Bass Guitar Scales Major And Minor Scales FuelRocks

The bass scales chart below shows three common bass scales (pentatonic minor, blues and major) as patterns on a fretboard. They show the scales as played on a 4 string bass with standard tuning. Scroll down to download a printable pdf version of the chart, with no log-in or sign-up required. Pentatonic Scale Major And Minor Scales Bass by Lessons - Scales 525,478 views, added to favorites 13,849 times Author zeroisgreatman [a] 2,163. 3 contributors total, last edit on Jun 28, 2017 View.

Major and Minor Scales (Bass Tab) YouTube

Welcome to! Our site is a resource for learning scales on bass guitar. The scales include major, three types of minor, the major and minor pentatonic scales, and the blues scale. About the Scales A bass scale is a series of notes played in a specific order, up and down the neck of your instrument. Every scale is made up of eight notes that are called an octave. The tone of each of these notes in an octave remains the same whether you're playing them on bass, guitar, or ukulele. Every scale starts and finishes with a "root note." Written by Ian Partanen in Learn Bass The minor scale is easily the scale I`ve played the most on my bass. This is because, despite all the different scales and modes I`ve learned, I always gravitate back toward jamming in minor keys. However, I remember it taking me a long time to fully grasp it. Major and Minor scales Charts and tabs for the Major and the Minor scale in all keys. For 4-string bass (standard tuning: E-A-D-G). Major scales Minor scales Preview thumbnail screenshots: Pentatonic scales Charts and tabs for the Pentatonic Major and the Minor scale in all keys. For 4-string bass (standard tuning: E-A-D-G). Pentatonic Major scales

Free Printable Bass Guitar Scales Printable Templates

Major The Major scale is the most important in Western music and a good start when learning scales on bass. One-octave pattern, root on 3rd string The fingerboard diagram below shows a C Major scale with the first root note on 3rd string. The scale is movable and can be used for all Major scales (which can be found by using the top menu). To flat a note means to lower it by one note. Since the minor third is always one note lower than the major third, we often describe the minor third as a flatted 3rd. That does not mean the minor 3rd must be spelled with a flat letter name. A Bass Scales Chart is an invaluable tool for any player, as it offers a visual representation of various musical scales on the bass fretboard. As a bassist, having this chart at your fingertips can drastically improve your playing and make learning those tricky new chords and notes much easier. The moody cousin of the major family, this bass guitar scale carries a darker attitude with it. Heavily used in rock and metal music, this scale is great to add a sense of darkness to your next melody. The minor scale's dark character comes from its use of a different arrangement of notes than its cousins above.

The Major Pentatonic Scale For Bass Players Bass lines, solos, fills!

The major scale only consists of two types of steps: whole-steps and half-steps. The concept of half and whole steps is best illustrated when played on a single string of the bass. For example, here is what the E Major scale looks like when played solely on the E-string: The half-steps are right next to the last note of the scale. The most important bass scales for beginners to learn are the following: Major Scale. Major Pentatonic Scale. Natural Minor Scale. Minor Pentatonic Scale. Blues Scale. These scales form the foundation of every other scale and chord you will ever learn and they were the starting point for the best bassists in the world. Introduction The major scale is probably the most important scale in music. It is the 'basic' scale to which all other scales are compared. The major scale is used in countless melodies and its sound is so familiar that most non-musicians will be able to sing or whistle it. On this page you'll find out how to play the major scale on bass guitar. What Are Relative Major and Minor Scales? Relative scales are scales that share the same set of notes — much like you have DNA in common with your relatives. Every major scale has a relative minor scale, and every minor scale a relative major. For example, the C major scale and the A minor scale are relative scales.

Guitar Scales Elmore Music

Major pentatonic scale. The major pentatonic scale is another easy, 5-note bass scale for beginners, and is used for writing major riffs and soloing over major chords. The major pentatonic scale is built by removing the 4th and 7th intervals from the major scale, which gives it its simple and pleasant sound. Also, if you already know your five. As opposed to the major scale, the minor scale is a more natural sounding scale. The difference between it and the major is that in a minor scale, there are often sharps or flats. For example, if we were to play a C minor scale on our bass, it would contain the following notes: C, D, Eb, F , G , Ab, Bb , C. The formula for the Minor Scale is.