Buddleja davidii var. nanhoensis Vlinderstruik De Tuinen van Appeltern

Find the deal you deserve on eBay. Discover discounts from sellers across the globe. We've got your back with eBay money-back guarantee. Enjoy Buddleja davidii you can trust. Buddleja davidii var. nanhoensis is endemic to Kansu, China and was introduced to cultivation by the famous plant hunter, Reginald Farrer in 1914. Flower Colour: Pale lilac blue Habit: Compact Eventual height: 100-150cm (3-5ft) Spread: 100 (3ft) Hardiness: Very hardy - 20°C USDA zones 5-9 Leaf colour: Narrow pale green Flowering: Very floriferous.

Buddleja davidii 'Nanhoensis', Schmetterlingsflieder 'Nanhoensis' Baumschule Ley

Description Buddleja davidii var. nanhoensis is chiefly distinguished by its small size. Rarely growing to a height of > 1.5 m, the shrub has a more compact habit than the type, narrower leaves and shorter panicles. [1] Cultivation Height: 3.00 to 5.00 feet Spread: 3.00 to 5.00 feet Bloom Time: June to September Bloom Description: Mauve blue Sun: Full sun Water: Medium Maintenance: Low Flower: Showy, Fragrant, Good Cut Attracts: Butterflies Tolerate: Rabbit, Clay Soil Invasive: Where is this species invasive in the US? Garden locations Culture Buddleja davidii subsp. nanhoensis 'Mongo' Pronunciation: BUD-lee-uh da-VID-ee-eye nan-ho-EN-sis SKU #01377 5-9 Your climate might be too cold for this plant: Change Location Find In Store OVERVIEW DETAILS STYLE CARE HISTORY This Plant's Growing Zones: 5-9 Your USDA Cold Hardiness Zone: Your climate may be too cold for this plant Change Location Buddleja davidii ' Monum' (selling name Nanho Purple) is a hybrid cultivar derived from a crossing of B. davidii var. nanhoensis and B. 'Royal Red' back-crossed with B .'Royal Red' by the wholesale Monrovia Nursery of California, USA in 1980. The shrub was accorded the RHS Award of Garden Merit in 2002.

Buddleja davidii 'Nanhoensis'

Buddleja davidii (spelling variant Buddleia davidii ), also called butterfly-bush, is a of flowering plant in the Scrophulariaceae to Sichuan and Hubei provinces in central China, and also Japan. [1] It is widely used as an , and many named varieties are in cultivation. The genus was named Buddleja after Reverend Adam Buddle, an English botanist. Buddleja davidii var. nanhoensis Nanho butterfly bush A compact deciduous shrub, sometimes up to 1.5m high, with slender stems and narrow, dark grey-green leaves. Long, narrow clusters of pale lilac flowers are produced from summer into autumn Synonyms Buddleja nanhoensis Join the RHS today and save 25% Join now < > © visionspictures.com Dwarf Butterfly Bush, Buddleia davidii nanhoensis Exposure: Sun / Shade Water: Medium Mature Size (H x W): 5' x 5' Blooming Season: June - September Flower Color : Purple Region: All areas of Greater Albuquerque Dwarf Blue Butterfly Bush is one of the six plants chosen to be in our Wildlife Herb Garden Six Pack. It might also be included in our Butterfly Attractor 36-Plant Assortment, available in either 6 plants each of 6 different varieties, or 3 plants each of 12 different varieties. This plant is sometimes available in plug trays.

Buddleja davidii 'Nanhoensis' / Sommerflieder 'Nanhoensis' günstig kaufen

No Potentially harmful Genus Buddleja Genus description Buddleja can be evergreen or deciduous shrubs, occasionally trees or scrambling climbers with simple leaves and panicles of small, tubular fragrant flowers Name status Correct Advertise here Find help & information on Buddleja davidii var. nanhoensis blue-flowered from the RHS Buddleia davidii (Butterfly Bush) is a wonderful shrub with large, fragrant, colorful flowers that attract a flutter of butterflies into your summer garden.. Buddleia davidii v. nanhoensis 'Nanho Purple' (Nanho Purple Butterfly Bush) From the Boskoop, Holland breeding program comes a lovely dark violet flowered form of the Nanho series of. Variety or Cultivar. 'Nanho Blue' is a vigorous, compact, semi-evergreen shrub with arching branches bearing lance-shaped, grey--green leaves and dense, cylindrical panicles of fragrant, deep violet-blue flowers in from summer into autumn. Buddleja are nectar rich plants, which encourage benefical wildlife, such as ladybirds, lacewings and. Foliage colour: Position Soil Known as the butterfly bush, Buddleja davidii bears conical, nectar-rich flowers, which attract butterflies and bees in late summer. Flowers come in a variety of colours including purple, blue, pink and white. Plants are easy to grow and thrive in almost any situation.

Dwarf Butterfly Bush, Buddleia davidii nanhoensis 505 Outside

Buddleja davidii is a plant with proponents and detractors in equal measure, but seen in flower it is hard for anybody not to admire it. A self-sown plant on a cycle path in Edinburgh, UK, July 2022. Image Tom Christian. Shrub 0.5-5 m tall. Branchlets subquadrangular, stellate-tomentose when young, later glabrescent. What's New: Species Epithet Name Status (botanical) Classifications and Characteristics Angiosperms (Flowering Seed Plants) (Dicotyledon) Plant Growth Form Lifespan (in Singapore) Weeping / Pendulous 1.8 m to 3.7 m Maximum Plant Spread / Crown Width 1.2 m to 4.6 m Native Distribution Northwestern China, Japan