Купить Антенный балун SA IIII 112 + УКВ БАДМОР отзывы, фото и характеристики на Aredi.ru

An excellent way to attach a long wire antenna to the Ham It Up, this 1:9 balun has an SMA output port and high-quality spring-type terminal block input for your coax. Balun One Nine includes an AntennaGuard varistor on the input, protecting your SDR setup from spurious ESD. The ESD protection is excellent--it passes IEC61000-4-2, an 8kV. Completed 9:1 UnUn. These are sometimes known as a Magnetic Longwire Balun. Its really an impedance transformer (9:1) to feed a high impedance, end fed (unbalanced) random wire which is likely to be a few hundred ohms, and transform it into something closer to a 50Ω (unbalanced) coaxial input, hence UnUn. It can however also be used as a balun.

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Balun One Nine v1 - Tiny Low-Cost 1:9 HF Antenna Balun and Unun with Antenna Input Protection for Ham It Up, RTL-SDR, HackRF and Other HF-Capable Radios. Great for DIY Dipole and Longwire Antennas Visit the NooElec Store 4.5 648 ratings | 45 answered questions Amazon's Choice in Radio Antennas by NooElec $1495 📻 Антенный BALUN 9:1 для SDR (балун - симметрирующий - трансформатор - сопротивлений) для Long Wire - YouTube BALUN 1:9 HF - Согласующий трансформатор для антенн "Длинный провод",. The 1:9 voltage balun has 5 turns wound evenly spaced around the L15 ferrite toroid core with the five individual windings wound close together. The toroidal core was wrapped in an overlapping layer pink heavy duty Teflon plumbers tape to protect the enamelled copper wire from insulation puncture from abrasion with the toroid core. Downward impedance transformation by factor of 9. i.e. 450 ohms to 50 ohms. Winding Material: 14 gauge Superior Essex Heavy build polyamideimide Allex 240 Winding Wire. Windings are inserted into Teflon tubes increasing total breakdown to 10,000 volts. Power Rating: 1 to 35 MHz - 5kW, 35-54 MHz - 4kW: Useable Frequency : 1 to 54 MHz: Insertion Loss

Всё о расчёте балуна

О процессе изготовления симметрирующего трансформатора для подключения симметричных антенн диполь, inv-V к. Sharman V-2000 6m/2m/70cm Triple Band Base Antenna. Sharman Multicom. $92.13. IN STOCK. Sirio Performer 5000 3/8" LED - Trucker CB Antenna + LED. Sirio. $51.18. The Moonraker MU-9 is the perfect Unun for long wires. It has an impedance ratio of 9:1 and lets you connect unbalanced devices together. Characteristics Techniques v t e A balun / ˈbælʌn / (from "balanced to unbalanced", originally, but now derived from " balancing unit ") [1] is an electrical device that allows balanced and unbalanced lines to be interfaced without disturbing the impedance arrangement of either line. [2] Details Small, light baluns for 80m-10m, maximum 100W PEP (CW or SSB). The baluns are in a plastic case fitted with snap-on lid, with vents on the bottom. The covers are not glued, the baluns are therefore not permanently waterproof. If in doubt, helps a soapbox. Models with ratio 1:1 and 1:4 are 'normale'Baluns.


Балун 9:1 за дълга жица « -: 22 Май, 2023, 13:12:28 » Здравейте, искам да изработя балун 9:1 по подобите на снимката, но нямам сърцевини. Някой може ли да даде инфо от къде могат да се намерят, както и насоки за изработката. Нямам лабораторни уреди за измерване и всичко трябва да е едно към гьоторе или на око както му казваме 1:1 AIR CORE BALUN FOR HF ANTENNA DIPOLES 1.8 TO 30 MHZ 1KW 50 OHMS. $41.99. Free shipping. Windings are inserted into Teflon tubes increasing total breakdown to 10,000 volts. Power Rating. 3 to 31 MHz - up to 1kW intermittent (50% duty cycle) Useable Frequency. 3 to 31 MHz. Insertion Loss. 0.3 to 1.65 db based on frequency. Connectors. SO-239 connectors are silver plated with Teflon insulation. Часто в составе симметричных антенны используется BalUn, или, по русски говоря, симметрирующий трансформатор.

Балун на ферритовых трубках в диполе YouTube

Top Photos of the Month: Decmber 2023. 1/9/2024 5:00:00 AM | Field Hockey, Football, Men's Basketball, Track & Field, Women's Basketball, Women's Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Terrapin Athletics, Terrapin Club So, the difference between 1:49 and 1:64 is 1*N turns, where N is the number of turns on the primary :-). Ah. That's true. It's the difference. Makes sense. The balun (actually UnUn here) is, generally speaking, not going to change the resonant frequencies of your wire.