President Ilham Aliyev makes Twitter post on Armed Forces Day (PHOTO) Trend.Az

The latest tweets from @presidentaz President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev addressed the Special Session of UN General Assembly in response to COVID 19 pandemic at the level of heads of state and government in a video format. 11:43 PM - 3 Dec 2020 427 Retweets 4,216 Likes 175 replies 427 retweets 4,216 likes Tehrac Qafarli @TehracQ 3 Dec 2020 Replying to @presidentaz

İlham Aliyev kimdir? İlham Aliyev Twitter hesabı nedir? Haberler

"The decision of the Soviet government to separate West Zangezur, our historical land, from Azerbaijan and hand it over to Armenia led to the geographical separation of the Turkic world."