3-Site Skinfold (Jackson & Pollock) Calculation Body Fat % Classification Chart Male: 18-29 y/o Male: 30-39 y/o Male: 40-49 y/o Male: 50-59 y/o Male: 60-100 y/o Female: 18-29 y/o Female: 30-39 y/o Female: 40-49 y/o Female: 50-59 y/o Female: 60-100 y/o Measure your Body Fat % with this simple calculator. This body fat percentage 3 site skinfold test estimates the fat and lead body masses based on skinfold measurements taken with calipers. Below the form there are in depth instructions on how to take the skinfold test and also the formulas used. Gender: * Age: * Weight: * Thigh: * Chest: * Abdomen: * Other Tools You May Find Useful
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The 3 skinfold calculator is very easy to use and we've included step-by-step instructions. Step 1: Choose the desired unit of measurement: Imperial (lbs) or metric (kg) Step 2: Select your gender Step 3: Enter your weight Step 4: Type in your age A 3-Point Skinfold Test is a method used to estimate body fat percentage by measuring skinfold thickness with a calliper at three different locations on the body. This test is based on the principle that the amount of subcutaneous fat tissue, or adipose tissue, directly relates to total body fat. 3 skinfolds - Chest, abdomen, thigh (men) or triceps, thigh and suprailiac (women) 4 skinfolds - Triceps, thigh, suprailiac, abdomen (same for men and women) 7 skinfolds - Chest, abdomen, thigh, triceps, axilla, subscapula, and suprailiac (same for men and women) Why Measure Body Fat? This can be done by simple calculations. Firstly subtract your present % body fat from 100 and divide this by 100 minus the desired % body fat. Multiply this by the present weight and this will give you the weight for the desired % body fat. For example, a female 145 lb. who is now 32% body fat.
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3-Point Skin Fold Bodyfat Unit system Gender Age years Weight kg Pectoral fold mm Abdominal fold mm Thigh fold mm Triceps fold mm Suprailiac fold mm The above calculator gives you an estimate of your % bodyfat and lean body mass based on your weight, age and thickness measurements of 3 skin folds. Three Skinfold Sites The Jackson-Pollack method for evaluating body fat percentage requires three skinfold measurements. For men, measurement sites are the chest, abdomen and thigh; for women, they consist of the thigh, triceps and suprailiac crest, or just above the top of the hip bone. Taking skinfold measurements is a common method for determining body fat composition. Calipers are used to measure the thickness of the skin at a range of sites around the body. Accurate measurement technique is important. Here is the standard technique that is used. You should read this information in conjunction with the description of each. Calculate the log of the sum of skinfolds. Calculate body density by multiplying the log of the sum of skinfolds by 0.0717, and subtracting the computed number from 1.1599. Divide 495 by the number calculated in Step 3 (body density), and substruct 450. That's all! You have calculated the body fat percentage.
IUPUI Lab Instructional Suprailiac Skinfold YouTube
The 3 Site Skinfold for Women SITE 1 - TRICEPS. With the arm resting comfortably at the side, take a vertical fold parallel to the long axis of the arm midway between the prominent bone at the top of the shoulde (acromion process) and the tip of the elbow (olecranon process). SITE 2 - SUPRAILIAC. Men. BD = 1.10938 - 0.0008267 (Y) + 0.0000016 (Y2) - 0.0002574 (Age) where Y= sum of Chest, Abdominal and Thigh skinfolds in mm. Women. BD=1.0994291 - 0.0009929 (Z) + 0.0000023 (Z2) - 0.0001392 (Age) where Z = sum of Triceps, Thigh and Suprailliac skinfolds in mm. In order to be able to quickly input the age and gender into the SKYNDEX.
Take a minimum of two measurements at each site. The acceptable range between repeated measures is 1mm. If the values vary by more than 1mm take an additional measurement and use the average of the three measurements Skinfold measurements should not be taken when the skin is wet or after exercise 3 skinfold measurement sites for females and males. 3-site skinfold testing formulas for both genders. Body fat percentage categories chart. Calculator Preferences (Click to change width of calculator) 3-Site Body Composition Calculator Calculate 3-site caliper test, standard or metric, female or male, with pictures. Special Instructions Learn More
Skinfold Testing YouTube
The following calculator gives you an estimate of your % bodyfat and lean body mass based on your weight, age and thickness measurements of 3 skin folds. It is based on the Jackson-Pollock 3-point method and is reasonably accurate for most people. This method, however, as almost all popular skin fold methods, tends to underestimate body fat. The 3 point skinfold calculator allows you to calculate your percent body fat. It is a straightforward tool to use and works great!. It uses a formula based on the amount of fat found at different points around your body. These measurements are taken using a tape measure and ruler.