Het hogepriesterlijk gebed met vijf gesproken toelichtingen van Catharose de Petri uit ‘Het

Catharose de Petri (real name Henriette Stok Huyser 1902-1990) was a Dutch-born mystic and co-founder of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, an international esoteric school based on Gnostic ideas of Christianity . In her open, succinct and direct style, Catharose de Petri addresses each topic with insight, empathy and compassion, giving each enquirer a response that aids their inner knowledge and insights, while always directing them to the fundamental spiritual necessities revealed through their questions.

Trójprzymierze Światła, Catharose de Petri Warszawa Kup teraz na Allegro Lokalnie

Catharose de Petri est le nom d'écrivain de Henriette Stok-Huizer, laquelle assura, après le décès de Jan van Rijckenborgh en 1968, la direction de l'École spirituelle de la Rose-Croix d'Or, Lectorium Rosicrucianum. Son nom spirituel exprime la triple unité : Cathare- Rose-Croix - Graal, qui se manifeste sur la pierre inébranlable (Petra). Catharose de Petri . THE LIVING WORD . THE LIVING WORD CATHAROSE DE PETRI [symbol] 2000 ROZEKRUIS PERS - HAARLEM - THE NETHERLANDS . International School of the Golden Rosycross. March 1989 CATHAROSE DE PETRI. 1 Daily walking with God The question of whether God is far, far away from us or whether he is so close that we can feel his. Catharose de Petri discusses the inner signature of these spiritual radiations in the growing New Soul, and the sevenfold healing qualities that manifest in the pupil who truly walks this path in their light. In twenty-two concise chapters, the author presents to the pupil the full spectrum of interaction and activity between themselves and the. Catharose de Petri shows that all these Universal Teachings describe the path that leads to transfiguration. Summary. Catharose de Petri introduces to the reader the concept of the necessity of the rebirth of a new, entirely conscious, immortal soul, if a union with the Spirit is to become a reality. She introduces the fundamental steps that.

Het hogepriesterlijk gebed met vijf gesproken toelichtingen van Catharose de Petri uit ‘Het

Catharose de Petri is the author of The Chinese Gnosis (4.50 avg rating, 6 ratings, 0 reviews, published 1996), Transfiguration (4.33 avg rating, 3 ratin. Jan van Rijckenborgh died in 1968 and was succeeded by Catharose de Petri as leader of the movement until her death in 1990. The Lectorium Rosicrucianum, also know as the Golden Rosycross [1] continued in worldwide operation as of 2023 [update] . Catharose de Petri was a Dutch-born mystic and co-founder of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, an international esoteric school based on Gnostic ideas of Christianity. Catharose de Petri founded the Lectorium in 1935 with two other Dutch mystics, Jan van Rijckenborgh and his brother Zwier Willem Leene after meeting them as a member of the Dutch branch of Max Heindel's Rosicrucian Fellowship. In the early1950s, he came into contact with the modern Rosycross, and the joy of Gadal, then 77 years old, knew no bounds. On the personal level, it was a mutual recognition. Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri saw in him an older brother, who with a well-founded and inner knowledge could confirm their work.

Univerzální gnose Petri Catharose de, Jan van Artforum dobrodružstvo myslenia

Catharose de Petri. Catharose de Petri (pseudoniem van Hennie Stok Huizer, 1902-1990) was een Nederlandse mystica en schrijfster. Ze was een van de oprichtsters van het Lectorium Rosicrucianum, een internationale spirituele school gebaseerd op een gnostieke visie op het christendom . Catharose was al jong geïnteresseerd in esoterie en mystiek. Catharose de Petri consolidates the work. The international spiritual leadership 22. The publications of Catharose de Petri 340 The symbolism of the two spiritual figures. The Living Word. Live as a soul human being would live PART V THE WORK FROM THE HOUSE SANCTI SPIRITUS 23. The establishment of the gnostic kingdom 353 CATHAROSE DE PETRI 1996 ROZEKRUIS PERS - HAARLEM - THE NETHERLANDS . International School of the Golden Rosycross Lectorium Rosicrucianum Headquarters: Bakenessergracht 11-15, Haarlem, The Netherlands Translated from the Dutch first edition 1987 Original title: De Chinese Gnosis Catharose de Petri (polgári nevén: Hendrikje (Henriette) Stok-Huizer; Rotterdam, 1902. február 2. - 1990. szeptember 10.) holland író és misztikus, a Lectorium Rosicrucianum szervezet társalapítója. [3] Korai évek Eredeti neve Henny (Hendrikje) Huizer és Rotterdamban született a XX. század legelején egy hajóépítő apától.

Catharose De Petri Editions du Septénaire

Catharose de Petri has compiled a series of separate chapters to bring the message of the Living Salvation to all who are longing to lift themselves up from their physical mortality to that of the Spirit-Soul. However, the path of liberation must be walked and realized by everyone individually, so the author approaches this subject from varying. Catharose de Petri nació en 1902, en Róterdam, y su nombre social fue Henriette Stok-Huyser. Poco se conoce de los primeros años de su vida, pues era extremadamente discreta y hablaba poco de sí misma, pero lo que se sabe con seguridad es que desde muy joven fue consciente de tener una importante misión espiritual en su vida.