Henri-René-Albert-Guy de Maupassant was born on 5 August 1850 at the late 16th-century Château de Miromesnil (near Dieppe in the Seine-Inférieure (now Seine-Maritime) Department, France), the elder son of Gustave de Maupassant (1821-99) and Laure Le Poittevin, [6] whose family hailed from the prosperous bourgeoisie. Guy de Maupassant, (born August 5, 1850, Château de Miromesnil?, near Dieppe, France—died July 6, 1893, Paris), French naturalist writer of short stories and novels who is by general agreement the greatest French short-story writer.. Early life. Maupassant was the elder of the two children of Gustave and Laure de Maupassant. His mother's claim that he was born at the Château de.
Gi De Mopasan, Dela 112, komplet (72317033)
Guy de Maupassant has 6336 books on Goodreads with 397404 ratings. Guy de Maupassant's most popular book is Bel-Ami. Анри Рене Албер Ги де Мопасан ( франц. Henry René Albert Guy de Maupassant; [1] [2] [2] [3] [4] [5] Турвил сир Арке, 5. август 1850 — Париз, 6. јул 1893) био је француски реалистички писац . Мопасан је рођен у месту Шато де Мироменил ( Château de Miromesnil ), код Дјепа у Француској. Писао је приповетке и романе. Ги де Мопасан (Гуy де Маупассант): "Огрлица" (радио драма) Henry René Albert Guy de Maupassant; [1] [2] [2] [3] [4] [5] Turvil sir Arke, 5. avgust 1850 — Pariz, 6. jul 1893) bio je francuski realistički pisac . Mopasan je rođen u mestu Šato de Miromenil ( Château de Miromesnil ), kod Djepa u Francuskoj. Pisao je pripovetke i romane.
Gi de Mopasan has 13 books on Goodreads with 61 ratings. Gi de Mopasan's most popular book is Bel-Ami. The Linked Data Service provides access to commonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the Library of Congress. This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. Datasets available include LCSH, BIBFRAME, LC Name Authorities, LC Classification, MARC codes, PREMIS vocabularies, ISO language codes, and more. Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant was born on August 5, 1850 near Normandy, France, the eldest child of Laure Le Poittevin and Gustave de Maupassant. Custody was given to Maupassant's mother when the couple separated around 1862. Guy de Maupassant Anri-Rene-Alber-Gi de Mopasan ( fr. Guy de Maupassant ) ( 5. avgust 1850. - 6. jul 1893 .), bio je francuski realistički pisac . Mopasan je rođen u mestu Šato de Miromenil ( Château de Miromesnil ), kod Djepa ( Dieppe) u Francuskoj. Pisao je pripovetke i romane.
mbi uje, gi de mopasan Book cover, Illustration, Greatful
Gi de Mopasan (franc. Henry René Albert Guy de Maupassant) jedan je od najznačajnijih autora kratke književne forme i objavio oko 300 pripovedaka od kojih se velik broj smatra remek-delima svetske književnosti. Ovaj autor se često opisuje kao otac moderne kratke priče. Guy de Maupassant ( Tourville sur Arques, 5. kolovoza 1850. - Pariz, 6. srpnja 1893. ), francuski književnik. Zaposlen kao činovnik, prve je književne eseje pisao pod pokroviteljstvom starijega Flauberta. Zbirka priča Večeri u Medanu ( 1880. ), osobito novela Dunda, smatra se ezgemplarnim djelom naturalizma.
Browse 30+ guy de maupassant stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Sort by: Most popular. Guy de Maupassant, french writer, 1850-1893. Image from 19th century. Guy de Maupassant. Portrait of Guy de Maupassant, a French writer, remembered as a master of the short story form, and as a. Anri Rene Alber Gi de Mopassan 5 avqust 1850-ci ildə Fransanın Dənizkənarı Sena departamenti, Turvilyasur-Ark yaxınlığındakı Miromenil qəsrində anadan olmuşdur. Atası yoxsullamış zadəgan, anası mədəni burjua ailəsindən idi. O, Ruan liseyini bitirmiş, 1869-cu ildə bakalavr adı almışdır. Mopassan ömrünün son.
Gi de Mopasan (Author of Strasti) Discover new books on Goodreads See if your friends have read any of Gi de Mopasan's books Join Goodreads Gi de Mopasan's Followers None yet. Gi de Mopasan edit data Combine Editions Gi de Mopasan's books Average rating: 4.21 · 43 ratings · 4 reviews · 38 distinct works More books by Gi de Mopasan… Is this you? Biografija Anri Rene Alber Gi de Mopasan (Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant) je bio francuski pisac. Rođen je 5. avgusta 1850. godine u Turvil sir Arke u Francuskoj. Preminuo je 6. jula 1893. godine u Parizu.