Warrior cats is about clans of feral cats surviving in the wild. Along the way they learn important lessons about life, war, love, and death. Join us, Warrior! Members Online •. It's become a toxic place and I really wish it stayed the way it was when in Beta, at least everyone was kind of nice then. Reply reply Poisons to cats: Apple seeds - The seeds are mildly poisonous, containing amygdalin. Chocolate - Contains theobromine at levels toxic to cats and dogs. Deathberries - Deathberries are an extremely poisonous species of red berries, and are known to Twolegs as yew berries. Holly Berries - Holly berries, while not as dangerous as deathberries, are.

Pmv warrior cats Toxic YouTube
A completely blind/deaf cat cannot properly perform the duties of a warrior. In situations where a disability may not be too much of a hindrance, we often see some leniency, or attempt to help those cats regain their status as warriors. For most cats that we see though, this is just simply not how it works. These are cats, people, not politics. Stop taking the fun out of it. exactly, i totally agree with you. and i'm so sorry you've been harassed. social media is extremely toxic, and when you don't follow the norm, you've essentially outed yourself and are target to bullying and harassment. This is truth right here. WarriorCats. Welcome to r/WarriorCats! This is a sub-reddit dedicated to fans of the Warriors series published by HarperColins. Warrior cats is about clans of feral cats surviving in the wild. Along the way they learn important lessons about life, war, love, and death. Join us, Warrior! Bramblestar x Squirrelflight. - Toxic. It might not be as outwardly toxic as Ragged x Yellow, but the fact it has been the driving relationship, like the OTP of the series, for as long as it has, it seems like it's the most toxic, because it's always IN YOUR FACE!! About it all.

Toxic Warrior Cats MAP Part 29 YouTube
You just self inserted yourself in there so people could "feel bad for you". True. I have tiktock myself, and sadly there are a lot of harassment, judging, and even WC:UE heat. The warrior cats community on reddit is very nice, mind you. Some of the warrior cats community is toxic, and i sort-of agree with you there, I'm sick and tired of the constant toxic, dramatising, harmful, and sexist behaviour in the Warrior Cats fandom.Yes, I will continue to be a fan.I simply must state this.Whether you like it or not, the fandom has a terrible bias.I'll take the nearly dramatic characters:Squirrelflight and the Bramblestar.While Bramblestar is viewed as a vile, harmful tom, Squirrelflight is seen as a good cat. You can acknowledge a cats flaws and still love them as a character. You wouldnt judge someone for liking Tigerstar as a villain, so why when you like other cats do you have to pretend that they have no flaws. The arguments about Bramblestar, Leafpool, Squirrelflight and Bristlefrost really need to stop. — Usage: Rubbed onto a dead cat's body to hide the scent of death. — Found near the ThunderClan warrior's den. RUSH Rush has long, narrow leaves and lavender-colored head stalks. They grow as tussocks or more isolated stalks. It has a fresh scent. — Found year-round — Usage: Used to bind broken bones to hold them in place.

Toxicpaw Wiki WarriorsWarrior Cats Amino
7 Water. Water is dangerous because it drowns and destroys. The Great Storm flooded most of Clan territory. Bluestar died because of the water. 8 Foxes Foxes are small to medium sized animals and belong to the Canidae family along with other animals such as jackals, wolves, and domestic dogs. A medicine cat's main job is to heal their fellow Clanmates of their wounds and sicknesses. They have many ways of doing so, mostly through herbs and berries kept in the medicine cat's herb store inside their den. The Clans' understanding of medicinal herbs stemmed from Cloud Spots and Dappled Pelt's knowledge from the mountains and the ancient Tribe from when they gathered herbs in the.
Alright, onto the first one. 1. Moonflower and Stormtail. Well, of course I'm going to start off this list with Bluestar and Snowfur's parents, because I just couldn't stand them. I mean, they were adorable as apprentices, both mooning over each other. Heck yeah Crowfeather and Nightcloud time! I am a big fan of BOTH of these characters and this MAP idea is so fucking cool actually, especially visually! I'm.

Attack Warrior Cats🐾🐾 Amino
woo-hoo a wcue rant. WCUE, our beloved funny cat game that is ruined and destroyed. here's why. The Community . the majority of WCUE players are roleplayers, as WCUE is a rp game. a lot of the community is toxic, too. we've made up harmful stereotypes like lunas, and are just rude in general. the community also makes harmful roleplays, which i will get into later. Comfrey root has large leaves, small bell-shaped flowers, which are pink, white, or purple, and fat, brown roots. It is used for multiple purposes: Repairs broken bones. Soothes wounds. Treat wrenched claws. Help with reducing itching. Reduce inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest.