Tabletop Fix Soda Pop Miniatures Super Dungeon Legends Kickstarter Launch

Super Dungeon Explore: Legends by Soda Pop Miniatures — Kickstarter Soda Pop Miniatures is raising funds for Super Dungeon Explore: Legends on Kickstarter! Super Dungeon Explore, the chibi board game, returns with LEGENDS — featuring a new starter box, campaign play, and RPG action! You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound

Super Dungeon Explore Legends on Kickstarter Tabletop Encounters

Proceeds from Masterclass Miniatures go towards the continuation of Ninja Division's existing brands and products, as well as cover the overhead and operating expenses of Ninja Division, with a priority on continuing constant releases for the Masterclass line. GETTING YOUR KICKSTARTER REWARDS Super Dungeon Explore: Legends Is Now In Play On Kickstarter October 22, 2015 by stvitusdancern Supported by (Turn Off) Soda Pop Miniatures and Ninja Division have begun the campaign to bring all original Super Dungeon Explore (1st edition) up to date with the new rules and mini sculpts. Soda Pop Miniatures is raising funds for Super Dungeon Explore: Legends on Kickstarter! Super Dungeon Explore, the chibi board game, returns with LEGENDS — featuring a new starter box, campaign play, and RPG action! Successful Kickstarter Super Dungeon Explore: Legends is now $750,000 in debt two years past its shipping date, with no sign it will ever be shipped to backers. Kickstarter has been a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, there are plenty of games that would never exist without the ability to crowdfund.


Super Dungeon Explore: 2nd Edition. This box set offers new players and easy and affordable way to get into Super Dungeon Explore. It has been designed around smaller and faster games and serves as a great way to enter the world of Crystalia. This pledge level costs only $60 and offers great value, but it won't include any of the stretch. Paintbrushes at the ready! Ninja Division and Soda Pop Games announced today that another Kickstarter is on the horizon with the Super Dungeon Legends Kickstarter! Get ready for an impressive amount of chibi cuteness for the world of Super Dungeon Explore. "Super Dungeon Explore: 2nd Edition is designed around smaller, faster games with three spawning points, a single mini-boss, and a fearsome Dungeon Boss. A wide variety of Heroes and multiple monster profiles help keep the game fresh and exciting for new and veteran players alike. 2.1 Super Dungeon: Legends (2023) Add a Brief Description 90 Rating s & 82 Comment s · GeekBuddy Analysis 1-6 Players Community: none — Best: 1 120-240 Min Playing Time Age: 10+ Community: 2 Weight: 3.50 / 5 'Complexity' Rating Designer Chris Birkenhagen, John Cadice, Justin Gibbs, Deke Stella

Super Dungeon Explore Legends Kickstarter Superdungeonexplore Wiki Fandom

by Soda Pop Miniatures Super Dungeon Explore, the chibi board game, returns with LEGENDS — featuring a new starter box, campaign play, and RPG action!. Super Dungeon Explore: Legends. Funded. on Kickstarter. Ended about 8 years ago. $1,290,522. Goal: $80,000. 1613% of Goal.. Funding Progress on Kickstarter Duration: 10/21/15 - 11/11/15. Should one of our acquisition options fail to come through, or the Super Dungeon Arcade printing proves a success, our manufacturer has expressed interest in working further with us on additional products from the Kickstarter to slowly roll out production and meet our obligations. The Super Dungeon Legends Kickstarter begins today, October 21st at 1:00pm MDT! Soda Pop Miniatures and Ninja Division Publishing are happy to announce the upcoming Super Dungeon® LegendsKickstarter!This exciting Kickstarter will feature three brand new products in a single pledge: Super Dungeon® Explore: 2nd Edition, The Midnight Tower level expansion, and Super Dungeon® Legends boxed set. Super Dungeon Explore is a combat board game inspired by classic hack-and-slash video games. But that is only the beginning. Super Dungeon is also built upon a deep love for classic Japanese roleplaying games (JRPGs), adventure games, and traditional pencil-and-paper tabletop games. Super Dungeon Legends draws its inspiration from these well loved genres to allow players to craft their own.

Tabletop Fix Soda Pop Miniatures Super Dungeon Legends Kickstarter Launch

The Super Dungeon Legends Kickstarter. Soda Pop Miniatures and Ninja Division Publishing are happy to announce the upcoming Super Dungeon® LegendsKickstarter! This exciting Kickstarter will feature three brand new products in a single pledge: Super Dungeon® Explore: 2nd Edition, The Midnight Tower level expansion, and Super Dungeon® Legends boxed set. [KICKSTARTER] Super Dungeon Explore: Legends - Soda Pop Miniatures As a few months ago a friend of mine got a job with Soda Pop Miniatures over in Boise, ID. He introduced me to some of the things they have made via their site.