Oyatal Kursi Duosi matni APK for Android Download

Oyatal kursini yod olamiz! Аят аль-Курси. Ayat Al Kursi Oybek Odilov 41.9K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 5K Share 370K views 3 years ago TASHKENT Bismillahir rohmanir rohiym! Bu videolarni. Оятал Курси. Tajweed. Mishary Al afasy . Baqara 255 oyat. Ба - YouTube 0:00 / 2:00 Oyatul Kursiy o'qilishi. Oyatal Kursi . Оятал Курси. Tajweed. Mishary Al afasy . Baqara 255 oyat. Ба.

Oyatal kursini yod olamiz! Аят альКурси. Ayat Al Kursi YouTube

Ey azamat va qudrat egasi bo'lgan Allohim, Sening shoning ulug'dir. Umuman, har vaqt namozni tugatgandan so'ng Oyatal kursi o'qilsa, tasbehot qilinsa, savobi ulug' bo'ladi. Assalomu alaykum. Siz azizlarga Oyatul kursiyni yodlash uchun ajoyib video havola etmoqdaman. Agar ushbu videoni oxirigacha ko'rsangiz Oyatul kursiyni yodlab. (Imtihonga kirishdan oldin uch, besh yoki yetti marta Oyatal kursi" o'qiladi.) Safar duosi Allohumma ilayka tavajjahtu va bika i'tasomtu. Allohumma akfini ma ahammani va ma la ahtamtu lahu. Allohumma zavvidnit-taqva, vag'firli zanbi va vajjihni lil-xoyri ayna ma tavajjahtu. Allohim, Sen tomon intildim. Senga yukindim. ٢٥٥ Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him, the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining. Neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who could possibly intercede with Him without His permission?

Oyatal kursi duosi o'zbekcha Latest version for Android Download APK

Ayatul Kursi Arabic Transliteration Translation Recitation of Ayatul Kursi Results in the Focus of Allah (swt) upon His Servants بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ BISM IL-LAAHIR-RAH'MAN IR-RAH'EEM In the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the Most Compassionate. 2:255 اللَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ Oyatal kursi duosi o'zbekcha uygulamasını ücretsiz indirin. Термизий ва Бухорий ривоят қилишган. «Оятул Курсий»нинг фазли ҳақида келган баъзи ривоятлар: 1. «Оятул Курсий»ни уйидан чиқаётганда ўқиган одам қайтиб келгунча Аллоҳ таолонинг ҳимоясида. 1. "Oyatul Kursiy"ni uyidan chiqayotganda o'qigan odam qaytib kelguncha Alloh taoloning himoyasida bo'ladi. 2. "Oyatul Kursiy"ni hovlisida o'qigan odamning uyiga shaytonlar va sehrgarlar kirmaydi. 3. "Oyatul Kursiy"ni uyquga yotish oldidan o'qigan odamni Alloh taolo o'zini ham, qo'shnisini ham, qo'shnisining qo'shnisini ham omonda saqlaydi.

Oyatal Kursi Duosi matni pour Android Télécharger

AYATUL KURSI 100 TIMES - MEMORISE - TRANSLITERATION Bahasa Indonesia - English - **SUBSCRIBE NOW BY CLICKING HERE http://bit.ly/1OTKL5z اشترك في القناة--- h. Оятал курси. Дар ин мақола Оят ал курси ё худ Оятал курси бо хати точики - текст ва дар шакли расм (картинка) оварда мешавад. Аллоху ла илаха…>>. 4.1 (0) Security Status Free Download for Android Softonic review A free program for Android, by NURELEL. Oyatal Kursi Duosi Matni is a prayer application that contains the important verses of the Qur'an. The app includes obligatory prayers that are believed to bring miracles and protection for Islam believers who consistently recite the prayers. Muslim.uz - Оятал Курси | Facebook. Оятал Курси

Oyatal kursi duosi o'zbekcha APK per Android Download

Oyatal Kursi Duosi matni is a books & reference app developed by NURELEL. The APK has been available since June 2020 . In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded about 440 times. It's currently not in the top ranks. The app has no ratings yet. The last update of the app was on October 31, 2021 . Oyatal Kursi Duosi matni has a content rating. visit www.goodislamiceducation.com