The bass scales chart below shows three common bass scales (pentatonic minor, blues and major) as patterns on a fretboard. They show the scales as played on a 4 string bass with standard tuning. Scroll down to download a printable pdf version of the chart, with no log-in or sign-up required. Pentatonic Scale First of all, here is a bass guitar notes chart that shows where to find every single note on the fretboard: A 4-string bass with 24 frets has 96 fretted notes. If we count the 4 open strings as well, it has exactly 100 notes. On the flip side, there are only 12 different notes on the bass guitar.
Bass Guitar Scales Wall Charts Bass Player Center
The real fun and challenge of playing a bass guitar is that the patterns of the chords and scales never change, no matter what musical key you're in. Memorizing the order of your bass's musical notes can prepare you to tackle those chords and scales. When learning to play bass guitar, it's important to learn all of the notes on the fretboard. Be sure to check out our lesson "How to Memorize Notes on the Bass". To help you memorize the notes, we've provided fretboard diagrams showing all of the notes up to the 12th fret (horizontal and vertical charts): A bass scale is a series of notes played in a specific order, up and down the neck of your instrument. Every scale is made up of eight notes that are called an octave. The tone of each of these notes in an octave remains the same whether you're playing them on bass, guitar, or ukulele. Every scale starts and finishes with a "root note." A complete reference for bass guitarists of all styles and abilities. Use these scales in your basslines, songwriting, riffs and improvisation. Page Index Continue scrolling to see all the scales, or use the links below to jump to the part of the page you need. Introduction All Bass Scales TAB & Patterns / Fretboard Diagrams Pentatonic Minor Scale
4 String Bass Guitar Notes 98 Use This Chart To Familiarize Yourself Free Printable Bass
F Blues. F-sharp Blues. G Blues. G-Sharp Blues. A Blues. B-Flat Blues. B Blues. Learn how to play scales on bass guitar with our neck diagrams and tab. Scales include major, minor, blues, pentatonic, and more. Dear fellow musician, This 4 string bass guitar fretboard chart is an essential tool for players who want to start memorizing the notes of the bass guitar and better understand its layout. A Bass Scales Chart is an invaluable tool for any player, as it offers a visual representation of various musical scales on the bass fretboard. As a bassist, having this chart at your fingertips can drastically improve your playing and make learning those tricky new chords and notes much easier. A bass scales chart is a useful tool for any bass player, whether you are just starting out or have been playing for years. A chords chart can help you understand the different types of chords and how to play them on the bass guitar.
Free Five String Bass Guitar Chord Chart Download in PDF, Illustrator
The following movable bass scale patterns can be used to play any major scale on bass guitar. The green notes represent the tonic notes* of the scale. Position the green notes over the correct notes on the bass fretboard to play the scale with that tonic note. Play each note from the first green note to the second for a one octave scale. The chart below shows the neck of the bass, with the nut at the far left and the open string notes to the side. On any such chart you will come across the following symbols- '#' indicating sharp notes (like F#) and 'b' indicating flat notes (like Gb). All of the full notes are known as natural notes. Bass Guitar Notation Chart
Bass scales. Scales for bass guitar with diagrams and explanation. What follows is a guide trough different scale categories for bass players. The fingerboard diagrams are based on standard tuning (EADG). See other tunings for 5-string bass below. Major. The Major scale is the most important in Western music and a good start when learning. 😎 A simple tool to help you visualize scales and notes on the fretboard of a 4-string bass guitar.You can select which notes are shown and select a specific scale to highlight the notes from. By default you'll get the notes on the fretboard using standard tuning (E A D G), but you can also select another popular tuning option like Drop D (D A D G), Drop C (C G C F) and D standard (D G C F).
Bass Guitar Notes 4 String Guitar
A complete guide to bass chords - open position and movable chord shapes and how to play them. Most of the time, bass guitarists stick to playing single-note lines. This 'traditional' approach has evolved for a reason; it's all too easy to overload the low end of a song with a wall of bass sound. Bass guitar scales that shake the earth! Here's our 5 favourite 'must-know' bass guitar scales. In this free guide you will learn: 2 quick and easy tips to learn bass scales at lightning speed. 5 essential bass guitar scales that will make you sound incredible. The #1 top-secret tip that will help you learn scales in ALL keys.