How to Set Up Two Subwoofers for a Home Theater Home Cinema Effect

Blog. Get $20. Reviews. If you've ever setup a subwoofer in your home theater system, chances are you've noticed that the bass sounds ripe 'n rumble-y in some parts of the room, but not so good in others. This is due to your room's acoustic properties and its tendency to reinforce or cancel specific bass frequencies depending on where. A popular and esthetically pleasing option is to place both subwoofers on the front wall near the front left and right speakers. This makes the two subwoofers sound like one larger subwoofer placed on the front wall. That being said, the two strategies above will yield a smoother frequency response across all listening positions.

Dual Subwoofer The Complete Guide for All What You Should Know HiFiReport

In this placement method, each subwoofer is placed just below the screen, at the inner side of each front speaker. This is a pretty standard placement for those using a home theater primarily to listen to music but is also a great fit if you're building your audio system in a smaller room with a smaller screen. How many subwoofers do I need? Are 2 subs louder than 1? Some people may think that a 10-inch subwoofer sounds good. Is it necessary to buy two 12-inch subwoofers? Will it be too loud? January 9, 2020 by Shawn Shepherd While the subwoofer is an important element in your sound system, many people simply set it up and leave it be. While this might work, there are ways to i mprove the placement of your subwoofer and get better results. We have spoken to a few experts that have helped with the best subwoofer placement. Dual subwoofers will greatly increase the available system headroom, providing greater dynamic range, reduced output compression, lower distortion, and less potential for overdrive artifacts. In short, running duals will give you cleaner, more accurate bass at extreme drive levels.

Dual Subwoofer Placement For Your Home Theater IHS

The purpose of this article is to provide a method of achieving the smoothest bass response for all listening seats using proper placement, calibration and active equalization (when needed). Place the subwoofer at or near the main listening position. Get help moving the subwoofer if it's a big/heavy model. Loop a familiar soundtrack with a repeating bass line. Evaluate the bass quality at each available subwoofer location in the room. Keep your head at/near knee level while listening (hence the term 'subwoofer crawl'). Step 2: Identify the best locations for your subwoofers As a quick rule of thumb, if you have wall space at the front of your room, a good starting point is to place each sub ¼ the length of the front wall from each respective side wall as illustrated in Figure 1. 7) Now, figure out which sub is physically farthest away from your main seat. Set that sub's phase knob to 0°. We'll call this Sub1. 8) Start with Sub2's (physically closer to your main seat) phase knob at 0°. 9) Play a bass sweep on repeat (you can download a bass sweep from , or just play one off of YouTube on repeat).

SUBWOOFER PLACEMENT The Importance of Going Dual for Home Audio System Setup YouTube

So one astute viewer noticed that when I was talking about examples of more than one subwoofer I had even numbers 2, 4, 10, you know, extrapolate to 100 subwoofers. And he asked the question, "Well, what about three? Could you use three subwoofers or five subwoofers?" Certainly, you can. The complexity though is when you're looking at placement. The placement of your subwoofer and where you sit. Sometimes you do not have a choice, but if you do, the best spot to have your main seats is roughly ⅔ of the distance your room is long from the front wall. The worst spot for intersections of dips and peaks would be in the exact center of your room. Try placing the second subwoofer in a location near the wall opposite the first subwoofer. Avoid rooms with concrete floors and walls. Walls where the wallboard flexes are more absorptive and produce fewer problems with "bass boom." 1. Two in the front (Left and Right) 2. Two in the back (Left and Right) behind my sitting position 3. One in the left back corner and one in the right front of the room to have a diagonal position between the two subwoofers. Thanks. Side question: Do I really need a second subwoofer?

How to Connect and Set up Two or More Subwoofers in Your Home Theater

Here are some of the most effective dual subwoofer placements. You can choose the one that suits your room acoustics the best through a hit and trial method. 1. Front Corner Placement. In this arrangement, the clearest bass can be heard. In this setup, you place a subwoofer behind your seat and one in the front corner of the room. You should always position your subwoofer in the spot in your room in which it works best acoustically but, if you have already decided for other reasons to place your subwoofer elsewhere (such as where it looks the best), the following calibration procedure will still ensure its output integrates correctly with that of your main speakers.