17 Of The Most Unusual Foods Around The World Weird Food

So without further ado, here are the weirdest foods eaten around the world. 1. Kiviak (Greenland) Kiviak is a dish from Greenland consisting of hundreds of dead auk birds stuffed into the body of a dead seal. The seal is then sealed up to be completely airtight, covered in oil to repel flies and maggots, and then fermented for three months. The 50 Weirdest Foods From Around the World Hostelworld Blog | Posted on August 21, 2022 It's time to take a trip around the world and delve into all the weird foods our species like to chow down. Unfortunately, the world isn't only full of those tasty breakfasts we spoilt you with a while back - if only.

17 Of The Most Unusual Foods Around The World Weird Food

Weirdest Foods from Around the World Let's describe the weirdest food in the world (in no particular order). 1. Casu marzu, Italy Image by Shardan used under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic Sardinia is a beautiful island off the coast of Italy, and it's known for its traditional foods. This site is owned by Apa Digital AG, Bahnhofplatz 6, 8854 Siebnen, Switzerland. Rough Guides® is a trademark owned by Apa Group with its headquarters at 7 Bell Yard London WC2A 2JR, United Kingdom. A grim gallery of weird foods from around the world - this 2021 update looks at strange to the most disgusting food. From weird snacks to strange vegetables to unique desserts, and from American to Japanese, below are more than 60 weird foods from all over the world. Which ones will you dare to try? Weird Food Bucket List: Strange Foods to Try From Around the World 1. Airag (Mongolia) Also running under the name Kumis, this is a typical Mongolian beverage. By Malavika Kumar - January 5, 2020 The world is full of weird and wonderful things, so let's take a little trip around the world and explore some of the weirdest foods we could find. From wasp crackers to rotten eggs, these dishes offer a truly fascinating look at cultures from across the globe.

17 Weirdest Foods Around The World Ha Food Tours

3. Smalahove, Norway. This Norwegian name literally translates as sheep's head - and that's precisely what you get. Each lucky diner gets half a head that had been smoked or dried and then boiled for several hours. They usually start with the eyes and ears, and chase it with liberal quantities of akvavit - anything to take the taste away of what the Norwegians regard as a pre-Christmas. Strange and unusual foods from around the world; a bit more interesting than the list of dinner from different countries. 1. Sannakji (live octopus) Seoul, South Korea Sannakji (live octopus) Seoul, South Korea Pic by Marie from Be Marie Korea The long and the short of it is that huitlacoche is made from a plant disease that grows on the ears of corn, around the kernels, in puffy, gray clouds. Highly regarded as a culinary specialty, this bizarre food apparently has a woody, earthy flavor from the fungus. Source: Tucson Foodie. 10. Surströmming, Sweden. 1. Century Egg - China A Century Egg is a duck's egg that is preserved in a mixture of ash, clay, and quicklime for several weeks. This causes the yolk and white to become a dark brown jelly. This strange food has a pungent aroma of sulfur and ammonia. 2. Balut - Philippines

Top 20 Weird Foods We've Eaten Around The World The World Loves Melbourne

10 Haggis, Scotland Haggis, like many other foods on this list, is an excellent example of resourcefulness, using parts of the animal you typically wouldn't think about eating. Haggis is made with various sheep organs, such as the heart, liver and lungs. The organs are mixed with spices and oatmeal, creating a savory meat pudding. Most bizarre foods in the world, fertilized duck egg from the Philippines. Balut is a fertilized duck egg with part of the developed embryo on the inside. Before arriving on your plate, this bizarre food is boiled alive and then tossed in salt and chili. The proper eating technique is to create a hole in the top of the shell, devour the liquid. 18. Dragon in the Flame of Desire - China. It sounds like a low budget martial arts movie, but Dragon in the flame of desire is actually the cooked penis of a yak. Visit Beijing's Guo-li-zhuang restaurant to find it along with an assortment of other genitalia related dishes. Balut is a fertilized duck embryo that's been boiled alive. It's eaten in Southeast Asia. Balut is seasoned with salt, vinegar, garlic and chili. Foods many Americans wouldn't dare eat are common.

31 Weird Food People Actually Eat Around The World

1. Durian (Southeast Asia) We'll begin our journey with one of the most infamous fruits on the planet — the spiky, stinky durian. (Trust me, you'll smell it before you see it). Durian's scent is so pungent it's actually banned on flights and public transportation in most Asian nations. 1. Stargazy Pie (Pie with fish looking up) - England A traditional pie from Mousehole (pronounced Mouzul) in Cornwall in honor of a fisherman who had fished alone during a stormy weather. 2. Drunken Shrimp - China No cooking required, just fresh-water shrimps stunned in "baijiu" (strong liquor). 3. Bushmeat - Africa