Course Progression LearnDash Support

LearnDash Core Widgets Widgets Similar to blocks & shortcodes, LearnDash widgets provide another way to add dynamic content to your LearnDash site. This article will explain the various ways you can insert widgets, as well as what each LearnDash widget displays. Table of Contents [ show] How to Insert LearnDash Widgets Locate the section titled "Course Navigation Settings" Linear vs. Free form As the course creator, it's up to you how you want to let your users navigate through your course. You have two options: Linear (default) Requires the user to progress through course steps in the order in which you've laid them out.

LearnDash Course Navigation in Design Upgrade Pro for LearnDash

When you use the LearnDash course navigation widget, and navigate to a lesson, topic or quiz page, you'll see a "Return to [Course]" link appear at the bottom. No surprise, this brings you back to the course page. But what if you wanted to customize the "Return to [Course]" link? Hide the "Return to" part and just display the course title? LearnDash Core Courses Course Display & Content Settings Course Display & Content Settings Each course can have its own set of display options. In this article, we'll cover how each display setting affects your course, and how you might want to adjust each setting to fit your particular needs. Table of Contents [ show] LearnDash will automatically add a course content table with a list of lessons, topics & quizzes associated with the course below your course description. Course page content is your own custom information that will be displayed as soon as the page is loaded, immediately underneath the "Course" tab. Table of Contents [ show] Easy navigation to all registered courses Responsive design so it can be viewed on mobile devices With the new profile, your users will immediately know which courses they are enrolled and their current status.

Hiding LearnDash Course Navigation

The Course Dashboard allows you to get an excellent overview of the success and status of your course all in one place. Table of Contents [ show] Accessing the dashboard If you are viewing the course list ( LearnDash LMS > Courses ) page, clicking on a course title will redirect you to the Dashboard tab where the dashboard is displayed. Used By; Used By Description; includes/course/ld-course-info-widget.php: learndash_ajax_course_navigation_pager () Handles the AJAX pagination for the courses. Using our Design Upgrade Pro Plugin for LearnDash, you can take control of your LearnDash course navigation widget styles. 17 different options for complete. [uo-course-navigation] The Lazy Loading Navigation module will inherit styles used for the standard Course Navigation widget in LearnDash. You can also add an extra title above the navigation widget using the module Settings, but in most cases we recommend leaving it blank.

Widgets LearnDash Support

Displays the navigation for a LearnDash course or lesson. Conditionally Display Content. Show/hide content for certain LearnDash users and groups, as well as course progress. LearnDash Shortcode Description [visitor] Displays content if a user is NOT enrolled in a course. Description Parameters $course_id (int) (Required) Course ID. $widget_instance (array) (Optional) An array of widget instance data. Default value: array () $lesson_query_args (array) (Optional) An array of query arguments to get lesson. Default value: array () Return (string|void) Course navigation HTML output. Source Get started Crafting Your Course Start by finding your course topic and structuring lessons for online learning Start crafting Promoting Your Course Monetize your course by learning about marketing to your audience's needs. Start promoting UPCOMING Webinars Meet LearnDash: Feature Walkthrough Register now Past Webinars Explore all past webinars Uses; Uses Description; includes/course/ld-course-functions.php: learndash_get_course_lessons_per_page () Gets the course lessons per page setting. includes/course/ld.

6 Examples of LearnDash Courses and Membership Sites

Section 1: Getting Started with LearnDash. Lesson 1: Getting Started with LearnDash Lesson 2: Dashboard Overview: Courses, Lessons, & Topics 2 Topics Expand. Lesson Content. Lesson 2: How to Use the Course Builder to Add Lessons, Topics, and Quizzes 3 Topics Expand. Lesson Content 0% Complete 0/3 Steps Course Settings Overview. As mentioned in the caveats above, if you're using section headings, they will all be visible… which will look weird with most of your lessons hidden. Use this additional CSS to hide them. .learndash-wrapper .ld-focus .ld-focus-sidebar .ld-course-navigation .ld-lesson-item-section-heading { display: none; } And that's how you hide all.