Pig_Iron_Quarry_Jumping_Puzzle_gw2 (24) Guild Wars 2 Life

Pig Iron Quarry is a jumping puzzle located in Pig Iron Mine, in southeastern Fireheart Rise . Contents 1 Getting there 2 Walkthrough 2.1 Tips 2.2 Shortcuts 2.3 Gallery 3 Rewards 4 Related achievements 5 Notes Getting there edit Pig Iron Mine is a water filled canyon that is the home to a large mine complex belonging to the Flame Legion in Fireheart Rise. There, they used enslaved grawl to do their dirty work, though the Ash Legion often tries to take control of it by slaying its leader, the Overseer . Contents 1 Locations and objectives 2 NPCs 2.1 Allies 2.2 Services

Pig_Iron_Quarry_Jumping_Puzzle_gw2 (12) Guild Wars 2 Life

Pig Iron Quarry is a Jumping puzzle in the SE portion of Fireheart Rise, just SW of Pig Iron Waypoint . advertisement How to Start Head to the indicated location on the map and climb up. Guild Wars 2 - Jumping Puzzle - Fireheart Rise (Pig Iron Quarry) AyinMaiden 62.9K subscribers Subscribe 56K views 10 years ago #GuildWars2 Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/ayinmaiden. GW2 Pig Iron Quarry jumping puzzle guide with detailed explanations and video walkthrough. Pig Iron Quarry is a jumping puzzle located on the SE portion of Fireheart Rise, just southwest of Pig Iron Waypoint. Puzzle start Head to this location on the map and cilmb up the wooden ramp. Puzzle walkthrough This video shows the Location of the Pig Iron Quarry Puzzle Achievement and Loot Chest. I commentate and guide you through it but also provide a spoiler-free.

GW2 Pig Iron Quarry Fireheart Rise Jumping Puzzle Guide YouTube

GW2 Pig Iron Quarry Fireheart Rise jumping puzzle guide Dulfy 38.5K subscribers 36K views 10 years ago Video walkthrough for Pig Iron Quarry, a jumping puzzle in the SE corner of Fireheart. Pig Iron Quarry tutorial, located in Fireheart Rise.Reuploaded jumping puzzle guide from many years ago; the original channel that I uploaded these videos to. Event - Object to be destroyed/operated. Event - Location/NPC to protect or capture. Event - Boss enemy. Event - Location of a fight. Protect the Tuyere command post supplies . Protect Brakkurn and Jhalles while they repair machinery to keep the legion's supply line running . Take control of Pig Iron Quarry . Kick out the Flame Legion . Pig Iron Quarry. My Jumping Puzzle Guides are designed to follow the intended path, with no shortcuts or skips. The starting point is always next to the Waypoint mentioned above, just copy the code and paste it into the chat. You can toggle these routes in the GW2TacO / BlishHUD menu -> Tekkit's Guides -> Jumping Puzzles -> Toggle Trail.

Pig Iron Quarry, Fireheart Rise GW2 YouTube

66 Game link [&AgEGJwEA] API 75526 " This item only has value as part of a collection. Hint: Gather a sample of the metal from the Pig Iron Mine jumping puzzle chest. — In-game description Acquisition Found in the Grand Chest at the end of the Pig Iron Quarry jumping puzzle in Fireheart Rise. Incinerator I: The Experimental Dagger collection 1 114 views 2 years ago #GW2 #GuildWars2 #gaming Today we'll tackle the Pig Iron Quarry jumping puzzle (and how you the diving achievement location as well! Show more Guild Wars 2 2012. Pig Iron Quarry - Jumping Puzzle | Pig Iron Waypoint | Fireheart Rise | Ascalon ⏰ 0:20 Regular Way⏰ 1:31 ShortcutFollowing links will support my channel. Pig Iron Quarry is a Jumping puzzle in the SE portion of Fireheart Rise, just SW of Pig Iron Waypoint . There is also a mini dungeon here - Vexa's Lab; featuring jumping and teleportation.

Pig_Iron_Quarry_Jumping_Puzzle_gw2 (29) Guild Wars 2 Life

Key Facts: Name: Pig Iron Quarry Location: South East part of Fireheart Rise, at Pig Iron Mine Location map: Fireheart Rise Recommended level: 62+ Achievement type: Explorer Puzzle Type: Jumping / Fighting Duration: 10-20 minutes Difficulty (Solo): Medium Prize: Achievement / Splendid Chest General Information Pig Iron Quarry is a GW2 jumping puzzle located in Fireheart Rise. This puzzle is straight-forward, though if you fall at certain points you'll need to start over. Video Guide: Image Guide: Start off by going to Pig Iron waypoint. Swim across the water to start the jumping puzzle, as seen on the map.