The full Hanyu Card Series collection boasts a total of 58 releases - 52 playing cards, two jokers, and a second batch of follow up releases for four of the cards: Ace of Spades, Queen of Hearts, King of Diamonds, and Jack of Clubs. Several Japanese whisky distilleries have produced legendary lines of whisky bottles, and Ichiro's Malt Card Series is one of them. Just like a deck of playing cards, this unique collection features 54 bottles that represent each card in a deck.
Ichiro Whiskey Card Series Wholesale UK
598 Places What's the only thing better than 54 bottles of whisky? 54 bottles of whisky that represent every playing card in a deck. That's how Ichiro Akuto, whose grandfather founded. This is the second Hanyu Ichiro Full Card Series whisky to sell for more than $900,000 in the last year. Published on November 23, 2020 By Bryan Hood Bonhams Another year, another record set. Published on February 12, 2016 My favorite whisky bar in the world is in my adopted Bangkok. A refined and secretive Japanese speakeasy among the girly bars of Soi 33, it's called Hailiang. No. Ichiro Hanyu Card Player Series Sotheby's Hong Kong Any whisky enthusiast worth their salt has heard about Japan's smallest and now defunct Hanyu distillery. The operation shut down in 2000.
Hanyu Joker Single Malt Whisky Card Series
The last time a complete collection of the Ichiro's Malt Card Series came onto the market was at auction in September 2017, the final price at the Sotheby's event ended at $455,000. Since that time demand for rare bottles of Japanese Whisky has grown significantly, making this set one of the most desirable in the world among the whisky elite. Ichiros Card Series Whisky | Buy Japanese Whisky Online Home / store / Independent Bottlers / Ichiro's Card Series Showing 1-36 of 52 results + Ichiro's Malt Card Series - The Colored Joker 0 $13,999.99 (USD) EUR: € 12,767.99 GBP: £ 11,041.71 JPY: ¥ 2,007,683 SGD: $18,607.18 AUD: $20,689.33 + Hanyu Ichiro's "Full Card Series" Japanese whisky of 54 bottles fetched HK$11,890,360 at Bonhams Hong Kong Sweeping a combined total of HK$11,890,360 at the Bonhams Fine & Rare Wine and Whisky sale in Hong Kong, the Hanyu Ichiro "Full Card Series" set a new world record for a whisky series. Another record has been broken in the history of whisky auctions. The full collection of Hanyu Ichiro's Full Card series, a total of 54 bottles, was sold to a female Asian collector for HK$7.19m (US$917,000) at Bonhams Hong Kong, setting a new world auction record for a Japanese whisky collection. The prized lot nearly doubled the previous auction record, also set by Bonhams Hong Kong in 2015.
Ichiro Whiskey Card Series Wholesale UK
Bonhams Hong Kong set a new auction record for a Japanese whisky collection after Hanyu Ichiro's Full Card Series sold for HK$11.9 million (US$1.5m) last week. Hanyu Ichiro's Full Card. The closing price for the rarest collection of Japanese whisky in the world? A cool $917,060. In an auction that included 72-year-old Macallan, 50-year-old Highland Park and a commemorative 35-year-old Hibiki, Ichiro's Malt Card Series 54-bottle set was the most talked-about of the lot.. There is no greater whiskey collecting feat than that of completing the deck (a unique bottle for every.
The Hanyu Ichiro Full Card Series set an auction record for a Japanese Whisky collection last week after it sold for $1.52 million USD at the Bonhams Fine and Rare Wine and Whisky Sale. The auction took place in Hong Kong between November 20 and 21. The Hanyu Ichiro Full Card Series is made up of 54 bottles of Whisky and was released between 2005 and 2014. The remaining stock of whisky from the Hanyu distillery is a highly sought after commodity. Marketed under the label of Ichiro's Malt Playing Card Series, there are only five bottles with each card available, with the whole set selling for half a million USD at an auction in HK in 2017. dekantā is an avid collector of the series, and here we present the Eight of Clubs - one of the rarest.
Ichiro Whiskey Card Series Wholesale UK
The poker card series from Hanyu is the embodiment of the japanese whisky boom which we witnessed over the last two years. Prices went berserk and made this series one of the most exclusive and most expensive whisky experiences money can buy. Imagine you stroll around your favourite whisky shop and feeling adventurous. Bonhams first sold the Full Card series in 2015, when it fetched HK$3.87 million, setting the world record for most expensive Japanese whisky collection - a record that still stands. Want more.