英文 as below / as follows 用法與中文意思!用英文表達「如下…」 全民學英文

The phrase "as following below" is grammatically correct and can be used in written English. It is often used when talking about a list of things, such as instructions or steps in a process. For example, "Please complete the instructions as following below: Step 1: Fill in the form. Step 2: Submit the form.". Since the temperature increase in. If they immediately follow that instruction, then use " as follows :" or " the following [whatever]". If they appear anywhere else, don't. On its own, the word "below" is really quite vague, so "see below" is best suited to a short text such as a label or notice or any single-page document.

“As Following” vs. “As Follows” vs. “As Follow”

A list of instructions. "Below" would indicate something physically lower on the page, while "following" would indicate something in sequence or order. Time. An event schedule. "Below" would indicate something happening at a later time, while "following" would indicate something in sequence or order. The Oxford English Dictionary describes the phrase "as follows" as "a prefatory formula used to introduce a statement, enumeration, or the like.". In this formula, the OED says, the verb is impersonal and should always be used in the singular—"follows.". Use of the plural verb "follow," Oxford adds, is "incorrect.". Sentence examples for. as follows below. from inspiring English sources. AI Feedback. "as follows below" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it to indicate that the information you are about to list is related to the statement that preceded it. For example: "The following steps are necessary to complete the task. Synonym for as below As follows is probably used more to let the reader know that a list of information is about to be stated. For example: I have to go grocery shopping, the items I need are as follows: Eggs, Rice, Chicken, Juice Whereas "as seen/shown below" could refer to both text or an image, for example. The meal I will make today is shown /can be seen below (IMAGE) The ingredients I.

"as below" 和 "as follows" 的差別在哪裡? HiNative

The phrase "as following" is never correct to use in the context that it appears here. A similar phrase "as the following" can be used but it must have the word "the" in between the words "as" and "following." Even with the word "the" in the phrase, it is still not very popularly used in the English Language. AS FOLLOWS definition: 1. said to introduce a list of things: 2. said to introduce a list of things: 3. the ones named…. Learn more. 7. "As follows" is an idiom which introduces a list. You can say "the following" as a sort of pronoun (an anaphoric noun phrase), eg. The following are all the options available: and even. We expect some response like the following: but it is not an idiom in the same way. "As the following" is grammatical, but not normal. Apr 19, 2007. #3. An interesting question. It seems to me that "as following" is also used (or maybe I've only seen it). I may be wrong, but I'd distinguish between them: The solution should be as follows: "the solution". Our school provides a variety of sport activities as following: "1. 2. 3."

Solved I got an assignment and the details are as follows,

Malaysia. May 1, 2019. #2. English-speaking countries. "As follows" is more common. The teachers would ask you to give a sentence where the word is used. Last edited: May 1, 2019. T. 1. See Below. "See below" shows you a different way to say "as follows.". It works well when you've attached an informative file. Generally, "below" here refers to the file in question. It works well in formal emails, as it directs the recipient's attention to the file you'd like them to review. It can work well when. UPDATE 2: Pandora has now also sent the following statement below. 1. TechCrunch. Watch the first promo above the following two below. 2. Huffington Post. The following list below includes some of the most promising night sky events of the upcoming year! 3. Huffington Post. Some examples from the web: First use USB cable as below to connect your laptop with Vocom unit.; Or send us inquiry as below.; The fuel pumps specification as below:; Please see some explaination of 5d cinema as below.; Please follow the steps as below:; The window is displayed as below:; The options you have now selected should be as below.; The bibliographical references must conform to the.

complete the following sentences below by filling in the blanks with correct words or figures

The below vs The following--The word, "below," properly functions only as a preposition or an adverb, neither of which can take the definite article, "the." However, the word, "following" can function as a noun or an adjective, both which can be combined correctly with "the." Thus, the least invasive correction of the example you cited is: "The. The below Tables 9 to 13 show the relevant figures for each IRIS-H. The items to be provided on the supplier's label or document should be presented as listed in the left column of the below table, following the sequence used in Article 13 and Article 14 of Directive 1999/105/EC. The below table summarises the situation: