Alpha Bridge Crit Build The Division 1.8.2 YouTube

ISAC is outfitted with unique capabilities that allow for weapon characteristic changes on the fly.Description AlphaBridge is a Gear Set in Tom Clancy's The Division, added in Update 1.3. It is a set that provides improved self-sufficiency and improved weapons performance for those specializing in one type of weapon. Set Bonus (2): +100% Health Regen Set Bonus (3): +5% Weapon Damage Set Bonus. The AlphaBridge Gear Set lets you take advantage of all equipped Weapon Talents as long as you have equipped two weapons of the same archetype.. Set Bonuses. Set Bonus (2): +100% Health Regen; Set Bonus (3): +5% Weapon Damage; Set Bonus (4): Talent | AlphaBridge If your Primary and Secondary Weapon is of the same category, they both gain all of the unique active talents.

1.4 Ultimate Alpha Bridge PvE and PvP Build (The Division) Gameplay YouTube

So I tested this build a few different ways and I feel the setup I have now will most likely be the best setup I can get without sacrificing health on my gea. Alpha Bridge is an incredible set - my build and thoughts (PvE) Endgame Discussion. TL;DR: The main theme of this PvE build is that I have two M4's, the first one being the main M4 that I use the majority of the time, and a second M4 that is a DPS M4 which I use when tac link gets activated. Alpha Bridge is actually one of the most fun, and. Set bonus (4): Talent: AlphaBridge - If your Primary and Secondary Weapon is of the same category, they share the free talent. All talent requirements are ignored for all weapon talents. Other Gear sets: alphabridge banshees-shadow d3-fnc deadeye final-measure firecrest hunters-faith juggernauts-battlegear lone-star path-of-the-nomad predators. A lot of people wanted to see the build I was currently using so I decided to FINALLY show you guys the potential that Alpha Bridge has. This build helps YOU.

The Division Alpha Bridge Best 1.4 build YouTube

The Division Underground DLC and the 1.3 update introduce new gear sets for your agent to swan around in.. Alex is here to tell us why he thinks the Alpha Bridge gear set is the bee's knees, and. The Division AlphaBridge Classified Build for PVE and PVP! From the pure and one of the most fearsome PVP builds that ever existed in the division , New Alph. The Division developers wouldn't reveal all of the changes coming with update 1.6 and The Last Stand expansion, but they did say Alpha Bridge is getting a nerf.. Earlier today developer Massive. I had an alpha bridge build with dual shotties and sidearm shotgun. 7 talents active : Brutal - 12%headshot damage, Unforgiving- extra weapon damage with missing health segments, Provident - last bullet does 60% more damage, accurate - accuracy increased 25%, competent - weapon dam increased 10% after skill use, responsive - weapon damage weapon dam increased when closed than 10m, deadly - +15.

The Division Alpha Bridge My Main PvP Build Explained YouTube

I run my Alpha Bridge Build with a 229 MP7 & Aug with brutal, responsive, Adept / deadly, Unforgiving, Competent. Yesterday we went rouge and i melt people with this combo (mates got smart cover and pulse). Tom Clancy's The Division. Question About Alpha Bridge (SOLVED) I'm new to the game so I'm not sure how this works. I have 4 pieces of the Alpha Bridge set all at level 229. According to the description of the talents if you equip 4 pieces and then have 2 weapons of the same type all of the talents on those weapons should be unlocked regardless. Since the release of the new The Division update 1.5 you probably have been playing a lot of Survival mode. Well, let's leave the Survival Mode behind and start talking about the best PVP set you can get. Because The Survival mode will start to be boring, we've been thinking about releasing a new AlphaBridge Gear Set Build or let's say one of the best Dark Zone builds you can get. Cheapest games - daily, come and watch some PVP, chat and ask some Division questions!.

The Division ALPHABRIDGE PVE BUILD CRAZY DAMAGE Legendary mission build YouTube

I started to build this way when 1.3 came out and I got maybe 3-4 268 pieces and thought that with 1 electronic piece, the rest how you prefer to play and the right Skill Attributes on your Gear you might be able to max Pulse and Smart Cover, do a ton of DPS and be able to stay alive. I'm sharing my AlphaBridge build because it is the only one. The DPs on the SMG alpha bridge build is awfully low Also alphabridge isn't good for really a y set other than SMG or shotgun For marksman you'd use sentry. Using anything other than sentry isn't smart for marksman. And since alpha bridge is mainly an SMG or alpha bridge set you'd want pulse crit as the minor attribute.