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No matter what you love, you'll find it here. Search Emoji and more. Find the deal you deserve on eBay. Discover discounts from sellers across the globe. Thinking Face A yellow face with furrowed eyebrows looking upwards with thumb and index finger resting on its chin. Intended to show a person pondering or deep in thought. Often used to question or scorn something or someone, as if saying Hmm, I don't know about that. Tone varies, including earnest, playful, puzzled, skeptical, and mocking.

Download High Quality thinking emoji transparent android Transparent PNG Images Art Prim clip

To use AppCompat to support emoji, do the following: Check that your module depends on the AppCompat library version 1.4.0-alpha01 or higher. build.gradle // Ensure version is 1.4.0-alpha01 or higher. implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat.$appcompatVersion" Ensure all activities that display text extend the AppCompatActivity class. Meaning of 🤔 Thinking Face Emoji The 🤔 Thinking Face emoji is a serious 🙂 Smiley with one eyebrow raised, indicating that the person is deep in thought about something important. The characteristic rubbing of the chin is a recognized movement for pondering, proving that this emoji is truly thinking. Thinking. 🤔 Thinking Face 💭 Thought Balloon 💡 Light Bulb 🧠 Brain 🤗 Smiling Face with Open Hands 🤫 Shushing Face 🤭 Face with Hand Over Mouth. 🤔 Thinking Face on Google Noto Color Emoji Android 12.0 Vendor: Google Noto Color Emoji Version: Android 12.0 This is how the 🤔 Thinking Face emoji appears on Google Noto Color Emoji Android 12.0 . It may appear differently on other platforms. Android 12.0 was released on Oct. 4, 2021. Show More Most Popular 🫶 Heart Hands ️ Red Heart 🔥 Fire

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thinking Thinking Face 🤔 emoji codes for devs: Emoji 🤔 Thinking Face meanings. Copy and paste 🤔 Thinking Face Emoji for Iphone, Android and get HTML codes. Today's Android 12L developer preview contains a total of 107 new emoji designs, including seven brand new smiley face emojis - the largest number of new smileys to be included in a Google emoji update since 2017's Android 8.0 release. Melting Face Face with Open Eyes and Hand Over Mouth Face with Peeking Eye Saluting Face Dotted Line Face Caution: As of late 2021, the androidx.emoji:emoji library is deprecated in favor of androidx.emoji2:emoji2, which provides integration into androidx.appcompat. To support modern emoji and simplify backward-compatibility with lower versions of Android, it's recommended that you migrate to the androidx.emoji2:emoji2 library. For details on how to implement, see Support modern emoji. The Thinking Face Emoji (U+1F914) is a versatile emoji that conveys deep thought, contemplation, and the act of pondering questions or decisions in digital communication. It's a popular choice for expressing uncertainty, skepticism, or the need to carefully consider various options or possibilities. Click to copy! Thinking Face Emoji Information

Download High Quality thinking emoji transparent android Transparent PNG Images Art Prim clip

The 🤔 Thinking Face emoji is a serious-looking smiley with one eyebrow raised, clearly thinking about something important. This is demonstrated by the classic chin stroking, which is a recognized contemplating activity. "Question," a question mark on iOS, is the "Thinking Face" emoji on Android. "Emphasize," an exclamation mark on iOS, is the "Face with Open Mouth" emoji on Android. Open any communication app like Android Messages or Twitter. Tap a text box such as a texting conversation or Compose Tweet to open the keyboard. Tap the smiley face symbol next to the space bar. Samsung has begun rolling out the latest version of its Android software layer, One UI 6.0. This update introduces a brand new visual style for the va. Emojis for Samsung Galaxy and Galaxy Note series of phones. See which emojis are supported on current Samsung phones, and how they compare to other platforms.

🤔 Thinking Face Emoji "Thinking Emoji"

If you know what your emoji looks like, you can just type in a description and find the right icon (e.g. poop). The process takes a couple steps. Find the comma button, located towards the bottom. Sometimes the thinking face emoji is used literally to append questions, and this shows the writer is contemplating an answer. In these cases, it is often paired with a thought balloon, or a light bulb. These questions often call for answers, and are statements of either confusion or consideration. Other times, the thinking face emoji is used.