Oracle Build Guide DOTA 2 [Full/Dynamic] Goo's Guide To Solo Mid Oracle

1 Gameplay 1.1 Support 2 Ability Builds 3 Talents 4 Tips & Tactics 4.1 General 4.2 Abilities 4.2.1 Fortune's End 4.2.2 Fate's Edict 4.2.3 Purifying Flames 4.2.4 False Promise Oracle DOTA 2 Hero Guides on DOTAFire DOTA 2 Oracle Nerif Oracle's Stats Fortune's End Channels Oracle's power into a bolt of scouring energy for up to 2.5 seconds. When released the. Fate's Edict Oracle enraptures a target, disarming them if they are an enemy and granting them magic damage. Purifying Flames

Oracle Build Guide DOTA 2 Cuttleboss' Guide to the Agent of Apotheosis [6.86]

Oracle Build Guide DOTA 2: The Foreseer - an Oracle overview 34 Votes The Foreseer - an Oracle overview August 24, 2015 by NDenizen Comments: 26 | Views: 307923 | Build Guides Discussion (26) More Guides Report Build 1 Build 2 Build 3 Support DotA2 Hero: Oracle Purchase Order Core Options Urn of Shadows Arcane Boots Eul's Scepter of Divinity Oracle Guides 90th Popularity 53.12% Win Rate Overview Guides Items Counters Clips NEW! Ability Builds Abilities Trends Player Rankings Cosmetics Find constantly updated Oracle guides from the top performances of the week. Each guide includes item builds, ability builds, timings and more. 19:18. 26:39. 29:46. 33:50. Learn to play Oracle with these Immortal-tier Guides. Choose from a wide range of Guides that are always up to date. Filter by position, faction, and more to find a Guide that compliments your playstyle. Find constantly updated Oracle guides from the top performances of the week. Each guide includes item builds, ability builds, timings and more.

ORACLE DOTA 2 GUIDE / Оракул Дота 2 Гайд YouTube

Between BoTs and Lv20 (which Oracle tends to get within minutes of one another) Oracle gains +115 movement speed which is INSANE. Movement speed is a highly underestimated stat in Dota 2 that not many players build around. This talent provides Oracle with almost 510 movespeed, in a game where Hasted players move at 550 movespeed. View statistics, top players and guides for Oracle on Dotabuff Find top Oracle build guides by DotA 2 players. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community. Help Support Our Growing Community. DOTAFire is a community that lives to help every Dota 2 player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and. Instant Fortune's End. +30% Purifying Flames Enemy Damage. 20. -20s False Promise Cooldown. -1.0s Purifying Flames Cooldown. 15. +80 Fortune's End Damage. +10 Armor False Promise. 10.

Oracle Build Guide DOTA 2 [Full/Dynamic] Goo's Guide To Solo Mid Oracle

#Oracle #Dota2 #Support #Dota2Basics #HowToPlayOracle ️ Join me on Discord: ️ Like and Subscribe if you enjoyed the video! 00:0. Oracle Dota 2: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Hero Fragster | 22. October 2023 Oracle is a support hero in Dota 2 that has been a popular pick among players since its release. This hero is known for its ability to alter the fates of heroes with its buffs and nukes. Know your damage. The first main principle to nail with Oracle is to know about damage types. In the recent Rekindling patch, damage was simplified slightly by the removal of composite damage, but. Oracle Dota 2 full Guide Building items & Indicators Back Oracle Overview Ranged, Disabler, Escape, Nuker, Support 90th Popularity 52.57% Win rate Lane Presence Lane presence win rate kda ratio GPM XPM Safe 72.35% 49.10% 2.68 301 450 Off 19.60% 48.99% 2.83 313 470 Mid 5.00% 43.66% 2.61 324 395 Most Popular Ability Build Recommended Item Builds

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Find top Oracle build guides by DotA 2 players. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community.. DOTAFire is a community that lives to help every Dota 2 player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Please consider supporting. Guides & Tips In celebration of reaching master tier for Oracle, I'm creating a guide showing how I reached Divine with this hero. I have a 55% WR across ~377 games utilizing a few tricks and knowing match ups.