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HTML Canvas Applying Shadow to text and shapes Part 6 YouTube
1 Answer Sorted by: 7 Canvas example var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName ("canvas") [0], ctx = canvas.getContext ('2d'); ctx.font="75px verdana"; ctx.shadowColor="black"; ctx.shadowBlur=10; ctx.lineWidth=10; ctx.strokeStyle = "white"; ctx.strokeText ("HELLO",25,100); ctx.shadowBlur=0; ctx.fillStyle="red"; ctx.fillText ("HELLO",25,100); Description Use this code to add different shadows to your canvas text. In canvas, there are 4 different shadow properties: offsetX, offsetY, shadowColor, and shadowBlur. Text Shadow The text-shadow property adds shadow to text. In its simplest use, you only specify the horizontal shadow (2px) and the vertical shadow (2px): Text shadow effect! Example h1 { text-shadow: 2px 2px; } Try it Yourself » Next, add a color (red) to the shadow: Text shadow effect! Example h1 { text-shadow: 2px 2px red; } Try it Yourself » The text-shadow CSS property adds shadows to text. It accepts a comma-separated list of shadows to be applied to the text and any of its decorations. Each shadow is described by some combination of X and Y offsets from the element, blur radius, and color. Try it Syntax css
25+ Creating Stunning CSS Text Shadows for Your Website
The CanvasRenderingContext2D.shadowBlur property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the amount of blur applied to shadows. The default is 0 (no blur). Note: Shadows are only drawn if the shadowColor property is set to a non-transparent value. One of the shadowBlur , shadowOffsetX, or shadowOffsetY properties must be non-zero, as well. Value You can apply multiple text shadows by comma separating p { text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000, 3px 3px 5px blue; } The first two values specify the length of the shadow offset. The first value specifies the horizontal distance and the second specifies the vertical distance of the shadow. Drawing text. The canvas rendering context provides two methods to render text: fillText (text, x, y [, maxWidth]) Fills a given text at the given (x,y) position. Optionally with a maximum width to draw. strokeText (text, x, y [, maxWidth]) Strokes a given text at the given (x,y) position. Optionally with a maximum width to draw. In HTML5 canvas, you can add shadows on a shape, a line, text, or an image which can create a sense of third dimension. To add shadows with the HTML5 Canvas, you can use the following properties of the canvas context. shadowOffsetX shadowOffsetY shadowColor shadowBlur shadowOffsetX () Property
How To Make Two Color Text Canva Shadow Text YouTube
To create a shadow in