15+ Beautiful & Useful Romanian Words and Phrases solosophie

Probably derived from the Latin flutulus, fluture is the Romanian word for butterfly. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXcr5TDA3ev/?tagged=fluture Bebeluș Pronounced ' be-be-lush ', the diminutive of 'bebe' is a cute way to say 'little baby' in Romanian. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXpq5qQBedw/?tagged=bebelus Lalele Fior - thrill. Strong emotions, thrills of pleasure you feel when you see a work of art or a loved one. Domnișoară - Miss. A very beautiful word, long admired by students and according to its meaning - young woman, unmarried. Văzduh - sky. This word is an old, archaic form of the word sky and is very common in Romanian literature. Fluture.

Beautiful Romanian words

Here are fifteen beautiful and useful Romanian words and phrases: Salut! | Hello (informal) Ciao | Bye (informal) Mersi! | Thanks (informal) Te rog (informal)/ Vă rog (formal) | Please Îmi pare rău! | Sorry Scuze! | Excuse me Noroc! | Cheers (for drinking- the word can also be said to say 'hello' and 'goodbye') da/nu | yes/no poate | maybe Well, there are three words in Romanian that UNESCO has included in the universal heritage: dor, doina, and colindă. DOR is an absolutely fascinating word, which will immediately awaken in the soul of the one who hears it an explosion of the most different states and feelings. This is precisely why the word cannot be translated. Adevărul nu se teme de judecată - Truth is not afraid of judgement. Când râde prostul, înțeleptul suspină - When the fool laughs, the wise sighs. Fă-te frate cu dracul până treci puntea - One may become the devil's brother in order to cross the bridge. Oala acoperită nu dă în foc - A danger foreseen is half avoided. Te iubesc Same as 'I love you', ' te iubesc ' is the common form of expressing your feelings of love for someone. Nothing similar with French ' je t'aime ', Spanish ' te amo ', Italian ' ti amo ', the expression comes from the ' a iubi ' verb, derived from the old Slavic word ' ljubiti '. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bct2rH3FpYG/?tagged=teiubesc

Beautiful Romanian words

Possible answers. "Iubire" and "dragoste" are both translated by "love" (noun). However the two are not completely interchangeable, in some expressions only one or another can be used. For example "I fell in love with you" can only be translated by "M-am îndrăgostit de tine". Te iubesc = I love you. Imi placi / Imi place de tine = I like you. The ador = I adore you. Mi-e dor de tine = I miss you. Iti dau inima mea = I give you my heart. Ma gandesc la tine = I'm thinking of you. Esti special / speciala = You are special (if it's a guy / a girl) Esti dulce = You are sweet. Ea este frumoasă. She is beautiful. Engleza este dificilă. English is difficult. This is the Romanian Core 100 List. It contains the most important and most frequently used Romanian words. With these words, you are taking your relationship to the next level! Or, if you have been a couple for a while, it shows that you still feel the romance. So, go for it! You're so beautiful. Ești atât de frumoasă. If you don't know how to say 'You're pretty' in Romanian, this is a good substitute, gentlemen!

Beautiful Romanian words

Check out our list of 13 of the most beautiful Romanian words and, who knows, you might fall in love with the language. supertravelr is the largest collection of travel reports & travel guides, budget trips, hotels, things to eat, places to see, places to visit, where to go, how to go Basic Romanian Words and Vital Phrases, Hi and How are you in Romanian Introduction to Romanian Important,. You have beautiful eyes. Ai ochi frumoși /aj okʲ fru'moʃʲ/ I love you. Te iubesc /te ju'besk/ Start learning . 1. 2 Listening. 2.1. 2.2. 3 Translate. 3.1. 3.2. 1. The greetings: Good morning - Bună dimineața. Good day/afternoon - Bună ziua. Good evening - Bună seara. If you are among friends or youths you may use all day long the short version Bună or the friendly Salut which is similar to Hello or Hi. Good night - Noapte bună. Ciao Teneisha, Thank you for your question! :) In Romanian, we say "Sunt bine." to express "I am well (good).". Thank you for learning Romanian with us! Please write us again whenever you have questions or comments related to the lessons or that would contribute to your learning. Sincerely,

15+ Beautiful & Useful Romanian Words and Phrases solosophie

This beautiful word is mostly used when something is starting to take shape, such as a feeling of affection or attachment. It describes the beginning of a connection when feelings start to create the base of a friendship or love relationship. Stingher Top 100 Romanian Words We believe in learning the most important Romanian vocabularies first to start off your learning journey on the right foot. The Romanian vocabulary list below contains 100 of the most frequently used Romanian words. For more vocabularies like that, check out our yellow Romanian vocabulary book towards the end of this page.