Alvar Aalto, case a terrazze, Sunila Kauttua, Finlandia, 1938/47 Atlas of Interiors

Terassitalo. Alvar Aalto sai vuonna 1937 tehtäväkseen suunnitella Kauttuan ruukkialueen kaavoituksen ja täydennysrakentamisen A. Ahlström -yhtiön tilaamana. Siteet perinteeseen ja alueen vanhaan arkkitehtuuriin haluttiin tietoisesti katkaista ja Kauttuasta haaveiltiin uuden yhteiskuntaelämän ja modernin arkkitehtuurin näyttämöä. Guide bookings: [email protected] . Guide fees for group 60 € (+ VAT. 24 %), max 20 people per tour. Contact information: Alvar Aallontie 4, apartment 3, 27500 Kauttua, [email protected], tel. +358444224828. Plan your own way to discover Alvar Aalto and Finland from here. Avoinna:

Upea, yllättävä Terassitalo Kodit, Sisustus

Design. Savoy Vase. Paimio Chair. Signature. Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto ( pronounced [ˈhuːɡo ˈɑlʋɑr ˈhenrik ˈɑːlto]; 3 February 1898 - 11 May 1976) was a Finnish architect and designer. [1] His work includes architecture, furniture, textiles and glassware, as well as sculptures and paintings. He never regarded himself as an artist. Alvar Aalto, (born Feb. 3, 1898, Kuortane, Fin., Russian Empire—died May 11, 1976, Helsinki, Fin.), Finnish architect, city planner, and furniture designer whose international reputation rests on a distinctive blend of modernist refinement, indigenous materials, and personal expression in form and detail. His mature style is epitomized by the. Kauttuan Terassitalo on yksi Aallon kansainvälisestikin merkittävistä töistä. Alvar Aalto sai vuonna 1937 tehtäväkseen suunnitella Kauttuan ruukkialueen kaavoituksen ja täydennysrakentamisen A. Ahlström -yhtiön tilaamana. Taustalla vaikutti tuttavuus yhtiön pääjohtajan Harry Gullichsenin ja hänen puolisonsa Maire Gullichsenin kanssa. The Terraced House in Kauttua is one of Alvar Aalto's most prominent works also internationally. In 1937, Alvar Aalto received a commission from the A. Ahlström company for the town planning and infill building of the Kauttua ironworks area. The assignment also stemmed from Alvar Aalto's friendship with the company's CEO Harry Gullichsen and his […]

Alvar Aalto, case a terrazze, Sunila Kauttua, Finlandia, 1938/47 Atlas of Interiors

In the year 2000, the Alvar Aalto Foundation made a decision to propose Aalto's architecture for the World Heritage List and, on the centenary of Alvar Aalto's birth in 1998, proposed the official protection of all of Aalto's buildings. The Foundation's long-term work on preserving and protecting architectural heritage has expanded into. Pioneer of Modern Architecture and Design. Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) enjoyed an exceptionally rich and varied career as an architect and designer, both at home in Finland and abroad. After qualifying as an architect from Helsinki Institute of Technology (later Helsinki University of Technology and now part of the Aalto University) in 1921, Aalto. Alvar Aalto, the renowned Finnish architect, designer, and town planner, forged a remarkable synthesis of romantic and pragmatic ideas. His work reflects a deep desire to humanize architecture through an unorthodox handling of form and materials that was both rational and intuitive. Influenced by the so-called International Style modernism (or. Stool 60 in different versions. Photo: Markku Alatalo, Alvar Aalto Museum. — 4. The stools were used as additional seating in the lecture hall at Vyborg (Viipuri) Library (Alvar Aalto 1933-35). Photo: Gustaf Welin, Alvar Aalto Museum. — 5. A Stool Makes History exhibition in the Alvar Aalto Museum Gallery. Photo: Maija Holma, Alvar Aalto.

Alvar Aalto´s Terraced House Visit Finland

As one of the key figures of midcentury Modernism and perhaps Finland 's most celebrated architect, Alvar Aalto (3 February 1898 - 11 May 1976) was known for his humanistic approach to Modernism. Finnish architect Alvar Aalto was a pioneer of modern architecture and design, especially in his use of organic, naturally derived materials. When he decided to embark on a career as an architect. Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto, Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto (1898-1976) was a Finnish architect, furniture designer and town planner. More broadly, he was a comp… Marcel Breuer, The Hungarian-born American architect Marcel Breuer (1902-1981) was among the most influential architects and teachers of the 20th century. From his… Interior Design Services, Hayes, Cecil N. 1945. The Architecture Of Alvar Aalto: A Finnish Icon. Alvar Aalto is a name synonymous with Finnish architecture. A prolific worker, it is estimated that Aalto designed approximately 500 buildings over the course of his 50 year career. All were defined by his guiding design principle of gesamtkunstwerk, whether designed in the style of functionalism.

Terassitalo Kauttuan Ruukinpuistossa Eurassa Visit Alvar Aalto

Alvar Aalto. Alvar Aalto, (born Feb. 3, 1898, Kuortane, Fin., Russian Empire—died May 11, 1976, Helsinki), Finnish architect and designer. He graduated from the Technical Institute of Helsinki and in 1925 married Aino Marsio, who served as his collaborator. His reputation rests on a distinctive style that blends classic Modernism, indigenous. Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto was a Finnish architect and designer. His work includes architecture, furniture, textiles and glassware, as well as sculptures and paintings. He never regarded himself as an artist, seeing painting and sculpture as "branches of the tree whose trunk is architecture." Aalto's early career ran in parallel with the rapid economic growth and industrialization of Finland.