Petar Zoranić Planine izdanje iz NDH

Planine (English: The Mountains) is a work of prose fiction, generally considered to be the first Croatian novel. [1] [2] It was written by Petar Zoranić in 1536 and published posthumously in Venice in 1569. The story tells about a poet's imaginary seven-day journey across Croatian mountains on which he embarks in order to forget his love miseries. Petar Zoranić Publication date 1942 Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics 1942, petar zoranić, planine, hrvatska književnost, hrvatski pisci, knjiga, uploader milan kusnjacic Collection milankusnjacicarchive; additional_collections Language Croatian Tekst s tumačenjem i rječnikom priredio Vjekoslav Štefanić Addeddate 2019-12-01 11:34:43 Identifier

Planine, Petar Zoranić ZADAR 2011

Petar Zoranić (1508 - before 1569) was a Croatian writer and poet from Zadar . He is most important as the author of Planine, regarded as the first Croatian novel. [1] Pastoral in nature, the novel was written in 1538 and published in 1569. Zoranić wrote two other works, Ljubveni lov and Vilenica, but neither of these has survived. Biography Petar Zoranić, Planine (1569-2019) ABSTRACTS Ena Begović-Sokolija Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sarajevo [email protected] Zoranić's Planine, Hektorović's Ribanje and Matvejević's Brevijar: The Mediterranean in the Light of Cultural Geography Prvo izdanje romana Planine iz 1569. godine. Planine je naslov prvog hrvatskog romana, kojeg je napisao i 20. rujna 1536. završio Petar Zoranić, a objavljen je u Mletcima 1569., nakon piščeve smrti. [1] To je pastirsko - alegorijski roman (čest tip proze u tom razdoblju), pisan u prozi i stihu. Djelo Petra Zoranića smatra se i prvim romanom uopće u hrvatskoj književnosti, a možemo ga smatrati pastoralnim romanom prema žanru. "Planine" se sastoje od dijelova proze i stiha i sve to ukomponirano je u 24 poglavlja.

Petar Zoranić Planine (pretisak iz 1568.) (ZZ12)

Planine Petar Zoranić 2.89 153 ratings7 reviews First Croatian novel, a pastoral-allegorical novel. The work tells about poet's imaginary seven-day journey across Croatian mountains on which he embarks in order to forget his love miseries. But, the principle line of the story is patriotic in character. This article therefore addresses the Croatian Renaissance text of Petar Zoranić's Planine to analyze: 1. problems of source and originality, 2. the historical and allegorical potentials of the text, 3. nature as a place of consolation as well as a source of cognition, and for the acquisition of various types of knowledge that were sought after by the people of the Renaissance, 4. the. This article therefore addresses the Croatian Renaissance text of Petar Zoranić's Planine to analyze: 1. problems of source and originality, 2. the historical and allegorical potentials of the. 2019, Petar Zoranić, Planine (1569-2019), Zadar, August 30-31. Literary historians recognized early on a rich intertextual network characterizing Zoranić's "Planine" on both the narrative and the semantic level. Some of the central threads in this network lead to the oeuvre of Francesco Petrarca, especially to his "Canzoniere" and.

Planine, Petar Zoranić (40697015)

Petar Zoranić (1508 - after 1569) was a Croatian Renaissance writer and poet from Zadar. He is most important as the author of Planine, regarded as the first Croatian novel. Pastoral in nature, the novel was written in 1538 and published in 1569. Zoranić wrote two other novels, Ljubveni lov and Vilenica, but neither of these has survived. Jedan od najvećih hrvatskih renesansnih pisaca, Ninjanin Petar Zoranić autor je po mnogo čemu jedinstvenog djela Planine, prvog hrvatskog romana. Podaci o Zoranićevim precima djelomično su dostupni - iako ne nužno i vjerodostojni - iz Planina. Rođen je u plemićkoj obitelji. The poet Petar Zoranić of Nin Each famous place has its own poet or chronicler, famous or anonymous. With its historical role of being the cradle of the Croatian State, Nin deserved to be the forerunner in every respect, and so in 1536, it was here that the first Croatian novel called „Planine" (Mountains) was written. Planine se smatraju i jednim od prvih odjeka Arkadije J. Sannazara, djela koje je uvelike utjecalo na popularnost pastorale u zapadnoeuropskim književnostima XVI. i XVII. st. Premda autor samo jednoga poznatog djela, Zoranić je najznačajniji književnik zadarskoga kruga i autor prvog i zadugo jedinoga svjetovnoga fikcionalnoga narativnoga djela p.

Planine Petar Zoranić (74418765)

Petar Zoranić: Planine 3 Štovanom i časnom gospodinu Mateju Matijeviću, ninskom kanoniku, predragom učitelju, Petar Zoranić, ninski plemić, pozdrav 4 upravo protekloga mjeseca svibnja 5 dake - dakle 6 mišlju tumaraš 7 pod koprinom - pod koprenom, pod izlikom; u alegoriji (Švelec) 8 i drugim putem krenuh u zavičaj 9 dali - ali, ipak Planine Petra Zoranića su pastirsko - alegorijski roman pisan u prozi i stihu. Pisan je narodnim hrvatskim jezikom, a sastoji se od novela epistularne književnosti (pismo posvete), petrarkističke lirike (ljubavne pjesme), bukoličke lirike (pastirske pjesme) i političke pjesme (prepjev "Molitve suprotiva Turkom").