And you can not ignore his unique post processing look, what has become to be known as "The Dave Hill Look". It looks like the web is all over Dave this month, as both the Stobist mail-tiviewed him and Scott Kelby gave a great tip on how to create a Dave Hill look in Lightroom . It's a formula that requires a combination of both the right lighting, and the right Photoshop moves. THE LIGHTING We'll start with the shoot, and I gotta tell you—-it was a train wreck (and that's being kind). First, we got to the location a little late, so we were already losing daylight.
Give your photos The Dave Hill Look with Dave Hill effect
Step One: Before you run the Lucis Pro 6.0 plug-in, you'll need to do something to soften your subject's skin, because the hyper-sharpening the plug-in adds will greatly magnify every blemish, spot, or skin irregularity and it looks pretty bad. So, I started by using the Healing Brush. Photography, like fashion itself, seems to go though periods of time where there is a certain "look" that everybody wants to have, and right now the hot look for portraits is what you might call the "Dave Hill look" (I blogged about Dave's photography last month—here's the link). Dave Hill is a genius. Period. I could look at his images all day long and his behind the scenes videos are strangely addictive. Naturally, thousands want to create his hyper-real, painterly, utterly hypnotising look on their images. The first observation one can make about his method is the painstaking attention to lighting during the shoot. I should have pointed out I didn't set out to get the Dave Hill look, I just wanted to play around and see what worked with the subject (the singer in a Ska band). I could have done more in post to get slightly closer to Dave's images. The key to the look is sculpted light. This means directing large lightsources at oblique angles to the subject.
Dave hill Effect Look alike Original Effect done by RJ Eff… Flickr
Most modern cameras will shoot video to one degree or another, but these are the ones we'd look at if you plan to shoot some video alongside your photos. We've chosen cameras that can take great photos and make it easy to get great looking video, rather than being the ones you'd choose as a committed videographer. Slade guitarist Dave Hill: 'I'd come out of work, put on my costume and suddenly I'd be Superman!' Half a century after his first hit single, Hill has survived a stroke, depression and the. Dave Hill totally crushed guitar renditions of the Canadian and American national anthems before an Anaheim Ducks vs. Toronto Maple Leafs NHL game at the Honda Center in Anaheim on Wednesday. David John Hill (born 4 April 1946) [1] [2] is an English rock musician. He is the lead guitarist, a backing vocalist and the sole continuous member in the English band Slade. Hill is known for his flamboyant stage clothes and hairstyle. Early life
Weekly Photography Tips That Gritty Dave Hill Look...
Dave Hill Noddy, 77, was the first to quit in 1992, weary of constant arguing in the band. Unwilling to work without Noddy, Jim followed suit - leaving just Dave and Don to continue. In 2010,. Some may ask, "What is the Dave Hill Look." Well, it may be best defined as gritty, hyper sharp, little if any bokeh, and very high contrast. Dave Hill's work relies a great deal on his lighting techniques, which may not be duplicated effectively in the target photos that appear in the contests.
Dave Hill shot to fame in the 70s with national glam-rock treasures Slade as they exploded in the UK charts with no less than 13 Top 10 singles. He acquired his first guitar in 1959 at age 13, and this year marks the 60th anniversary of Dave Hill the guitarist - a man who, while touring with Slade to this day, is still very much feeling the noize. Despite the fact that Dave Hill clearly does a lot of post-processing in Photoshop and that may include some taking separate original frames into one final photo-illustration montage, he clearly knows how to light with multiple sources.
Dave Hill Comedian Profile Comedy Carnival
A step by step guide on how to create the Dave Hill look in photoshop and give your photos a greater sense of drama. The Dave Hill "look" usually depends on lighting control in the making of the image and multiple light sources. In many cases, Hill uses a number of similar images from which to clone desirable components. The image supplied takes away that opportunity and you have been left to apply whatever you could to get the "feeling" engendered by it.