RAL 3026 Luminous Bright Red Complementary or Opposite Color Name and Code (FF2A1B)

RAL 3026 Luminous bright red. RAL 3026 Luminous bright red is a fluorescent color. This page shows RAL color 3026 with the color name Luminous bright red. This RAL color is in the Red hues category, part of the RAL Classic color system. On this website you can create your own RAL color collections with an account. The RGB values for RAL3026 Luminous Bright Red are 255, 55, 48 and the HEX code is #FF3730. The LRV for RAL3026 Luminous Bright Red is 27.81. The LRV stands for Light Reflectance Value and measures the percentage of light that a color reflects. Learn more about using RGB and Hex codes for matching colors.

RAL 3026 Luminous Bright Red Complementary or Opposite Color Name and Code (FF2A1B)

RAL Colour 3026 Luminous bright red. Find here all the information about the RAL 3026 colour Luminous bright red. This shade belongs to the Red RAL series. It is composed of 0% Cyan, 100% Magenta, 100% Yellow and 0% Black. Overview of RAL 3026 colour. Luminous bright red. RAL 3026 Color code refers to yellow color depicted on this page. The 'Luminous bright red' is a name attributed to this exact color tone on RAL Classic color chart. The name you see here is considered official, which means that you can safely use it when reffering to this RAL Classic color without any confusion. RAL 3026 Color Luminous bright red. Here you can see the example of RAL 3026 color in RAL charts. This color shade is a part of RAL Classic coulour deck, it is also known by Luminous bright red name. This RAL shade is one of 37 colors in Red hues chart. The conversion of RAL 3026 into RGB colour space requres specific composition of red, green, and blue primary colours. To construct hue matching "luminous bright red" colour from the RAL chart as close as possible, we use the following values ranging from 0 to 255 on the RGB colour system: 255 red, 42 green and 27 blue.

RAL RAL3026 Luminous Bright Red Paint Color Match MyPerfectColor

Paint similar to RAL 3026 - Luminous Bright Red (CMS - RAL Classic) Here are the best recommended paint colors similar to RAL 3026 - Luminous Bright Red (CMS - RAL Classic). Delta E (ΔE) is the measure of the difference between two colors. Delta E is measured on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means exact match, and 100 is the highest difference. RAL 3026 / Luminous Bright Red / #ff2a1b Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #ff2a1b is a shade of red. In the RGB color model #ff2a1b is comprised of 100% red, 16.47% green and 10.59% blue. In the HSL color space #ff2a1b has a hue of 4° (degrees), 100% saturation and 55% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 609.23 nm. RAL K6 Single sheet A6 colour series 3026 - Luminous bright red. RAL K6 Single sheet A6-sized. Show product in shop. +49 228 68895 120. Contact. This colour shade is a part of RAL Classic colour deck, it is also known by Luminous bright red name. This RAL shade is one of 25 colours in Red hues chart. RAL 3026 LRV Value is known to be ≈ 26.10%. Light Reflectance Values for RAL colours have been measured using standard procedure and certified tools for coloured surface evaluation.

Pantone 485 C vs RAL Luminous bright red (RAL 3026) side by side comparison

RAL Colour Name. Luminous bright red Hexadecimal. #FE0000. © 2021 RAL 3026 Luminous Bright Red Acrylic Enamel Touch Up Paint | LVP Paints. All Color Standards & Brands. 12oz & 4oz Aerosols. Paint Cans. Here is the Triadic and Tetradic Color Scheme of RAL 3026 - Luminous Bright Red. The triadic color palette has three colors separated by 120° in the RGB color wheel and tetradic colour scheme composed of two sets of complementary colors in a rectangular shape on the color wheel. From: £ 19.80. High quality Ral Luminous Bright Red (3026) paint available in a range of finishes. Paint supplied in Basecoat or 2K Acrylic. Basecoat Paint and requires overcoating with 2K Clearcoat. UV additive is recommended to prolong the colour from going fading. SKU: 3026. Size.

Feneste Windows Colors Aluminum RAL RAL 3026 Luminous bright red

RAL 3026 Luminous bright red HSL code: 4, 100%, 55%. Hue - degree on a color wheel from 0 to 360. 0 is red, 120 is green, and 240 is blue. Saturation is a percentage value. 0% is a shade of grey, and 100% is the full color. Lightness is also a percentage value. 0% is black, and 100% is white. 112. CMYK: 0; 85; 87; 0. sRGB: 255; 38; 32. Hex: #FF2620. LRV: Approx. 32. Light Reflectance Value. The L* a* b* (together with the corresponding HLC, RGB and CYMK) values are based on various sources/measurements, averaged where neceassry, using various spectrophotometers, standardised, where possbile, on D65 light with a standard observer.