8 Voice Lines 9 Interactions 10 Multi-Interactions 11 Skin-Specific 12 Map-Specific 13 Event-Specific 14 Datamined 15 Trivia 16 Navigation Abilities Chatter Call-Outs Mission Specific Eliminations PvE Communication Voice Lines Interactions Multi-Interactions Skin-Specific Map-Specific Overwatch - Pharah All Voice Lines"Justice rains from augh!"348 Voice Lines / v1.1.0.2#TEAMMOM#PHARMERCYDOWNLOAD LINK http://www.mediafire.com/download/5tj8a.
Overwatch Pharah's Unlockable Voice Lines in Every Language YouTube
3.1 Unlockable Voice Lines 3.2 Hello 3.3 Thank 3.4 Acknowledge 3.5 Need Healing 3.6 Group Up 3.7 Ultimate Status 4 In-game Triggers 4.1 Normal Eliminations 4.2 Melee Eliminations 4.3 Eliminating Reinhardt 4.4 Eliminating Widowmaker 4.5 Eliminating McCree 4.6 Eliminating Brigitte 4.7 Watching an ally get an elimination Pharah Voice Lines | Overwatch Blizzplanet 4.27K subscribers Join Subscribe 119 21K views 7 years ago Added in Overwatch beta build 27001 on Feb 9, 2016. These voice lines can be. Watch on All Pharah's voice lines available in the hero gallery. Updated to the latest event. 1 Overview 2 Abilities 3 Hero-specific options 4 Strategy 4.1 Weapons & Abilities 4.2 General strategies 5 Match-Ups and Team Synergy 5.1 Tank 5.2 Damage 5.3 Support 6 Story 6.1 Childhood 6.2 Soldier 6.3 Mission Statement 6.4 Recall 6.5 Reflections 6.6 New Blood 6.6.1 Cairo 6.6.2 Busan 6.7 As You Are 6.8 Liberation 7 Achievements 8 Trivia
Overwatch ALL Pharah Voice Lines HD YouTube
The Overwatch 2 devs have teased fans of Pharah and Mercy, jointly known as 'Pharmercy', with Tracer's new voice lines when her Season 5 Mythic skin is equipped. Pharah is one of the heroes in Overwatch. She is a security captain who yearns to protect the world's peace, like the heroes in her past. Soaring through the air in her combat armor, and armed with a launcher that lays down high-explosive rockets, Pharah is a force to be reckoned with. Fareeha Amari's commitment to duty runs in her blood. She comes from a long line of highly decorated soldiers. Quotes: Abilities Chatter Call-Outs Mission-Specific Eliminations Overwatch Pharah voice actors Jen Cohn. As an adaptive robot who can replicate the likenesses and abilities of others, her voice lines opened an avenue of expression distinct from all of Overwatch's other heroes. Scott Lawlor, the audio director of Overwatch, pitched an idea: What if Echo were to replicate not only the other heroes' models and talents, but their voice lines, as well?
Pharah Voice Lines Overwatch YouTube
About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Pharah's Voice Lines (Overwatch) DailyVariety 101 subscribers Subscribe 8 614 views 3 years ago #overwatch #blizzard #pharah All of Pharah's voice lines, with timestamps ! 0:00 Aerial.
Overwatch quotes - Pharah. "Put your security in my hands." - default. "Aerial superiority achieved." - 25 credits. "Flying the friendly skies." - 25 credits. "I've got you. Indeed, a solitary, robotic voice mimicking Pharah's well-known ultimate voice line wouldn't have the impact the Overwatch team desired. "But having the original Pharah voice line in there?" says Garnett. "That's Echo cloning Pharah, using Pharah's ult, doing justice."
Pharah's ultimate voice line YouTube
8 Voice Lines 9 Interactions 10 Multi-Interactions 11 Skin-Specific 12 Map-Specific 13 Event-Specific 14 Datamined 15 Trivia 16 Navigation Abilities Chatter Call-Outs Mission Specific Eliminations PvE Communication Voice Lines Interactions Multi-Interactions Skin-Specific Map-Specific Event-Specific Datamined Plus, her reunion with Ana was a good start rebuilding mother & daughter relationship where Ana apologized to her for not recognizing & believing in her skills & potential. Another coolest part is that Pharah had a voiceline for killing Ana in OW2: "Guess you won't be sending a letter this time.". 5. 5. Overwatch First-person shooter.