Mod The Sims [OFB] SimoBank ATM (working; from Ticket Machine)

The Sims 2 The Electrono-Ticket Machine, sometimes referred to as the Bandatron, [1] can be used in any owned business to allow owners to charge Sims for staying on the lot. To set up the ticket machine, the owner (or a member of the owner's household) must set a price for the machine and then start charging customers with it. Sims 2 Electrono-Ticket Machine Help I have the ticket machines charging customers at my businesses, but for every hour a sim spends at my business, the simileons that are added to my revenue are also taken away. For example: Ticket price is 20 simoleons. Amanda Sim enters lot and purchases a ticket

The Sims Resource The Perfect Night Wolfram Ticket Machine

Ticket machines are objects available in The Sims 2: Open for Business and The Sims 3 Store that can be used to create venues by requiring visiting Sims to pay for a ticket in order to stay on the lot or access a certain room. The Sims 2 [ edit | edit source] SimoBank, the bank that charges the lowest commission throughout the SimNation, has just launched a new business--to put their intelligent touchscreen ATMs in business lots of any SimEntrepreneurs and pay them a good amount of Simoleons! If you're one of these SimEntrepreneurs, why not try out this offer today! ------------- "The Electrono-Ticket Machine, sometimes referred to as the Bandatron, is an object in The Sims 2: Open for Business. The machine can be used on owned businesses, allowing the owner to charge Sims for staying on the lot. • 2 yr. ago myintermail Anyone tried this in The Sims 2 Open for Business? Has anyone tried to place the ticket machine in a retail store? Sims appear in the community lot, sees the ticket machine, get them to pay to enter. Then they enter the shop, they buy some stuff, they pay you AGAIN.

TheNinthWaveSims The Sims 2 The Sims 4 City Living Park O' Matic

1.1 Aunt Julianna's Old Moneymaker. 1.2 Electrono Ticket Machine. 2 Community Lot Only. 2.1 Neukum Systems "Happy Shopping" Store Soundscape Wall Speaker. 2.2 Neukum Systems "Totally Rad" New Wave Wall Speaker. 2.3 Podium of Bonappitizon. The Sims 2: Open for Business | Table of Contents | Gameplay | Walkthrough The Sims 2: Open for Business comes with a very clear objective of running a successful business. This article reviews the basic mechanics of starting your own business. Contents 1 Opening your Business 1.1 Required Objects 1.2 Business Tracker 1.3 Customers 1.4 Employees For The Sims 2: Open for Business on the PC, Guide and Walkthrough by JDawbs.. Gym - Have lots of workout equipment, and a pay on the gate scheme using an Electrono-Ticket Machine. Real Estate (suggested by Chris A) - Buy a community lot then buy other lots from the real estate menu from a computer or a phone, once you have the deed for a. The Sims Resource - Sims 2 - Objects - judyhugsnoopy - Judy_Electronic Ticket Machine. I accept. We use cookies to improve your experience, measure your visits, and show you personalized advertising. You agree that by closing this notice, interacting with any link or button outside this notice,.

Mod The Sims ElectronoTicket Machine Recolours

Electrono-Ticket Machine. What affects the price of the ticket? : r/sims2 r/sims2 • 8 mo. ago Bob_Robert_1 Electrono-Ticket Machine. What affects the price of the ticket? I mean the median price, the price sims will accept. I've heard that it's business level and overall lot price, is it true? Archived post. Go to sims2 r/sims2 • by alic23 Electronic Ticket Machine Does anyone know of a way to have the ticket machine only effect the room it's placed in/a mod that allows this? I want to have hybrid lots with a store that sims don't need to pay to enter, but inside the store a special related service they would need to pay to access. Electrono-Ticket Machine Price: $499. Not only being a new item to the Sims 2 games this crafting station will produce forms of life in the body of a robot that will do a variety of different things to help your life in some way. Ether by cleaning your room, doing the dishes, cleaning up a mess, taking out the trash, receiving the morning. Sims 2, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life. Using Multiple Electrono-Ticket Machines on One Lot? Does anyone know if it's possible to charge different prices for individual rooms in a community lot by using multiple Bandatrons? Like say in an art gallery or museum where the special feature exhibit.

Mod The Sims [OFB] SimoBank ATM (working; from Ticket Machine)

I think the under construction sign on the ticket machine means you don't have everything that you need. I could def be wrong tho. 4. n-smj • 2 yr. ago. I tried this on another neighborhood too but still got the same problem. They seem to keep repeating the same animation over and over again. I have bought electro ticket machine so I started to charge customers for time spent in my house. The price for one hour is something about 24 funds. The problem is that after every hour some sims.