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délicieux Word forms: délicieux, FEM délicieuse adjective delicious Collins Beginner's French-English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved Word Frequency délicieux [delisjø ] Word forms: délicieux, délicieuse adjective (au goût) delicious [sensation, impression] delightful Dealer directement avec le délicieux camion à pizza que vous connaissez.: Dealing directly with the delicious pizza truck you are familiar with.: L'apéritif maison qui a été fourni à l'arrivée était délicieux.: The homemade appetizer that was provided upon arrival was delicious.: Cultiver ces délicieux légumes demande beaucoup de temps et d'efforts.

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delicious [adjective] highly pleasing to the taste a delicious meal. (Translation of délicieux from the PASSWORD French-English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) Browse délicatement délicatesse délice délicieusement délicieux délictueux délié délier délimitation Word of the Day cure someone of something UK /kjʊər/ /kjʊr/ exquisite délicieux ( délicieuse) personne sweet il fait un temps délicieux the weather is really lovely Your search term in other parts of the dictionary lactaire délicieux saffron milk cap Translations for délicieux in the English » French Dictionary (Go to French » English) Show summary of all matches / diˈliʃəs/ highly pleasing to the taste délicieux a delicious meal. (Translation of delicious from the PASSWORD English-French Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) Examples of delicious delicious I know that officials meet in these agreeable places at the very best time of the year in a delicious climate, and have an extremely enjoyable time. délicieux (feminine délicieuse, masculine plural délicieux, feminine plural délicieuses) delicious delightful Related terms [ edit] délicieusement délicat Further reading [ edit] " délicieux ", in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012. This page was last edited on 1 April 2023, at 19:11.

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1. [food, taste] délicieux /euse ⧫ exquis (e) 2. (= delightful) [feeling] délicieux /euse a delicious irony une ironie délicieuse Collins French-English Dictionary © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. Video: pronunciation of delicious Examples of 'delicious' in a sentence delicious Example sentences from the Collins Corpus Synonymes : tasty, appetizing, appetising, delectable, succulent, Suite. Collocations : a delicious [meal, cake, dinner, recipe], this [meal] is delicious, [that] was delicious!, Suite. Discussions du forum dont le titre comprend le (s) mot (s) "delicious" : a dish I think would be delicious a flight of delicious cookies delicious bread How to say "Delicious" in French and 28 more useful words. American English delicious French délicieux More Eat & Drink Vocabulary in French American English French vegetarian végétarien What do you recommend? Que recommandez-vous ? Enjoy your meal! Bon appétit ! Cheers! Santé ! thank you merci pumpkin la citrouille dessert le dessert dinner What does délicieux mean in French? English Translation delicious More meanings for délicieux delicious adjective exquis delightful adjective charmant, ravissant, exquis, délectable tasty adjective savoureux, de bon goût, attirant, séduisant lovely adjective charmant, agréable, joli, magnifique, bon delectable adjective délectable

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The most common way to say "delicious" in French is "délicieux." This adjective describes food that is especially tasty or enjoyable to eat. To pronounce "délicieux," you can say the word "day-lee-syuh," emphasizing the second syllable. Here are a few examples of how to use "délicieux" in a sentence: Le gâteau au chocolat était délicieux. délicieux. Ils ont servi un plat délicieux. They served a delicious meal. Le gâteau qu'elle a fait est délicieux. The cake that she made is delicious. Le gâteau qu'elle a fait est délicieux. The cake which she made is delicious. Le gâteau qu'elle a fait est délicieux. The cake she made is delicious. Cette recette de légumes sautés est délicieuse et simple à préparer. This stir-fry vegetables recipe is very delicious and simple to make. See how "délicieuse " is translated from French to English with more examples in context. délicieuse translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'délicieusement, délices. Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce délicieux in French with native pronunciation. délicieux translation and audio pronunciation

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d'herbes et d'ép ices très délicieux et s oigneusement. [.] équilibré qui aide le corps à se préparer naturellement pour une nuit de sommeil. coffee.ca. coffee.ca. A tasty and very carefully ba lanced blend. [.] of herbs and spices which helps the body to prepare for sleep in a natural way. coffee.ca. How to Say 'Delicious' in French? | How to Pronounce Délicieux? - YouTube © 2023 Google LLC Hear more useful French words pronounced:.