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How to say "Enjoy your meal!" in Swedish and 28 more useful words. American English Enjoy your meal! Swedish Smaklig måltid More Eat & Drink Vocabulary in Swedish American English Swedish vegetarian en vegetarian What do you recommend? Vad rekommenderar du? delicious god Cheers! skål thank you tack pumpkin pumpa dessert efterrätt dinner middag ENJOY YOUR MEAL - Translation in Swedish - Dictionary English-Swedish E enjoy your meal What is the translation of "enjoy your meal" in Swedish? en volume_up enjoy your meal = sv volume_up smaklig måltid Translations Translator Phrasebook open_in_new EN "enjoy your meal" in Swedish volume_up enjoy your meal {interj.} SV volume_up

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meal noun måltid, mat, mål, mål mat, grovt mjöl See Also in Swedish smaklig adjective tasty, palatable, appetizing, delicate, flavorous måltid noun meal, repast Nearby Translations enjoy your holidays enjoy your food enjoy your day enjoy together enjoy the sun enjoys enjoy yourself enjoy yourselves enjoy your vacation enkindle enlace enlarge These are phrases used to at the beginning or end of meals and mean something like "have a good meal" / "enjoy your meal". There is no exact English equivalent of this, though some people say bon appetit, particularly in restaurants. enjoy your meal in Swedish - English-Swedish Dictionary | Glosbe English Swedish Translation of "enjoy your meal" into Swedish smaklig måltid is the translation of "enjoy your meal" into Swedish. Sample translated sentence: As we Hungarians say, jó étvágyat!—enjoy your meal! ↔ Som vi ungrare säger, jó étvágyat! — smaklig måltid! Here is a guide to all of the Swedish food words you're likely to encounter along your way, together with audio to help you nail your pronunciation. Meal-Related Words To eat — att äta Dessert — en efterrätt Vegetarian — vegetarisk Vegan — vegan Gluten-free — glutenfri Lactose-free — laktosfri Starter — en förrätt Main course — en varmrätt

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Translations in context of "enjoy your meal" in English-Swedish from Reverso Context: You can enjoy your meal in the courtyard, surrounded by the garden and colonnade. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation. Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate. Translation of "Enjoy your meal!" into Swedish . Smaklig måltid is the translation of "Enjoy your meal!" into Swedish. Sample translated sentence: Enjoy your meal and thank you for choosing Burger King. ↔ Smaklig måltid och tack för att ni valde Burger King. Many translated example sentences containing "enjoy your meal" - Swedish-English dictionary and search engine for Swedish translations. Phrases in Swedish, English and SpanishSwedish: Smaklig måltid!English: Enjoy your meal!Spanish: ¡Que aproveche! / ¡Buen provecho!How do you say this in your.

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Translation of "enjoy" into Swedish. njuta, åtnjuta, tycka om are the top translations of "enjoy" into Swedish. Sample translated sentence: I hope you're enjoying your stay here. ↔ Jag hoppas att du njuter av din vistelse här. enjoy verb grammar. To receive pleasure or satisfaction from something [..] The Swedish word Lagom doesn't have an English translation, but the meaning of the word is "Just about the right amount", although the actual meaning is more than that. It's a word that is very integrated into Swedish society, and we use it a lot. The concept of Lagom is one of many interesting facts about Sweden . satisfying snack. satisfying sound. satisfying taste. satisfying victory. satisfying work. saturate. saturate the airwaves. Have a look at the Spanish-English dictionary by Translation for 'satisfying meal' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other Swedish translations. Here is the translation, pronunciation and the Swedish word for Enjoy your meal: Smaklig måltid Enjoy your meal in all languages Dictionary Entries near Enjoy your meal enjoin enjoy Enjoy your day Enjoy your meal enjoyable enjoyment enlarge Cite this Entry "Enjoy your meal in Swedish."

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I have made a list of several phrases connected with food and eating. Sit back, relax and enjoy your lesson. We have all been there, hungry and angry. There is no happy place without good food. This lesson is going to help us fight with the hunger. Let the hunger games begin. I am going to serve the phrases that may come in handy: Thank you in Swedish, formal. Tack! - Thank you! Tack så mycket! - Thanks a lot! Thank you in Swedish, informal. Tack som fan! - Thanks (lit.) like the devil! (I know, sounds funny. Swedes use a lot of "devil" in their language. But more about that further below.) Swedish phrase for good luck. Lycka till! - Good luck! Swedish swear.