The Shittiest Life Hacks Ever That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud 2.9M views Viktorija Gabulaitė Community member ADVERTISEMENT Life hacks are awesome. Handy short cuts that let you get the boring stuff done quicker and easier, giving you more time to get on with the more important stuff, like playing with your dog or saving the world. Shitty real life hacks are now allowed 3 comments 9 Posted by u/SaneForCocoaPuffs 3 months ago Easy way to reduce your water bill from showering without compromising your hygiene If your water bill is too high, you can take a 10 minute shower at 11:55 PM. Since your shower ends at 12:05 AM, you showered on two separate days.
The Shittiest Life Hacks Ever That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud Bored Panda
21 Hilarious Life Hacks That Are Ridiculously Bad Seriously, don't try any of these. by Andy Golder BuzzFeed Staff 1. Just print your dirty dishes away! Twitter: @georgeresch 2. Don't fix. Community member 474 57 ADVERTISEMENT Are you looking for terrible and completely useless life tips? Then you've come to the right place! Bored Panda has compiled a list of the crappiest advice ever. 11 1 u/SimpletonSwan • 6 hr. ago SLPT: Murderers are often caught because they googled "how to get rid of a body" after the murder. Eliminate that risk by googling it right now! Also, for no particular reason, it'd help if you googled "get rid of body in Antwerp Belgium". 35 2 30 hilariously terrible life hacks that we wouldn't recommend using By Adrian Willings Updated Aug 1, 2021 Life hacks are great, aren't they? Simple tricks designed to make your life that.
The Shittiest Life Hacks Ever That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud Bored Panda
Life hacks can be cool. Designed to allow you to do things quicker and easier, they aim to give you more time to enjoy what matters most in life, like scrolling through Instagram or binging a TV show. But quite a few of these handy shortcuts fall short of their intents and purposes. So much so that they've spawned plenty of parody tips. #1. If you are tired of boiling water, boil a few galloons and freeze the rest later. Source: datassque #2. Introducing the "Non-Smoker Hack." Source: buttpoems #3. If you had enough of eggs, put some twist by adding cacao, butter, milk, flour and then bake for 30 minutes. Source: toromio #4. Internauts have gathered in a special sub-Reddit called /r/ShittyLifeProTips, where they share these ludicrous "life hacks," which besides being hilarious, bring more of a negative value to those who would practice them.. The absurdity is strong with the tips ranging from putting on a spiked vest to get some personal space on the subway, to eating your food with toothpaste to save time. November 2, 2023 Credit: Josse/Leemage - Getty Images Welcome to Evil Week, our annual dive into all the slightly sketchy hacks we'd usually refrain from recommending. Want to weasel your way.
Hilariously Shitty Life Hacks And Tips Bored Panda
26 Times 'Stop Clickbait' Saved The Internet. 31 Sh*tty Life Hacks That'll Spice Up Your Existence - Funny memes that "GET IT" and want you to too. Get the latest funniest memes and keep up what is going on in the meme-o-sphere. 30 Terrible Life Hacks That Are So Bad They're Actually Genius You probably won't actually want to use these. Advertisement 1 Via Bob Advertisement 2 Via Bob 3 Via Bob 4 Via Bob Advertisement 5 Via Bob 6 Via Bob 7 Via Bob Advertisement 8 Via Bob 9 Via Bob 10 Via Bob Advertisement 11 Via Bob 12 Via Bob 13 Via Bob Advertisement 14 Via Bob 15 Via Bob
Everyone loves a good life hack these days. They are like little secret cheats to get through your day without having to try as hard. As usual, The Urban List is better at life hacks than everyone else, so please help yourself to our 25 gold nuggets below. I kept expecting some sort of useful revelation. [deleted] • 6 yr. ago. Bitch what the fuck. • 6 yr. ago. [deleted] • 6 yr. ago. DianSnivy • 6 yr. ago.
People Are Sharing Shitty Life Tips, And They’re Just Too Funny Bored Panda
A while ago now I made a pair of videos about the bizarre life hack videos that can be found across social media. Today, after far too long, I return to roas. Come get learnt some of the internet's latest life hacks! These are the top posts from r/ShittyProLifeTips this month!Come talk to me on Discord: https://dis.