Anthogyr SAFE RELAX® 6950C Automatic Crown & Bridge Remover Quintess Denta

Discover a world of convenience with our Clearance. Best sellers up to 90% off. Come and check everything at a surprisingly low price, you'd never want to miss it. Buy now! Contact us Safe Relax® Automatic crown and bridge remover The Safe Relax® crown and bridge remover enables you to successfully carry out crown and bridge removals without stress for the patient. Connected to any standardized micromotor, it transforms the rotation into controlled micro-impacts.

Safe Relax Automatic Crown and Bridge Remover by ANTHOGYR

Anthogyr Safe Relax Automatic Crown and Bridge Remover MKH6961C. $1210.00 inc GST . Available - Indent. Increase value Decrease value. Add to Cart MK-Dent Anthogyr Safe Relax Automatic Crown & Bridge Remover Shipped Same-Day Directly from Supplier! MK-dent products are special order items and therefore cannot be refunded, only exchanged for. ANTHOGYR SAFE RELAX Automatic Crown Removal The Safe Relax ® automatic crown and bridge removal allows you to perform crown and bridge removal effectively and without trauma for the patient. Buy Now FEATURES Ergonomic design for a better grip of the instrument Anthogyr; Dentamerica; Reconditioned Handpiece Sales; Lab & Miscellaneous; Maintenance & Tips. Contact. More. 1300 337 300. Book a Pick-Up. Home. Now Available in Australia as of March 2021!!. Anthogyr Safe Relax Automatic Crown & Bridge Remover. SKU: 6961C. AU$1,210.00 Price. DDS, 2/11 Turbo Road. Kings Park NSW 2148. DENTAL D RILL. Buy Now Safe Remover crown and bridge remover Instrument intended for the removal of fixed prostheses (unitary or plural). Square section rod Increased stability of the device. Good maintenance of the instrument. ATD wire tip system reduces stress on bridges * Excellent stability in use and reduced risk of fracture of the prosthesis

Automatic Crown and Bridge Remover BDSI Ltd

Description Safe Relax crown extraction Safe Relax enables you to successfully transfer crowns and bridges without stressing the patient. Features Protects the prostheses' porcelain. Use in electrical and pneumatic micromotors of any brand. Intensity regulation ring. Up to 20 movements per second This MD is intended for use in dental treatment in the field of dental surgery, particularly for the removal of permanent prostheses (single or multiple, bridges). Any other use is prohibited and may be dangerous. III. AREA OF APPLICATION Applied directive: Safe Relax® intended for the removal of fixed prostheses.Safe Relax® can be adapted to all types of standardized motors and chairs with its standardized uni. ANTHOGYR Safe Relax is Automatic crown and bridge remover for the removal of fixed prosthesis and offers genuine comfort for the patient.. ANTHOGYR Safe Relax enables you to successfully carry out crown and bridge removals without stress for the patient.. The kit contains: • Elbow hook for crowns on posterior teeth Ref. 5928 • Flat hook with non-slip grooves for crowns on anterior teeth.


The SAFE RELAX® crown and bridge remover enables you to successfully carry out crown and bridge removals without stress for the patient. Its unique non-reloading mechanism fi ts onto all brands of electric and air motors. Its high-frequency micro-strokes make it the fastest system in the world : up to 20 movements per second ! Safe Relax® Automatic Crown and Bridge Remover - Anthogyr Inc. The SAFE RELAX® crown and bridge remover enables you to successfully carry out crown and bridge removals without stress for the patient. Porcelain is protected by the regular and controlled intensity of the microstrokes. Ergonomic design. The Safe Remover® crown and bridge remover enables you to successfully carry out crown and bridge removals. Comfort and safety : the square rod allows for high stability of the insert on the porcelain (no risk of slipping) New one-click single attachment system (bayonet): fast attachment and hooks will not unscrew AUTOMATIC / MANUAL CROWN REMOVER. SAFE RELAX Series dental equipment pdf manual download. Also for: Safe remover series, Safe relax 6950c, Safe relax 6961c, Safe remover 1820a, Safe remover atd310b.. Delivery charges incurred when sending an instrument back to Anthogyr for repair will be paid by the client, even if the repair itself is.

Safe Relax Automatic Crown and Bridge Remover by ANTHOGYR

The Safe Relax is an effective, stress-free automatic system removal of a bridge or crown remains a delicate procedure. The intensity and frequency of the micro-strokes can be controlled to ensure enhanced comfort and results, letting you work in complete safety. For detailed specifications, please consult the individual product label and the Anthogyr® Product Catalog (6961C/en).. Categories: Equipment Safe Relax® automatic crown remover . Added to Your Shopping Cart. Add to cart. Add to saved cart. more than 20 pieces available. Product details. REF Reference. 6961C.