sentence be like: Why are you in the office today? I thought you were on leave. One more sentence in this context: I thought you were / are coming late today. sentence-construction Share Improve this question Follow

I thought you were my friend, You are my friend, Thoughts, Words

First, let's find out which is the main verb in the above and in which tense it is: " thought ", past tense, which means the thinking/assuming happened in the past; hence, I thought you were ( doing the dishes today ). I thought you were ( coming tomorrow )! But. I think you are ( right ). Blanket flower (Gaillardia aristata) This attractive flowering plant grows in full sun and well-drained soil. They prefer loose, sandy soil that isn't overly fertile. Drought-tolerant, blanket flowers have a wonderfully long season of bloom from early summer to early fall, growing to heights of 1 foot to 3 feet tall. Only a few years ago, I thought this was where we were headed. Forget 1.5C or 2C - we were destined for 4C, 5C or 6C and there was nothing we could do about it. All The Things You Thought You Were (But Really Weren't)…. "It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story." -Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind. "When I discover who I am, I'll be free." -Ralph Ellison.

Invincible (2003) 34 Read Invincible (2003) Issue 34 Page 5

A verb in the subjunctive mood expresses an action or state that is not reality. For example, it might be hypothetical, wished for, or conditional. Was and were as past tense and subjunctive mood verb forms Ok thank you. At first, given "think" is a reporting verb, I thought it worked like "say/tell". E.g: He did a great job ==> He said he had done a great job. Thus, to me, "I told you to go to bed" ==> I thought I had told you to go to bed. But apparently both tenses (past simple/perfect) are fine. How To Let Go Of Who You Thought You Were. Consciousness of being is a great and powerful gift. At first, our understanding and our learnings are somewhat superficial. As infants and children, they are related to our most basic needs. Yet, as we grow into adulthood, our minds expand with knowledge. Everybody's story is different and everybody. Which is correct? Grammar / By Conor "You were" is grammatically correct in English. "You was" is nonstandard English which means that it is used in some parts of the English world. I was You were He was She was We were They were You were "You were" is the second person singular of the verb "to be" in the past simple tense .

I thought You Were My Friend Chapter 1 Ετικέτες

2. I thought we were friends - sadly, it seems like you had other ideas. 3. I thought we were friends, but you don't treat me like it and it hurts my feelings. 4. I thought our friendship was a two-way street, but you've made it clear that I'm not on your way. 5. All I've ever wanted was for you to be my friend. "I Thought You Were the One" by Emma WhiteSong Suffragettes