2/24/2016 The year was 2001 and Mark Appleyard was in The ZONE, pushing the envelope every time he stepped on his board. Hell, we even gave him two covers in the same month! Subscribe to Thrasher from only $17.95 and get 12 mags delivered to your door plus a FREE t-shirt. Classic Covers Mark Appleyard November 2001 Embed More Videos 1/27/2010 Inside This Mag: Thrasher's Skater of the Year Mark Appleyard, Tony Trujillo passes the torch, the year in review and skating in Puerto Rico with Reynolds, Greco, Hernandez, Spanky, Beagle, Lenoce, Angel and more Cover: Mark Appleyard - Torqued-Out Lien. Photo: Burnett Also In This Issue: Anti-Hero in Australia
Thrasher Magazine November 2009
The year was 2001 and Mark Appleyard was in The ZONE, pushing the envelope every time he stepped on his board. Hell, we even gave him two covers in the same month!.more.more Shop the. Mark Appleyard Interview. 11/06/2009. Posted: November 3rd, 2009 "I'm more selective with my stunt work.". Remember the Thrasher cover where you did that Smith grind in Daly City? You took it to the nuts five times but still made it. Ah yeah. Nollie Cab So no more of that? Mark Appleyard Globe Shoes Embed More Videos Burnout: Cinco de Slammo The video is coming soon, but for now feast your eyes on photos from yesterday's skating-con-carnage! Handrail Hell Dudes have been jumpin' on them bars for over 25 years. Here's a look at some of the groundbreaking rail tricks from 1989 to 2016. Classic Covers: Mark Appleyard 2001 March 2001 Cover: Dan Drehbol - Frontside Air Photo: Ogden Inside This Mag: An interview with Mark Appleyard and skating in Hawaii and AustraliaAlso In This Issu.
Thrasher Magazine Firing Line Mark Appleyard
The year was 2001 and Mark Appleyard was in The ZONE, pushing the envelope every time he stepped on his board. Hell, we even gave him two covers in the same month! Classic Covers: Don Nguyen No stranger to the big drops, Nuge talks about the kickflip that landed him on the cover of our June 2009 mag. Rock and Roll, baby. Skater: Mark Appleyard Trick: Backside Lipslide Spot: Laguna Hills Post Office Laguna Hills, California United States. Footage: Flip, "Sorry" (2002) Fred Mortagne. Additional Notes: skately - Laguna Hills Post Office 1 of 2 Thrasher covers for November 2001 (The other cover is a Mark Appleyard Frontside Smith Grind) Thrasher is a skateboarding magazine founded in January 1981 by Eric Swenson and Fausto Vitello. [3] The publication consists primarily of skateboard- and music-related articles, photography, interviews and skatepark reviews. It's official, Mark Appleyard is now on Element Skateboards. It's official, Mark Appleyard is now on Element Skateboards.Posted: October 8, 2010. It's official, Mark Appleyard is now on Element Skateboards. Thrasher Magazine Menu. Search. Home. Features. Burnout; Bust or Bail; BFFS; King of the Road. Covers Archive; Articles and.
Thrasher Magazine "Soul Rebel" Mark Appleyard full part
Mark Appleyard discusses growing up in Ontario Canada, his first Christmas complete, getting on birdhouse at Tampa Am, quitting Birdhouse for Habitat, Arto Saari cold calling him to get on Flip, shooting his first Thrasher cover, filming for the Flip video "Sorry", winning Thrasher's Skater of The Year, leaving Cir Photo: Thrasher Cover - November 2001 Michael Burnett. Skater: Mark Appleyard Trick: Frontside Smith Grind Spot: Daly City, California United States. Footage: Flip, "Sorry" (2002) Additional Notes: ThrasherMagazine.com - November 2001 1 of 2 Thrasher covers for November 2001 (The other cover is a Mark Appleyard Backside Lipslide)
Cover: Mark Appleyard - Frontside Nosegrind Photo: Ogden Inside: Tony Trujillo's 2002 Skater of the Year party, Cardiel conquers Mexico City, and Mark Appleyard, Alan Petersen and Caswell Berry go to Oz. Also In This Issue: Interviews with Gareth Stehr. Thrasher Online Store Home. Search Search March 2003 Issue. March 2003 Issue. Cover. Thrasher's Magazine Skater of the Year is awarded to the rider who excels in pushing skateboarding to new heights and unexplored territories. Meet the winners.. magazine covers, event appearances, outstanding contributions to the skate industry, and even gut instinct.. 2002: Tony Trujillo (USA) 2003: Mark Appleyard (CAN) 2004: Danny Way.
Thrasher Magazine April 2002
September 1999. 1/25/2010. Inside This Mag: Interviews with Brian Sumner and Geoff Rowley, Skatopia in Ohio and Marseille. Cover: Royce Nelson - Transfer. Photo: Ogden. Also In This Issue: Urban Phenomena and a Thrasher glossary. Music Articles: Hot Water Music, Thee Headcoats, and Pete the Ox goes to Europe with his band. Cover: Jason Dill - Bluntslide Photo: Dawes Inside This Mag: Skating in Indonesia and Pasadena and the X-GamesAlso In This Issue: Skating in Riverside, underground pipes and interviews with Stacy Lowery, Pat Washington, Aaron Suski and Daxter LussierMusic Articles: Kittie and the Explosion