Rocca Pisana

La Rocca Pisana è una villa veneta progettata da Vincenzo Scamozzi in stile palladiano nel 1576. Il committente Vettor Pisani era un nobile veneziano che già possedeva estese proprietà terriere nella zona di Lonigo-Bagnolo. "Una giornata alla Rocca Pisana è un'esperienza di vita, una seduta terapeutica", così la ricordava l'architetto e artista Manfredo Massironi. Rocca Pisana. Coordinates: 45°23′40″N 11°24′12″E. La Rocca Pisana. Rocca Pisana is a 16-century patrician villa in the comune of Lonigo, province of Vicenza, northern Italy, designed by the architect Vincenzo Scamozzi for the Pisani family. In Italy there are several villas called Villa Pisani, which take their name from this powerful.

Rocca Pisana

Rocca Pisana is a Venetian villa designed by the architect Vincenzo Scamozzi in the Palladian style in 1576. The client was Vettor Pisani, a Venetian nobleman who already owned considerable landholdings in the area of Lonigo-Bagnolo. Architect and artist Manfredo Massironi remembered Villa Rocca Pisana as "a life's experience, a therapy session". Rocca Pisana is a Venetian villa designed by the architect Vincenzo Scamozzi in the Palladian style in 1576. The client was Vettor Pisani, a Venetian nobleman who already owned considerable landholdings in the area of Lonigo-Bagnolo. Architect and artist Manfredo Massironi remembered Villa Rocca Pisana as "a life's experience, a therapy session". Explore with me the interiors and exteriors of the Villa Rotonda and of the Rocca Pisana, two among the most iconic masterpieces of the Land of Venice. As a local guide and an art historian, I have been studying and guiding in these locations for years. While the Rotonda is a world-famous Palladian masterpiece, only few know this house also has. This Villa was built for the Pisani family in 1576 from a design by V.Scamozzi. Sanding sollitary and superb on the hill, it is not a mere imitation of Palladio's "La Rotonda", but an original work whose interior space establishes a mutual relationship whit the surrounding countryside. The light filling the central hall throught the open dome.

Visita guidata Villa La Rocca Pisana con guida autorizzata del territorio

This ancient Rocca dates back to 1576, now as it was erected in one of the highest hills of Lonigo. Rocca Pisana was the first work of Vincenzo Scamozzi that decided to create a building with a square plan. The villa is really elegant and it is quite similar of the Palladian Rotonda. After years of neglect, nowadays the Rocca is beautiful and. Rocca Pisana is a Venetian villa designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi in Palladian style in 1576. The villa is located near Lonigo, on a hill overlooking the Vicenza plain. This detachment from the "underlying life", combined with the symbiosis between the building, which opens up to the sky and the woods, and the surrounding nature conveys the. Rocca Pisana is a 16-century patrician villa in the comune of Lonigo, province of Vicenza, northern Italy, designed by the architect Vincenzo Scamozzi for the Pisani family. In Italy there are several villas called Villa Pisani, which take their name from this powerful Venetian family. This villa is also known as "La Rocca" or "La Rocca Pisana". Villa Pisani a Lonigo in provincia di Vicenza, conosciuta anche come Rocca Pisana, è una villa veneta progettata da Vincenzo Scamozzi nel 1574 e realizzata nei due anni successivi, commissionatogli dal nobile veneziano Vettor Pisani. La villa è caratterizzata da una pianta quadrata in cui è inscritta una grande sala circolare.

thetrojanbastard Architecture, Italie, Néoclassicisme

The most important Villas built by Scamozzi, a part from Villa Molin, are La Rocca Pisana in Lonigo, Villa Duodo in Monselice, Villa Nani Mocenigo in Canda (Rovigo), which are all well structured and articulated architectural complex consisting of varius buildings and outside spaces.. a design decision based on Scamozzi's Villas Molin and. La Rocca Pisana è aperta alle visite di singoli e gruppi. Gruppi: minimo 15 persone previo appuntamento. Il Sabato la villa è aperta alle visite senza appuntamento, nei seguenti orari: Marzo - Aprile dalle 10:00 alle 12:00 e dalle 14:30 alle 17:00. Ottobre - Novembre dalle 10:00 alle 12:00 e dalle 14:30 alle 17:00. Right: In the built villa, they are probably 9 ft. The woodcut of The built Rocca Pisana Rocca Pisana These are the 3D views of the construction sites when the walls have been raised to the level of the mason's strings (the red lines). Villa Pisani, also known as "La Rocca Pisana", Lonigo, 140 m/460 feet above sea level, Via Rocca; train station at Lonigo on the Milano-Venezia line about 4 km/2.5 miles to the northwest This villa was constructed between 1576 and 1579 on behalf of the noble Venetian family,.

Rocca Pisana

La Rocca Pisana, villa cinquecentesca che signoreggia sui colli leoniceni, caratterizzata tanto per la posizione e la struttura architettonica, fu commissionata nel 1576 da Vettore Pisani, lo stesso che commissionò al giovane architetto Andrea Palladio il progetto di Villa Pisani a Bagnolo. Questa volta, però, il progetto fu affidato all'architetto Vincenzo Scamozzi che nel suo trattato. Villa Rocca Pisana. Via Rocca, 36045 Lonigo VI. [email protected] +39 328 271 5357 +39 329 214 9233. Facebook. Instagram