Clooney and more of the hottest men in Hollywood over 50 Gallery

101 names 1. Mila Kunis Actress | Black Swan Milena Markovna "Mila" Kunis is a Ukrainian-American actress born to a Jewish family in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Her mother, Elvira, is a physics teacher, her father, Mark Kunis, is a mechanical engineer, and she has an older brother named Michael. Her family moved to Los Angeles, California, in 1991.. Denzel Washington (62) Don Cheadle (52) Dylan McDermott (55) Forest Whitaker (55) Gary Oldman (59) George Clooney (56) Greg Kinnear (54) Hugh Grant (56) Jim Carrey (55) John Travolta (63) Johnny.

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1. Johnny Depp Actor | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II was born on June 9, 1963 in Owensboro, Kentucky, to Betty Sue Palmer (née Wells), a waitress, and John Christopher Depp, a civil engineer. He was raised in Florida. Mike Coppola/Getty Images The actress started her career when she was 23 and most recently starred in "Magic Mike 3." Gwen Stefani, 53 Gwen Stefani. Taylor Hill/Getty Images "The Voice" coach started out her career singing lead for No Doubt, which was signed to a record contract in 1991. Advertisement Jennifer Lopez, 53 Jennifer Lopez. Actor Chad Michael Murray referenced his two biggest teen heartthrob characters in his birthday Instagram post. "You wanna feel old?" he wrote on a throwback photo of himself in his trailer. "Lucas Scott [from One Tree Hill] and Austin Ames [from A Cinderella Story] turn 40 today!!!" English actor, writer and director Chiwetel Ejiofor is renowned for his portrayal of Solomon Northup in 12 Years a Slave (2013), for which he received Academy Award and Golden Globe Award nominations, along with the BAFTA Award for Best Actor. He is also known for playing Okwe in Dirty Pretty Things. Born in 1977 3. Tom Hardy Actor | Inception

Hollywood S Hottest Actors Under 40 Gambaran

25 Celebrities Who Became Famous After 40 Celebrity Lists 59.0K views25 items Not all celebrities found fame and fortune in their twenties or even in their thirties. Several famous actors, authors, and TV personalities became once they were much older. Actors Who Are In Their 40s Vote for Your Favourite Actors Who Are In Their 40s Right Icon This ranking is based on an algorithm that combines various factors, including the votes of our users and search trends on the internet. 1 Ryan Reynolds (One of the Highest-Grossing Actors of All Time Known for His Role of 'Deadpool' in 'Marvel' Films) 853 Samuel L. Jackson. - Birthdate: Dec. 21, 1948. Samuel L. Jackson has been in more than 100 films, though his career didn't truly take off until he was in his 40s. In 1991, two weeks after completing rehab, Jackson earned the role of a crack cocaine addict in the Spike Lee film "Jungle Fever." He continues to act, doing voice work in addition to. Our forever Cookie Lyon from Empire, Taraji P. Henson is still dominated Hollywood. In 2022, she voiced Belle Bottom in Minions: The Rise of Gru and in 2021, she showed us all her singing chops in.

And The Sexiest Man Alive Over Age 50 Is The Huffington Post

However looking at IMDb data on which lead actors have featured in the top grossing films since 2000, prior to 2010, the oldest are Jim Carey (then 38), Johnny Depp (43) and Viggo Mortensen (45) — 42 on average. Post-2010 the average jumps to 55.6 with Mickey Rourke (58), Martin Lawrence (55) and Robert Downey Jr (54). Among 20-year-old actors, women got 80 percent of the leading roles. By age 30, women only got 40 percent of the leading roles.. and a quarter have gone to women older than 40. So for both male. Calvin Harris. Joe Maher / Getty Images. Birthday: Jan. 17. Where you know him from: He's a DJ and record producer best known for hit songs like "This Is What You Came For ft. Rihanna," "Summer. Josh Brolin. - Age: 54. - Domestic box office: $2.84 billion. - Average per movie: $97.8 million. Josh Brolin is the sort of multifaceted actor many up-and-comers wish they could be. He's done everything from serious dramas like "No Country for Old Men" to sci-fi comedies like "Men in Black 3."

My favorite actors over 40 Who's the hottest? Poll Results Hottest Actors Fanpop

the 30 best actors over 40 by tzoutzouni_87 | created - 03 Mar 2012 | updated - 03 Mar 2012 | Public Sort by: View: 30 names 1. Morgan Freeman Actor | Driving Miss Daisy With an authoritative voice and calm demeanor, this ever popular American actor has grown into one of the most respected figures in modern US cinema. 1 Andrew Garfield Movie Actor 2 Henry Cavill Movie Actor 3 Donald Glover TV Actor 4 Adam Driver Movie Actor 5 Jonah Hill Movie Actor 6 Steven Yeun TV Actor 7 Sung Hoon TV Actor 8 Nathaniel Buzolic TV Actor 9 Adam DeVine TV Actor 10 Diljit Dosanjh Movie Actor 11 Jesse Eisenberg Movie Actor 12 Manny Montana TV Actor