South American cichlids 6 colorful species for beginners! Aquariadise

40 Types of Cichlids for Your Aquarium (With Pictures) By Nicole Cosgrove Last updated: Sep 01 2023 There are over 1,300 species of cichlids—most of which dwell in Lake Malawi in Africa. But you can find them in other places too, like Madagascar, southern Asia, and even tropical parts of the Americas. Angelfish African Cichlids Chromides Discus Dwarf Cichlids South and Central American Cichlids Cichlid Species List Which Cichlid Should You Pick? What Are The Different Types Of Cichlids? Cichlid refers to any species in the Cichlidae family.

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Cynotilapia afra Electric Blue Hap Sciaenochromis fryeri Electric Blue Johannii Melanochromis johannii Electric Yellow Cichlid Labidochromis caeruleus Livingstoni Cichlid Nimbochromis livingstonii Maingano Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos Malawi Eyebiter Mbuna Groups: Top 10 Species The Mbuna are a group of rock-dwelling cichlids that live among the rocky areas along the shores of Lake Malawi. The word "Mbuna" means "rockfish" in the local Tonga language, and these fish are well-adapted to life among the rocks. Anubias or anubias nana Java fern. Make sure you keep the other end of that omnivore habit in mind when choosing tank mates. Avoid any fish small enough to become a snack. Even the most peaceful cichlids could decide to munch on tiny tank mates. African Cichlids Scientists estimate around 1300 species of African cichlids. 20 Types of Cichlids for Your Aquarium (With Pictures) (With Pictures) | Hepper . 20 Types of Cichlids for Your Aquarium (With Pictures) By Lindsey Stanton Updated on Dec 27, 2023 Share Cichlids are fascinating fish with lots of personality and their own unique charm. They are concentrated in specific parts of the world, like Lake Malawi in Africa.

Learn About Colourful Cichlid Fish Types In The Next 60 Seconds.

Mbunas The mbuna cichlids are some of the most popular African Cichlids in the hobby. These small to medium-sized fish are hardy, colorful, and active. However, mbuna cichlids have a dark side too. These fish are highly territorial and can be very aggressive toward other fish. In our hobby, Cichlid species can be generally broken down into two main types which are: African Cichlids New World (South American Cichlids) African African cichlids come in a huge variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. This cichlid group is found more or less throughout the African continent, in lakes, rivers, and swamps. Most fish keepers would probably be able to name a few common cichlids, such as Oscar fish, Flowerhorns, and Frontosa Cichlids. However, many people do not know that there are over 1500 species of Cichlids. In fact, more Cichlid species are being discovered yearly, and the exact number of Cichlid species in existence remains unknown. There are hundreds of potential Cichlid species for fishkeepers to choose from when setting up a cichlid tank. In this guide, we pick our 15 favorite types of cichlids based on looks, temperament, and care requirements.

Labidochromis Caeruleus Cichlids, Tropical freshwater fish, African cichlids

In general, territorial fish require larger-sized tanks to minimize aggression. 30 gallons suffices for a pair of cichlids, but 50 gallons is recommended for a larger school. 5. Peacock Cichlid. Scientific Name: Cichla ocellaris. Difficulty level: Easy. Temperament: Semi-Aggressive. Tank Size: 55 Gallons. Below is a list of 6 different types of Cichlid (with photos) found in the fishkeeping hobby, both rare and common. Availability : Freshwater Filed Under : Cichlids Convict Cichlid Amatitlania nigrofasciata View Profile Availability : Freshwater Filed Under : Cichlids Electric Blue Hap Sciaenochromis ahli View Profile Availability : Freshwater When it comes to smaller types of cichlids there are many options including neon tetra, glowlight tetra, and rummy nose tetra just to name a few. Larger types of cichlids are often more aggressive than smaller types of fish, which is why it's important to know what type you want before setting up your aquarium. 2 - Oscar Fish. Oscar fish are some of the largest cichlids that people will purchase for home aquariums. It's possible for this fish to grow twelve inches long at maturity. Since it's a huge type of cichlid, it will require a minimum of a 75-gallon fish tank to live. Many enthusiasts suggest a 100-gallon aquarium since having more room.

Yellow Lab Cichlid Cichlids, African cichlids, Aquarium fish

The Venustus Cichlid stands out with its attractive coloration and impressive size, making it a notable addition to any aquarium. Pay attention to these key points when setting up their tank: Temperament: Semi-aggressive Diet: Carnivorous Tank Size: 75 gallons minimum (284 liters) Care Level: Moderate Lifespan: 8 to 10 years Convict Cichlids ( Amatitlania nigrofasciata) Convict cichlids have black and white stripes across their bodies, hence the other common name they get, zebra cichlids. These South American fish live in large rivers or streams. Males can grow up to 6 inches and display large dorsal and anal fins along their length.