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Is Yorick AP or AD in League of Legends? Yorick is a champion that deals both physical and magic damage. Since most players build him like an AD tank, Yorick is considered an AD champion in League of Legends. However, you can also play Yorick with a full AP build and deal tons of magic damage. So, Yorick is a hybrid pick in LoL. Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Precision Presence of Mind Coup de Grace Bonus: +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) +15-140 HP (lvls 1-18) Spells: 1 2 3 Base Ignite Teleport Items Starting items Start Serylda Refillable Potion Long Sword Safe Oponent Doran's Blade Health Potion Pokey Oponent

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AD vs. AP Yorick: A Comprehensive Analysis. League of Legends is a game of strategy, and when it comes to Yorick, the age-old debate of AD versus AP builds has been a topic of discussion for many players. Let's delve deeper into the strengths and weaknesses of each build to determine which one truly stands out. In League of Legends Season 13, Yorick is primarily an AD (Attack Damage) champion. His abilities scale significantly with AD, making items that boost attack damage and health most effective. His playstyle revolves around split-pushing and dueling, utilizing his ghouls and Maiden of the Mist for maximum impact. Yorick The Shepherd of Lost Souls Find the best Yorick build guides for League of Legends S13 Patch 13.24. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Yorick build for the S13 meta. Learn more about Yorick's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! AP Yorick with U.GG's best data for every build. The highest win rate AP Yorick build, from rune set to skill order to item path, for Top. LoL Patch 13.24 Build Build Runes Arena ARAM Counters Leaderboards Pro Builds More Stats Filters AP Top Emerald + More. D Tier 47.25% Win Rate 55 / 55 Rank 1.8% Pick Rate 2.0% Ban Rate 60,262 Matches

League of Legends best moments 2 yorick ap YouTube

Collapse Yorick · Top Build P Q W E R Yorick Top has a 48.4% win rate with 2.0% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked C tier. Based on our analysis of 35 386 matches in patch 13.24 the best build for Yorick is Divine Sunderer, Plated Steelcaps, Hullbreaker, Serylda's Grudge, and Thornmail. Passive: Spawn a grave every 12/6/2 minions death near you. Every large monster spawns a grave. Yorick has access to 4 ghouls at a time. Yorick raises a grave for every enemy champion, monster and 12th / 6th / 2nd (based on levels) enemies that dies near him, as well as for every enemy he kills with Last Rites.Only 4 graves can exist at the same time. Unflinching. Unflinching is great on Yorick cause in League Of Legends there are many Crowd control 's such as Stuns, Snares, Fears, Putting you to sleep, Polymorph and the list goes on. In order to avoid getting CC'ed (crowed control) for it's full duration, Unflinching provides you with 10% Tenacity and 10% slow resistance at level one (1). Early game0 - 15 min. Yorick is Average. Your goal in the early game is to play safe, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy laner. You are rather weak in the early game and need time to come online. Once you have quite a few levels under your belt, you should look for short favourable trades.

The Yorick Rework A timeline through 4 years of development The Rift

5 Tier Q W E R Yorick Build for Top. The highest win rate and pick rate Yorick Build. Runes, skill order, and item path for Top. LoL 13.24 Win Rate 48.38 % Pick Rate 2 % Ban Rate 2.07 % Build Counters Runes Items Skills Trends Tips Yorick Runes Precision Resolve 53.65% WR. 602 Matches. 53.06% WR. 360 Matches. 56.21% WR. 169 Matches. Yorick build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Patch 13.24. Ive always thought the point of AP Yorick was more for proccing Rylais and Liandrys off of ghouls and less for the Pocket Sand damage from E's AP scaling. Pre-S11 Liandrys was a decent pick into huge tanks like Ornn or Mundo, but idk anymore because of 1) the mana, and 2) investing your only mythic item into liandrys. 8. There is no ap build ig, but just do lethality it won me the match up last time


Yorick Starting Items Win % Buy % 45% 23% AP Yorick Build for ARAM gives Best AP Yorick ARAM runes. With items, skill order, summoner spells, this LoL AP Yorick ARAM guide offers complete AP Yorick ARAM Build for Patch 13.24 in League of Legends. You can play as utility tank, poke, or even you can go some AD items to still have plenty of damage. Depends on the team and how you want.