Coronaclass armed frigate Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki

The Weequay pirate ship was a type of starship used by Weequay pirates during the Clone Wars. The Marauder was a Weequay pirate ship used as a gladiatorial fighting arena for droids. Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Nomad Droids" (First appearance) Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Slaves of the. A Weequay pirate ship was a type of starship used for transport and operated by Weequay pirates . History Around 21 BBY, a Weequay pirate ship known as the Marauder was used as a gladiatorial fighting arena for droids. It was later used as target practice by Separatist General Grievous and was destroyed.

REVIEW AND PHOTO GALLERY Star Wars Vintage Collection VC107 Weequay VC107 2012

Hondo Ohnaka was a male Weequay pirate and outlaw whose varied exploits garnered him notoriety and infamy throughout the galaxy. Over the course of Ohnaka's storied and decades-long career as the head of self-styled operations such as the Ohnaka Gang and Ohnaka Transport Solutions, he often became intertwined with the conflicts of his time. Although primarily self-serving, he provided crucial. Weapons Blaster Rifle This band of space pirates haunts the shipping lanes of the lawless Outer Rim Territories, in search of cargos to steal and travelers to hold for ransom. They have prospered just enough to maintain a stronghold on a sulfurous world, where they keep stores of grog, food, and other comforts. Employed by Weequay pirates, these immense saucer craft are an imposing, unsettling design to encounter in the space lanes. Spinning about a central axis, the saucer design presents a challenging target, as no obvious weak-spots mar the ship's uniform surface. Tough hides. Naturally resistant to blaster fire. The Hutts like to use them as bodyguards and bounty hunters.Luke Skywalker, on Weequay Weequays were a sentient species from the planet Sriluur common throughout the galaxy. Weequay possessed tough, leathery skin resistant to desert environments and blaster fire. Many Weequay were mercenaries, pirates, and bodyguards for the Hutt Clan. Notable.

Pirate Converted Kessel Refinery Ship image Yuuzhan Vong at War mod for Star Wars Empire at

Model Flarestar -class attack shuttle Type Shuttle Cost 250,000 credits (new) 135,000 credits (used) Technical specifications Length 22.56 meters (diameter) Maximum atmospheric speed 1175 km/h Engine unit (s) Two thrusters Hyperdrive system Equipped Sensor systems Equipped Targeting systems Equipped Armament Laser cannons (2) Torpedo launchers (2) Weequay Weequays have rough, wrinkled skin, often in a brown hue who wear their hair in a topknot; Hondo Ohnaka led a band of Weequay pirates during the time of the Clone Wars. Appearances Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Episode VI) The Book of Boba Fett Star Wars: The Clone Wars Affiliations Weequay Pirates Video Weequays - Much to Learn A tough, pragmatic Weequay, Hondo Ohnaka led a notorious Outer Rim pirate gang from his headquarters on Florrum. A former colleague of Jango Fett and a former lover of Aurra Sing, Ohnaka won fame during the Clone Wars when he kidnapped Count Dooku, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker and tried to ransom all three for a big payout. The ASP General Purpose Droid named K0-5D was one such droid that was heavily modified by the Weequay pirates to battle R2-D2 and C-3PO -- before they were thankfully saved by Grievous blowing a hole into the pirate ship. Phew! 4. They reference a Lucasfilm and Disney film.

Coronaclass armed frigate Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki

The Weequay pirates had a lot of cool ships, but the Maurader, or Weequay Pirate Ship was home to intense droid pit fighting. See how this compared to other Star Wars ships like the. Although several of the pirates accompanying Vane appear to be Weequay (and may have very well served under Ohnaka at some point), it's worth mentioning that Ohnaka's rule as "Pirate King" came. Although this Weequay pirate ship hasn't yet been given a formal name, they were a very common background ship in the later seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and were seen on planets across the galaxy in association with pirates and other underworld groups.One such vessel, the Marauder, hosted a gladiatorial arena for droids. At 1:1455 scale, or approximately 11.64 meters per stud, this. No doubt Hondo tried to rebuild his pirate ship fleet after the Separatists destroyed his planet base on Florrum, and perhaps he even managed to rebuild his weequay pirate band. But Hondo's share of success under Imperial rule pales in comparison to his glory days of capturing Count Dooku, extorting Anakin Skywalker and defeating Ahsoka Tano.

Weequay Pirates

Model: Weequay pirate ship Scale: Capital Length: 120 meters Skill: Capital ship piloting: Weequay pirate ship Crew: 71; Gunners: 6; Skeleton: 5/+10 Passengers: 20 Cargo Capacity: 900 metric tons Consumables: 1 year Cost: 110,000 Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3 Hyperdrive Backup: x14 Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 1D+1 Space: 5 Hull: 3D+1 Shields: 2D Craft: Weequay Pirate Ship Scale: Capital Length: 115 meters Skill: Capital ship piloting: Weequay pirate ship Crew: 55; Gunners: 6; Skeleton: 5/+10 Passengers: 25 Cargo Capacity: 500 Metric Tons Consumables: 1 year Cost: 125,000 Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2 Hyperdrive Backup: x10 Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 2D Space: 6 Hull: 3D+2 Shields: 3D+1