Good Sweden, Bad Sweden Volante En klokare & roligare värld

Swedish Jokes - 92 Hilarious Swedish Jokes Swedish Jokes Want to hear a Swedish joke? Nevermind. There's Norway I could Finnish it. upvote downvote report This joke may contain profanity. 🤔 I am over 18 Hitler commits suicide and appears in front of god God:"You already know you're going to hell, but before that I'll give you one wish." 1 A Guide to Swedish Insults Swedes can be very PC sometimes — especially in certain workplaces — so use these insults at your own risk. But if you say any of these in a joking way towards a friend, you're unlikely to get into any trouble but rather produce a laugh or two instead.

IKEA Concept Car A Bad Swedish Joke?

A Swede was walking down the street with a duck under his arm. "Where did you find that money?" asked the fellow pedestrian. "It happens to be a duck." claimed the Swede. "Shut up, Swede! I am talking to the duck.". * Ole (Norwegian) and Sven (Swedish) went on a fishing trip to Canada and come back with only three fish. 138 swedish jokes and hilarious swedish puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about swedish that are clean and suitable for kids and friends. Looking for a good laugh? Check out these Swedish jokes! From clever riddles to pun-filled one-liners, these jokes are sure to get you chuckling. So why not give them a try? Quick Jump To Short Swedish Jokes Nine terrible AI-generated jokes about Swedish things Becky Waterton - [email protected] Published: 11 Jan, 2023 CET. Updated: Sat 14 Jan 2023 08:05 CET The ChatGPT tool can write such impressive paragraphs of human-like text that schools in New York have started blocking it. We used it to tell jokes instead. Absurd, grotesque, silly, or just shockingly boring things If you look at hit humorous Facebook groups in Sweden in recent years, there's a definite amusement at the absurd, grotesque, and simply silly (at least in the ones followed by my Swedish wife).

Meme of the Day The Most Swedish Chef In The World Food Republic

45 Hilarious Swedish Puns - Punstoppable 🛑 👍︎ 💬︎ 👤︎ 📅︎ 🚨︎ What is the name of a Swedish detective? 👍︎ 💬︎ 👤︎ 📅︎ 🚨︎ 👍︎ 👤︎ 🚨︎ 👤︎ 🚨︎ The Swedish navy have labelled all their vessels with giant barcodes, 👤︎ 🚨︎ 👤︎ 🚨︎ 👤︎ 🚨︎ 👤︎ 🚨︎ 👤︎ 🚨︎ u/TheReal_BlueBoi I was going to post about how much trouble my Swedish car has been . . . What do you call a clever duck in Sweden? A Swede-ish quack. 6. What does a Swedish chef give his date? A peck on the cheek and a plate of smorgas-kiss. 7. Why did the Swedish navy put barcodes on their ships? So when they come back, they can Scandinavian. 8. Have you heard about the new Swedish-made car?