[HotS] Chromie Menu Secret YouTube

Welcome to our guide for Chromie, a Ranged Assassin in Heroes of the Storm. Within these pages, you will find everything required to understand how best to play this hero, in both different map styles and team compositions. Pages in this Guide Chromie in Tier List 1 Introduction 2 Abilities and Strategy 3 Talent Build TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE Chromie Build Guides for Heroes of the Storm (HotS) Chromie Builds & Guides Abilities & Talents Discussion <3 by Blackwitch updated May 21, 2023 2.55.3 RU 0 Votes Rating Pending 1.6K 0 ARAM - Chromie by Zeddin updated March 26, 2021 2.53.2 2 Votes Rating Pending 14.7K 0 Dragon Vision by Morcalivan updated July 1, 2019 2.46.0 1 Votes Rating Pending

SFMLab • Chromie (WoW/HotS)

1. Chromie's Talent Build 2. Chromie's Talent Build Cheatsheet 3. Level 1 Talents for Chromie 4. Level 2 Talents for Chromie 5. Level 5 Talents for Chromie 6. Level 8 Talents for Chromie 7. Level 11 Talents for Chromie 8. Level 14 Talents for Chromie 9. Level 18 Talents for Chromie 1. Chromie's Talent Build The goal with Chromie is to stay far from your enemies. Level 15: GO FOR IT Allows you to turn up the volum up to 11. With that you can spam your Q and Bronze Talons. SO SO I used to use this talent but in practice it's effective to burst but not spam. NOPE Hardest to use for not enough result don't pick this one. Standard Build: This is my basic guide for Chromie. Sometimes fitting Bronze Talons in at level 2 can help you with a bit more poke damage. If your enemies are short on cleanes or iceblocks, consider Temporal Loop insted, as this is almost always a guranteed kill. Chromie's Tips and Tricks 2. Sand Blast 3. Dragon's Breath 4. Time Trap 5. Slowing Sands 6. Temporal Loop 7. Timewalker 1. Chromie's Tips and Tricks Time Trap can sometimes be manually activated to prevent damage on allied Heroes as well. Slowing Sands is most efficient on narrow choke points, especially near Map Objectives.

[HotS] Chromie Menu Secret YouTube

Comprehensive Chromie Build Guide in Heroes of the Storm. In this long style format we go through each talent tier and see what viable options we have and what builds we can go for. I give you. Heroes of the Storm Chromie Build Guide JHow 36.8K subscribers Join Subscribe 5.8K views 3 years ago This Heroes of the Storm Chromie Guide will talk about her current place in the meta and her. Talents. Chromie's talents, and her choice of ultimate, will typically be dictated by what she chooses at level 1. The two popular choices are Compounding Aether and Deep Breathing. The former. Chromie's Trait can be activated to detonate the trap, placing all nearby allied or enemy Heroes in Time Stop for 2 seconds. Maximum of 1 trap active at a time. Trait. Timewalker Chromie has traveled to the future, and as such, will learn her Talents 2 levels earlier than her teammates! Detonate Time Trap Detonates active Time Traps.

HotS Chromie Quick Guide (Build, Counters & More)

Chromie Build Guide : Chromie Builds :: Heroes of the Storm (HotS) Strategy Builds HeroesFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite HotS hero's build and strategy. Copyright © 2019 HeroesFire | All Rights Reserved Chromie gameplay from the Heroes of the Storm PTR!SOCIAL LINKS HERE!:Streams https://www.twitch.tv/nubkeksBuilds + Tier List https://heroeshearth.com/m/n. It lowers burst slightly but increases DPS of W by 50%. Plus it enforces Chromie's core strength of poking. Dragon's eye is an alternative but even when hitting it it doesn't improve DPS as much and though it gives more burst it's very flimsy. Only with good setup can you really hit it. Liste des Builds Chromie. Voici l'ensemble des builds Chromie créés par la communauté Heroes of the Storm, n'hésitez pas à participer vous aussi en créant votre propre build, en votant pour ceux qui vous plaisent ou déplaisent, ou en laissant des commentaires ! Créer un build. Héros.

Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) Chromie W Build (HotS Chromie Gameplay Heroes of the

Chromie (aka Chronormu) is a bronze dragon, tasked with maintaining and restoring Azeroth's timeline. Disguised as a gnome, Chromie would ask adventurers in World of Warcraft to help her maintaining the timeline and was eventually sent by the bronze dragonflight to investigate the Nexus.. Gameplay [| ]. Chromie is a long range, high burst damage Mage, who requires good timing and setup. Hey, I'm Zathong and this guide is about Chromie Build in Heroes of the Storm 2024. Best Chromie build guides for Heroes of the Storm 2024. I works hard to keep my's Heroes of the Storm builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Chromie build for the meta. Learn more about Chromie's abilities, Talents, Tips and Tricks and Counters.